Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?

Richard JOHNSON nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 13 22:01:00 GMT 2009

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 04:29:28PM -0500, Jeremy Wilkins wrote:
>  That is a pretty good review, but it shows that the Gnome desktop bias of
> Ubuntu has hurt the purposes of Kubuntu. One such example is in the poor
> firefox KDE integration that OpenSUSE has well mastered. There is a ppa with
> a proof of concept that I wish we could draw into Kubuntu. Many users use
> KDE4 and Firefox together. I haven't heard of many that have ditched Firefox
> yet, because it maintains the highest compatibility with web sites. Here is
> the ppa:
> https://launchpad.net/~debfx/+archive/firefox-kde
> The fact that this ppa exists tells me there is a desire for the desktop to
> be fluid with the web browser. In the least we should make this effort with
> Firefox for Kubuntu 10.04. I know Firefox is not a default installed app for
> Kubuntu, but I have installed many desktops and the first thing they ask for
> is Firefox, but the menus and dialogs are inconsisent with the desktop.
> Immediate response? Confusion and rightfully so. These packages make
> alterations which resolve those inconsistencies. Currently OpenSUSE uses
> this technique to bring uniformity and I think we should too.

During Karmic I attempted to open communications with the maintainers of
Firefox in Ubuntu, however not a single one of them replied. I had heard
they would rather Firefox/Mozilla incorporate the patches provided by
openSUSE, but as we found out the patches weren't ready for such an
attempt, and supposedly Mozilla already said they wouldn't absorb the
patches, but would prefer the distros incorporate them. I think for Lucid
it is already planned on trying to go at it again. We know that our users
want better Firefox integration and hopefully we will be able to bring it
to them. I appreciate you letting me know that there is a PPA for it out

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
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