[kubuntu-devel] Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 15 11:45:04 GMT 2009

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 02:02:21PM -0500, Clay Weber wrote:
> I  think we need a more clearly defined definition on what sort of packages go 
> into which ppa. 

A wiki page with full descriptions and current status would be good (or even a page on kubuntu.org).

> Currently, there are 5 ppa archives listed for Kubuntu:
> 1) Kubuntu Backports:

Major new releases

> 2) Kubuntu Beta Backports
> "Backports of beta versions of KDE and major KDE apps"

betas of major new releases

> 3) Kubuntu Experimental
> "Testing ground for unfinished Kubuntu packages."

for developers doing testing

> 4) Kubuntu Updates
> "Updates for Kubuntu releases which are due to go to Ubuntu Updates. Mostly 
> KDE point releases."

minor point releases

> 5) Kubuntu Package Staging (DON'T USE)

Used for building packages before coping to the intended PPA


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