Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?

Yiannis Belias jonnyb at hol.gr
Mon Dec 7 21:28:25 GMT 2009

Clay Weber wrote
> All these additions and tweaks were what brought me to Kubuntu to begin
>  with. I had less to muck with to get things the way I liked it. Oh, yeah,
>  it also Just Works :)
> Now we have a  wonderful, new KDE4 and we seem to want to have it 'plain'
>  or 'vanilla' (ie =boring). I don't think this promotes the capabilities of
>  KDE or showcases anything. The netbook version, however, seems to be doing
>  just that........
> Hopefully this make some sense.

  It does, but just a clarification, please. 
Customising/rebranding the *installation* of the KDE SC (SC == Software Compilation ;) )
is really cool, can be a creative process and help the users to adjust on the new 4.4 environment.
So, yes "vanilla" KDE install could be boring (if that can even be said about the default
KDE eye Kandy!)
  What the kubuntu devs are trying to do is to maintain as less kubuntu specific
patches as possible, so that the *code* of kubuntu-KDE be as much "vanilla" as
possible. This is a really good thing IMHO (and has been discussed extensively I suppose).

So, wouldn't it be fun, if the last couple months before the Lucid release we had a competition
among the kubuntu users for the most popular/usefull activities and kubuntu ships with the
four-five highest rated?
[ You do know what activities are, how to create and switch between them, don't you? :D ]

Also, trying bug#2 at launchpad gives me a 'no page' message. Is it reserved?
I think it should become:
Bug #2: Ubuntu does not use KDE SC for it's default Desktop environment...

For the why does kubuntu exist question: Well, I came to ubuntu for it's "just works"
philosophy and because I always wanted to try out a debian based distro.
Obviously the first thing I needed to know is how well KDE runs on ubuntu... (hence kubuntu!)
So for me Kubuntu exists, because Ubuntu exists. (Hope that makes sence)


Yiannis Belias  <jonnyb at hol.gr>                    `
Homepage [http://users.hol.gr/~jonnyb/video] '              .
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