[Ubuntu-US-CA] FLOSS/Ubuntu tabling at Holiday Peace Fair in Campbell

nuboon2age nuboon2age at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 16:11:45 UTC 2010

Dear sister and brother Ubunteros,

Cameron Spitzer and I will be attending the Holiday Peace Faire and tabling
for FLOSS, giving out free FLOSS disks answering questions, providing tech
support, etc.  Please feel free to come join us and participate. Details of
event below:

Details and RSVP:

 28th Annual Holiday Peace Fair [image: Email Article To a
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[image: dancers]Join South Bay peace and social justice groups as we gather
for fund raising, socializing, and outreach.
 Saturday, Dec. 4
 10 am to 4 pm
Campbell United Methodist Church. 1675 WInchester Blvd., Campbell

 Musical groups and other multicultural entertainers perform throughout the
day. Organizations sell crafts and other items so members, friends, and the
public can buy noncommercial, alternative gifts.

(Abve: El Grito de la Cultura dancers at the 2006 Holiday Peace Fair)

This not only helps the organizations but at the same time buyers get
superior gifts at excellent prices. Where Third World products are involved,
there is a direct benefit to those craftspeople. New and gently used sales
items let people to find quality gift choices, including alternatives to war

Among the food available: delicious desserts to eat right away or take home,
lunch for a moderate price, beverages -- hot cider, fair trade coffee, tea,
and cocoa and cold sodas.

$2 donation at the door or get your tickets at the SJPJC or from other
participating groups. Funds (after general fair expenses) are contributed to
local and international service organizations: American Indian Education
Center, Low-Income Self-Help Center, Veterans for Peace Iraq Water Project,
and Afghan Institute for Learning are the 2010 groups.

This event is sponsored by WILPF & San Jose Peace & Justice Center
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