It's finished just as you asked

Harald Sitter sitter.harald at
Tue Dec 29 21:21:42 GMT 2009

Am Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009 17:59:06 schrieb Steve Stalcup:

Interesting how private communication with you always ends up public these 
So let's continue in public if you feel more comfortable that way.

Anyhow, thank you for taking this big step, I am sure it was a difficult one.

But, apparently I was miscommunicating, what I, personally, expected from you. 
By "shut down all lp accounts" I did not mean getting them deleted (which is 
also quite difficult on a technical level), but rather deactivating them or at 
least resolving all ties to Ubuntu.
So, since you implemented the latter, I think you can close the answer ticket. 
That is if you want to keep your account around.

Thank you very much and all the best,

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