kubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 60, Issue 6
David Ex
crossbones.ex at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 20:20:14 GMT 2009
> Hullos!
> In my recent wave of thinking about Kubuntu and how to make it clearer what
> exactly we are doing, I came to wonder why Kubuntu actually exists.
> Now, let me explain what I mean by that. Every project (every useful one
> anyway) is there to solve some problem or improve something, simply put a
> general justification for spending time on it. Kubuntu, being a useful
> project,
> must have some general justificaiton of existance, some problem, desire or
> similar.
> What I'd like to find out is exactly what Kubuntu is supposed to archive,
> and
> why other OS or distributions failed at it. Not so much by how we want to
> archive it or by what means we (want to) measure the successfulness of
> this.
> If everyone writes a couple of lines (some would call this brainstorming
> ;)),
> it might be easier to find a general definition as to why Kubuntu is
> existing
> and why it is good that it is existing.
> From the get go, I thought of Kubuntu as yet another article of evidence
that proves Linux is unlimited. My, like so many others, first impression
of Ubuntu was that it was very user friendly, solid and it just worked so
well... but only if I could run my preferred desktop environment!
There's always a way in Linux so as long as you have the will. Mark
Shuttleworth wanted to make the best desktop distro out there and according
to the polls I read he has (30% of 2007-2008 Linux installs). He also named
it Ubuntu which is an apt title because Linux it's self is a very humane
project to begin with.
Kubuntu just goes to show that Linux is unstoppable. The Ubunutu idea was
built upon and KDE used... because why not? People wanted it... and the
name Kubuntu is very apt also because it is another example of the long
history of abbreviation/acronym/word play in the open source community.
I've herd rumors that KDE might become the standard desktop environment in
Ubuntu. Anyone else know anything about that?
-David Ex
(PS, Ex is my real last name)
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