[Ubuntu-US-CA] The Ubuntu Hour: Mountain View Dec 16th 7-8pm, and other dates

nuboon2age nuboon2age at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 15:46:39 UTC 2010

Join us for The Ubuntu Hour: light socializing and help with getting your PC
(or Mac) running on Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

Th Dec 16th - Mountain View, Dec 16, 2010
Come join us for Silicon Valley's Ubuntu Hour #5 (Mountain View, so rev

    * Date: 3rd Thursday: December 16, 2010
      Time: 7ish-8pmish
      Red Rock Coffee: 2nd floor
      201 Castro St.
      Mountain View, CA 94041
      (650) 967-4473
      Details and RSVP: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/586/detail/
      A few blocks from Caltrain, VTA bus and light rail. They have
sandwiches, free wifi and coffee shop type drinks.

Also we'll have our first Santa Cruz edition of: The Lindependence/Ubuntu
Hour: (ie. the same thing except inclusive of other GNU/Linux Distributions
in addition to the #1 market leading Ubuntu, such as #2 Fedora and #3 Mint,
etc.).  Fellow Green Larry Cafiero and i are partnering to start this.

    * Date: Last Wednesday of the month: Dec 29th
      Time: 6ish-7ish
      Santa Cruz
      Details and RSVP: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/574/detail/

And finally a brand new location, Palo Alto

    * Last Thursday of the Month: Dec 30th
      Palo Alto:
      Details TBD, probably either on/near California Ave (preferred) or
University Ave.  if you have ideas, preferrences, please e-mail or call them
to me.

Drew Johnson
nUboon2Age (at) gmail
vm: 408 . 520 . 1652
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