Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?

Wesley Schwengle wesley at schwengle.net
Sun Dec 13 12:04:00 GMT 2009

Hello to all,

> What I'd like to find out is exactly what Kubuntu is supposed to archive, and 
> why other OS or distributions failed at it. Not so much by how we want to 
> archive it or by what means we (want to) measure the successfulness of this.
> If everyone writes a couple of lines (some would call this brainstorming ;)), 
> it might be easier to find a general definition as to why Kubuntu is existing 
> and why it is good that it is existing.

Today I found this article, where they compared KDE distro's with eachother.


"Our verdict: A solid desktop, brilliant packages and a good stream of 
updates help make Kubuntu a serious contender. 8/10."

The reason why Kubuntu exists is already stated IMO, to bring the KDE 
desktop to Ubuntu. Without a KDE desktop package I think I would not be 
running Ubuntu but another distribution. Kubuntu is here to give users 
the choice to install/use KDE for their desktop.


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