Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?

Richard JOHNSON nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 13 18:02:49 GMT 2009

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 01:04:00PM +0100, Wesley Schwengle wrote:
> Today I found this article, where they compared KDE distro's with eachother.
> http://tuxradar.com/content/get-best-kde-linux-distro
> "Our verdict: A solid desktop, brilliant packages and a good stream of 
> updates help make Kubuntu a serious contender. 8/10."

Thank you for pointing this review out. It seems like a pretty fair review.
I didn't know much about Sidux, now it is something I will have to look at.
The Chakra review was a bit lower than it should be, but I feel his results
were based upon ease of use, and even after 15+ years of using Linux, I had
to really research a couple of issues I had with it. Sidux and Sabayon are
the only 2 I haven't checked out so I will take a look at those.

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
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