December 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Dec 1 16:11:45 UTC 2010
Ending: Thu Dec 30 20:19:02 UTC 2010
Messages: 54
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Announcement: New website
Riley Anna
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Happy International Buy Nothing Day
Grant Bowman
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Our Shared LoCo Team Identity
Grant Bowman
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Announcement: New website
Jack Deslippe
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Photo sharing options
Jack Deslippe
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Our Shared LoCo Team Identity
Jack Deslippe
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux promotion on TV
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux promotion on TV
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux promotion on TV
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux promotion on TV
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] FWD: Report from FLOSS at Holiday Peace Fair (San Jose/Campbell)
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] FWD: Report from FLOSS at Holiday Peace Fair (San Jose/Campbell)
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Meeting tonight, Sunday Dec 19th
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Configuring Ubuntu 10.10 on Mac G3
Christian Einfeldt
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Announcement: New website
Mark Garrow
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: Ubuntu One for Windows beta
Nathan Haines
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Our Shared LoCo Team Identity
Eric Hammond
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Configuring Ubuntu 10.10 on Mac G3
Terry Hollowell
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Configuring Ubuntu 10.10 on Mac G3
Terry Hollowell
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, December 8th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Meeting tonight, Sunday Dec 5th (and new website demo!)
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, December 8th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux promotion on TV
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] FWD: Report from FLOSS at Holiday Peace Fair (San Jose/Campbell)
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] FWD: Report from FLOSS at Holiday Peace Fair (San Jose/Campbell)
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Meeting tonight, Sunday Dec 19th
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Announcement: New website
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] SCaLE 9x - Ubuntu California Discount Registration Code!
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Photo sharing options
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] We now have!
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Our Shared LoCo Team Identity
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Configuring Ubuntu 10.10 on Mac G3
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Our Shared LoCo Team Identity
Jessica Ledbetter
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Photo sharing options
Jessica Ledbetter
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: UDS-N :: LoCo Team Testing
Yantra Shilpi
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Dec 9th, The Ubuntu Hour: San Jose/Silicon Valley; Dec 16th The Ubuntu Hour: Mountain View
Yantra Shilpi
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Announcement: New website
Yantra Shilpi
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Announcement: New website
James Tatum
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Our Shared LoCo Team Identity
James Tatum
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: [Ubuntu-Classroom] LoCo Day Cancelled
David Wonderly
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux promotion on TV
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] FLOSS/Ubuntu tabling at Holiday Peace Fair in Campbell
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: Ubuntu One for Windows beta
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: Ubuntu One for Windows beta (Nathan Haines)
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Dec 9th, The Ubuntu Hour: San Jose/Silicon Valley; Dec 16th The Ubuntu Hour: Mountain View
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Today: Dec 9th 7pm, The Ubuntu Hour: San Jose/Silicon Valley; Dec 16th The Ubuntu Hour: Mountain View
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] FWD: Report from FLOSS at Holiday Peace Fair (San Jose/Campbell)
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] The Ubuntu Hour: Mountain View Dec 16th 7-8pm, and other dates
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Join us for The Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto/Silicon Valley; rev 0.1.5; Dec 30th 7pm Antonio's Nut House
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Announcement: New website
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Our Shared LoCo Team Identity
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] "stop playing monopoly, start playing community" e-flier updated with new website url
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Photo sharing options
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Configuring Ubuntu 10.10 on Mac G3
Last message date:
Thu Dec 30 20:19:02 UTC 2010
Archived on: Thu Oct 2 02:37:11 UTC 2014
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).