Kubuntu alpha, holiday edition

Yiannis Belias jonnyb at hol.gr
Wed Dec 30 13:44:48 GMT 2009

  Sorry, I'm not sure how I can find out the svn revision...
Closest thing to a version is: 4:4.3.85-0ubuntu1 (from dpkg)
Installing the kde-workspace sources(with apt-get source), I could get the
battery.cpp file:
442:         connect(notifier, SIGNAL(brightnessChanged(float)),
443:                 this, SLOT(updateSlider(float)));
444:         m_controlsLayout->addItem(m_brightnessSlider, row, 1);
445:         row++;
447:         m_profileLabel = new Plasma::Label(controls);
448:         m_profileLabel->setText(i18n("Power Profile"));
449:         // FIXME: 4.5
450:         //m_profileLabel->setText(i18n("Power Profile:"));

If there's anything else I could do, please let me know.

Sebastian Kügler wrote
> On Tuesday 29 December 2009 15:24:25 Yiannis Belias wrote:
> > #10 0x06d4df34 in Battery::initExtenderItem (this=0xa452cd8,
> >  item=0xa5e1b50) at
> >  ../../../../../plasma/generic/applets/battery/battery.cpp:445
> Hm, this line is empty in my current checkout. What's the KDE version
>  exactly?

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