[Ubuntu-US-CA] We now have planet.ubuntu-california.org!

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Wed Dec 22 01:44:47 UTC 2010

Hi (again!) everyone,

On Sunday night James configured planet.ubuntu-california.org, last
night I changed the colors and updated the logo, and today Eric
Hammond updated DNS, we now have a planet for aggregation of team
member blogs!


Comments? Suggestions? We haven't linked it to the main site yet.

The current blogs are from this page:


Which nUboon2Age created back in November based on mailing list
replies in a thread seidos started in October.

If you want yours added feel free to add your blog to that page and/or
email me at lyz at ubuntu.com

Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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