[Ubuntu-US-CA] Happy International Buy Nothing Day

Grant Bowman grantbow at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 5 03:24:45 UTC 2010

Hello Drew,

Since it is clear from IRC that my intent wasn't obvious, I find your
explanation very clear and appropriate.  Thank you for connecting this
otherwise unrelated event to Ubuntu in a direct way and for taking
action to promote Ubuntu in California. If you had made the connection
from the beginning I would not have respectfully questioned your
communication to the list in any way, either privately or publicly.

Please, as you and I have talked about before, think twice before
assuming you understand an intent behind a communication when an
intent may be misconstrued. We are all doing our best to "work
together in regional teams to help advocate, promote, translate,
develop and otherwise improve Ubuntu."
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams  To be clear, I look forward to
continuing to work toward these goals with you and others on the team.

Happy Holidays,

Grant Bowman

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 11:13 PM, nuboon2age <nuboon2age at gmail.com> wrote:
> Note this is an opportunity to hand out free Ubuntu disks, demonstrate
> Ubuntu and take other actions to promote Ubuntu and undermine consumerism.
> There is a farmers market which i may do this at tomorrow for example.
> Drew
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 7:21 PM, nuboon2age <nuboon2age at gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buy_Nothing_Day
>> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=104195596316003
>> "Buy Nothing Day is your special day to unshop, unspend and unwind. Relax
>> and do nothing for the economy and for yourself - at least for a single
>> day."
>> http://www.buynothingday.org/
>> "A few people start breaking their old patterns, embracing what they love
>> (and in the process discovering what they hate), daydreaming, questioning,
>> rebelling. What happens naturally then, according to the revolutionary past,
>> is a groundswell of support for this new way of being, with more and more
>> people empowered to perform new gestures unencumbered by history.
>> Think of it as an adventure, as therapy – a week of pieing and pranks, of
>> talking back at your profs and speaking truth to power. Some of us will put
>> up posters in our schools and neighborhoods and just break our daily
>> routines for a week. Others will chant, spark mayhem in big box stores and
>> provoke mass cognitive dissonance. Others still will engage in the most
>> visceral kind of civil disobedience. And on November 26 from sunrise to
>> sunset we will abstain en masse – not only from holiday shopping, but from
>> all the temptations of our five-planet lifestyles."
>> http://www.adbusters.org/campaigns/bnd

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