[Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, December 8th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at princessleia.com
Fri Dec 3 19:41:50 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that I'll be hosting an Ubuntu Hour this upcoming
Wednesday (on the 2nd Wednesday of the month), December 8th at The
Roastery in San Francisco.

Time: 6-7PM
Location: The Roastery, 199 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco

They have pastries, wifi and standard coffee shop drinks. The coffee
shop isn't very big, so you shouldn't have trouble finding me - I'll
be wearing an Ubuntu t-shirt and have a pink netbook with Ubuntu
stickers on it.

Not strictly required since it's pretty informal, but if you feel like
signing up I also created a LoCo Directory entry for it:


So drop by and say hello, have a chat about Ubuntu, bring along your
laptop that you're having that weird problem with so we can take a
look or just have a warm drink with other Ubuntu users.

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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