April 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Apr 1 00:38:39 UTC 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 22:01:20 UTC 2013
Messages: 814
- [Bug 979535] Re: qapt-deb-installer doesn't install any local package
Ricardo Costa
- [Bug 45843]
- [Bug 946899] Re: [drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung
- [Bug 898390]
- [Bug 635384]
- [Bug 1154535] Re: Back and Continue buttons present in Oem-config
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1161818] Re: QTextBlockUserData loses its data
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1155327] Re: skype crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc at plt()
Jamie Strandboge
- [Bug 1154901] Re: No auto-resize option during install.
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [Bug 1157534] Re: installer of kubuntu 13.04 crashed (beta 1)
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1154912] Re: the installer gets stuck in a processing state
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1095170] Re: tried install with ext4 for /boot and btrs for /, the rest seemed pretty standard
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1027531] Re: Installer crashed at the end
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1132706] Re: ubiquity crash at startup
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1001819] Re: installer crashed
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1020638] Re: After the registration of the user
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1014412] Re: "Installer crashed" error message appears during installation
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1087936] Re: "partitions errors to chech utility-bug ubility"
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1037948] Re: Installer crashed after clicking "Install now" - /usr/share/ubiquity/install.py", line 689, in <module>
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1154405] Re: Inaccurate free space calculation for NTFS partition
Brian Murray
- [Bug 45843] Re: Right-click context menu disactivates the very hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts) it shows
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 474654]
- [Bug 1098288]
Tommaso Isolabella
- [Bug 1066223] Re: kde ubiquity detects Sydney timezone but says Adelaide
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1154569] Re: ubiquity does not resize properly
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1163632] [NEW] nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in close()
- [Bug 521533]
Marcus Furlong
- [Bug 1124149] Re: Kubuntu 13.04 power button always turn off system
- [Bug 1135336] Re: Qt Creator misconfigures itself if qt4-qmake is installed or if the whole ubuntu-sdk isn't installed before the first run
Timo Jyrinki
- [Bug 1040259] Re: FFE: libmessaging-menu transitions for quantal
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [Bug 1047913] Re: muon returns error because cannot display license windows
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1049473] Re: Missing header GeoDataTreeModel.h in libmarble-dev-4:4.8.4-0ubuntu0.1
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1047913] Re: Unable to use debconf KDE frontend
林博仁(Henry Lin) a.k.a. V字龍(Vdragon)
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Samir Ibradžić
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Félix Fernández
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Félix Fernández
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Matthew McClatchey
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dustin Falgout
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Julian Rüger
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Erick Brunzell
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Hiram Castelo
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Erick Brunzell
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Erick Brunzell
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Erick Brunzell
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Erick Brunzell
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Kent Baxley
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Kent Baxley
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Kent Baxley
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Erick Brunzell
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dan Kegel
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Thomas Dreibholz
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Colin Watson
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dan Kegel
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dieter Baum
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dan Kegel
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dan Kegel
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Dan Kegel
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Colin Watson
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Colin Watson
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
George Lynch
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
Fabio Marconi
- [Bug 1080701] Re: After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs
- [Bug 1164239] [NEW] does not start on kubuntu 13.04 beta 2 arm image
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1135336] Re: Qt Creator misconfigures itself on first run if qt4-qmake is installed (does not respect qt5-default)
Timo Jyrinki
- [Bug 218624] Re: Copy broken in Eclipse when using glipper/klipper (requires 2x Ctrl+C to work)
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1162613] Re: package kile-l10n (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: a tentar sobre-escrever '/usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/kile.mo', que também está no pacote kile-i18n-ptbr 1:2.0-1
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 390396]
- [Bug 1164504] [NEW] No automatic reconfiguration / reconfiguration feature when system environment changes
Timo Jyrinki
- [Bug 1164508] [NEW] If Qt 5 and Qt 4 both are installed, only the default one gets configured in Qt Creator
Timo Jyrinki
- [Bug 1157859] Re: [FFe][needs-packaging] nootka
Howard Chan
- [Bug 1026567] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_free()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1030425] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in qt_message_output()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1031175] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in _dbus_type_writer_unrecurse()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1115802] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in QHashData::detach_helper2()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1124481] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in QHashData::detach_helper2()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1062774] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QObject::~QObject()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1055980] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in testAndSetOrdered()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1133639] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in qUnregisterGuiVariant()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1082311] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI___poll()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1060639] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QObject::objectName()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1158433] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1054551] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in isEmpty()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1053993] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in ~QString()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1013832] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in QProcess::state()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 331192] Re: KDE printer configuration app stopped working on Lucid (TypeError in set_widget_value())
Myke Tux
- [Bug 763369] Re: Printer configuration was working, installed Samba4 for browsing samba shares, crashes now
Myke Tux
- [Bug 1060186] Re: KSystemLog font doesn't have some characters
Serhiy Zahoriya
- [Bug 1131636] Re: After QtWebkit update Skype is not launching
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1164816] [NEW] Kubuntu missing most of the software repository after a fresh install
Dima Ryazanov
- [Bug 1139743] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with signal 5 in g_main_context_new()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1120697] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with signal 5 in g_main_context_new()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1073772] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in Soprano::Client::ClientQueryResultIteratorBackend::close()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1060155] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1058647] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1057288] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QString()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1051228] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1049198] Re: nepomukindexer crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1044952] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in operator!=()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1038431] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in Soprano::Client::ClientQueryResultIteratorBackend::close()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1035908] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1164848] [NEW] krandrtray missing from kde 4.10.2
- [Bug 1164854] [NEW] [UIFE] Kubuntu Boot Artwork Update
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1056946]
- [Bug 1153198] Re: qtcreator window has no class
MC Return
- [Bug 521533] Re: Okular stores form data in a different directory (possible leak of private data)
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1022414] Re: konquets existsing game aborts without warning if new selected from game menu
- [Bug 1165342] [NEW] Installer crashed while deleting disc partition
Robert Hawkins
- [Bug 1165378] [NEW] Monospace fonts are not working with QtWebKit 2.3.0
Dmitry Shachnev
- [Bug 1165386] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu1 ist
- [Bug 342989] Re: juk crashed with SIGSEGV
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1165408] [NEW] Kubuntu Raring - Kubuntu-firefox-installer blocks the install of Firefox
- [Bug 1165431] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: tentative de remplacement de « /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop », qui appartient aussi au paquet firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.10.3
Alain Danger
- [Bug 1165510] [NEW] package oxygen-icon-theme (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: cannot copy extracted data for './usr/share/icons/oxygen/256x256/mimetypes/application-x-zerosize.png' to '/usr/share/icons/oxygen/256x256/mimetypes/application-x-zerosize.png.dpkg-new': unexpected end of file or stream
- [Bug 1165515] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop', which is also in package firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.10.3
Steve Kloek
- [Bug 977094]
- [Bug 833058] Re: Muon-updater doesn't ask for password
Thomas Sisson
- [Bug 1165652] [NEW] fails to install and blocks manual install
- [Bug 60448] Re: .xsession-errors file grows out of control & saturates disk space
Joel Whitehouse
- [Bug 1165782] [NEW] error after update to 4.10.2 - unable to create io-slave
Patrick Munzer
- [Bug 971524] Re: plasma-desktop crashed with UnicodeEncodeError in query_application(): 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf3' in position 43: ordinal not in range(128)
- [Bug 1013626] Re: systemsettings crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/kde4/apps/language-selector/language-selector.py: No module named LanguageSelector.qt.QtLanguageSelector
Michał Dominiak
- [Bug 1155687] Re: KDE session didn't start after upgrading from Quantal to Raring Beta 1. Fixed after installing proper qdbus package according to amd64 architecture
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1166102] [NEW] Cannot mix incompatible Qt library
Mohamed IKBEL Boulabiar
- [Bug 1166139] [NEW] Completion broken is KMail
Cédric Bellegarde
- [Bug 366535] Re: Kubuntu registers itself in /boot/grub/menu.lst as Ubuntu
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 366535] [NEW] Kubuntu registers itself in /boot/grub/menu.lst as Ubuntu
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1157280] Re: print-manager plasmoid not applied on update
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 875657] Re: Muon: "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"
- [Bug 139353]
Matěj Laitl
- [Bug 932177] Re: XFCE (and other non-GNOME) desktops do not initialise gnome-keyring correctly / WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to PKCS11
- [Bug 1166401] Re: [Kubuntu 13.04 beta 2]Monitor goes into PowerSaving mode during installation
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1166975] [NEW] kded4 crash on login
- [Bug 1142213] Re: emacs23/24 GUI does not start when run in Kubuntu 13.04 with oxygen-gtk theme enabled
Andy Choens
- [Bug 576284] Re: kwalletmanager does not start in GNOME
Steven Constantine
- [Bug 1167028] Re: kdeinit4 segmentation fault
Logan Rosen
- [Bug 1167028] [NEW] kdeinit4 segmentation fault
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 964784] Re: Wrong links regarding 32/64 bit downloads of Qt SDK ZIP files from Nokia in kubuntu-docs-development
Nitesh Mistry
- [Bug 1167325] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.10.3 ist
- [Bug 475914] Re: wrong italian translation in amarok 2.2
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
- [Bug 991885]
- [Bug 1008553] Re: startkde deletes custom plasma-desktop.desktop file
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 991885] Re: After the first suspend, KDE suspend the system on every activity switch
Romano Giannetti
- [Bug 1061073] Re: Desktop effects are slow and desktop corruption using mesa 9
Robert Hooker
- [Bug 1167455] [NEW] Dead keys stop working fine in KDE apps after navigating through menu bar
Jorge Rodríguez López
- [Bug 184682]
- [Bug 788141]
Paul Leopardi
- [Bug 930277]
Myriam Schweingruber
- [Bug 867737] Re: Kubuntu desktop missing dependency on polkit-kde-1
- [Bug 774985] Re: kate does not load last-used session
- [Bug 1168061] [NEW] qtcreator crashes... often.
Max Beikirch
- [Bug 875660]
- [Bug 1168131] [NEW] calligra suite's apps don't work in ubuntu 13.04 raring
Saúl Martiñán Otero
- [Bug 1168152] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer 12.04ubuntu1 [modified: usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop] failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu1 ist
- [Bug 1168228] [NEW] Attempted to install firefox with muon software center. Muon software center crashed.
- [Bug 1094360] Re: qt4 apps such as vlc: QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme unless libgnome2-common is installed
Dmitry Shachnev
- [Bug 1127476] Re: Can't install xorg-backports along with kubuntu-backports
- [Bug 1133577] Re: "Resolution dependent" mouse cursors look really bad
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1090952] Re: problem with dbus
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 498701] Re: Konqueror has no data in app-install-data
Ma Xiaojun
- [Bug 602705] Re: Description: Akonaditray
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1163504] Re: Trademarked assets
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 964046] Re: Blank, unselectable wallpaper listed in Desktop Settings
Philip Muškovac
- [Bug 1072846] Re: can't select user from "User Bar" on live image
- [Bug 1168560] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: a tentar sobre-escrever '/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop', que também está no pacote firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu1
Silvan Gomes da Silva
- [Bug 1168578] [NEW] Date & Time in Systemsettings doesn't saves settings changes
- [Bug 303502] Re: Use regular expressions in kompare causes "could not parse diff output"
- [Bug 930277] Re: Splash screen hides KDE Wallet Service window
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1168682] [NEW] (German) translation not loaded completely in LightDM KCM
- [Bug 875660] Re: PA and knotify startup race leads to wrong device selection
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1168694] [NEW] A dummy login screen is displayed upon idle
Joonas Saarinen
- [Bug 139353] Re: $PLayer shouldn't play on resume from hibernation
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 998179]
- [Bug 1077196] Re: klipper does not save contents from closed windows
- [Bug 1141191] Re: multiple partition managers installed
- [Bug 1168759] Re: Clicking install debug symbols does nothing
- [Bug 1168759] [NEW] Clicking install debug symbols does nothing
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1009626] Re: Please update kile to 2.1.2
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1168944] [NEW] 12.04 Backports upgrade uninstalled hundreds of packages
Joseph Vella
- [Bug 1168981] [NEW] No package installs extractrc to path
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 862220]
Thorsten Glaser
- [Bug 438778] Re: Konversation config dialogue too tall for 576 pixel high displays
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1031798] Re: okular cannont save the annotations inside a pdf file
Mechanical snail
- [Bug 1168396] Re: Installer crashes when selected Swiss keyboard layout
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1028591]
- [Bug 1169399] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop', which is also in package firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.10.3
- [Bug 56369]
- [Bug 874199]
Milos Jakubicek
- [Bug 474654] Re: [SecurityRoadmap] Desktop visible when screen is locked in Kubuntu
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1028591] Re: battery widget does not show current status as it changes
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1169572] [NEW] Muon software center continues to crash every time I try to install firefox using "mozilla firefox browser installer"
- [Bug 1169596] [NEW] Please update lightdm-kde to 0.3.2
Kubuntu IRC Bot
- [Bug 1076310] Re: K3b fails to detect sox
- [Bug 883459]
Marc Collin
- [Bug 1169732] [NEW] Please update lightdm-kde to
Kubuntu IRC Bot
- [Bug 1130784] Re: Support Qt5
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [Bug 1029457] Re: amarok scans home directory without asking - even if told not to
Alex Vadkovskiy
- [Bug 1170125] [NEW] package oxygen-icon-theme 4:4.9.2-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: il pacchetto oxygen-icon-theme non è pronto per la configurazione impossibile configurarlo (stato corrente "half-installed")
- [Bug 48008] Re: Modifies xorg.conf way too heavily on resolution change
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 1170403] [NEW] please remove kubuntu-docs
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 319494] Re: Tracks in Various Artists Albums aren't grouped together
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1170500] [NEW] Should not be compiled against qt5
Søren Holm
- [Bug 1144187] Re: lightdm (kde greeter) broken design because of plasma changes
David Edmundson
- [Bug 949949] Re: KDE support for firefox stopped working in 12.04
Cédric Bellegarde
- [Bug 1170603] [NEW] Amarok can't found debug package
- [Bug 1170609] [NEW] No french translation for choqok 1.3 in kubuntu 13.04 although it is translated in french
- [Bug 408719]
Myriam Schweingruber
- [Bug 1083583] Re: remove kubuntu-netbook-default-settings source package
Colin Watson
- [Bug 1083581] Re: remove kubuntu-low-fat-settings source package
Colin Watson
- [Bug 1083584] Re: please remove kubuntu-default-settings source package
Colin Watson
- [Bug 1083801] Re: Amarok crash reporter says debug info is useless even when -dbg packages are installed
- [Bug 1029457]
Matěj Laitl
- [Bug 1170852] [NEW] inappropriate package description
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [Bug 1170922] [NEW] Installer crashed
Stefan Buckmann
- [Bug 293213] Re: Qt and kde4libs don't support various multimedia keys
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 918758] Re: QT incorrectly determines the default locale from the LC_* variables
- [Bug 1162570] Re: ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins welcome page displayed improperly (zoomed and cramped text)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1161741] Re: Translations not loaded if QtCreator built with Qt5
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1090490] Re: There is a fake Kopete launcher in the KDE menu.
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1171238] [NEW] plasma-desktop randomely crashes - but only on 64 bit.
Søren Holm
- [Bug 988866] Re: akonadi_mailfilter_agent eats 100% CPU and RAM and then crashes
Pete Graner
- [Bug 1066378] Re: Unable to make secure wireless connection during live session with plasma-netbook
Pete Graner
- [Bug 1068305] Re: Channel switching extremely slow on first access to channel
Pete Graner
- [Bug 959722] Re: qtcreator crashes when creating new project
- [Bug 1049473] Update Released
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1171557] Re: Kubuntu hangs in loading screen
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1171557] [NEW] Kubuntu hangs in loading screen
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1005677] Re: Re-emergence of "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)'" Makes vlc and other Qt apps crash
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 982889] Re: X trying to start before plymouth has finished using the drm driver
Timo Aaltonen
- [Bug 403610]
- [Bug 1169685] Re: deluge-gtk sometimes freeze in Kubuntu
- [Bug 1068606] Re: Greeter shows on secondary screen with dual-head setup
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1068606] [NEW] Greeter shows on secondary screen with dual-head setup
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1069183] Re: LightDM KDE Greeter loads the desktop half a minute after login
Robert Ancell
- [Bug 1171951] [NEW] plasma-widget-networkmanagement doesn't show 3g/umts signal strength in tray
- [Bug 1171989] Re: Duplicate filesystem types
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1172056] [NEW] release upgrade tool can not be run
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1172059] [NEW] ubiquity encryption doesn't check password
Jackson Doak
- [Bug 1171584] Re: encrypted lvm security bug - Install (entire disk) Kubuntu Raring Daily
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 644740] Re: 8086:2a42 [GM45] GPU Hang when enabling KDE desktop effects
Christopher M. Penalver
- [Bug 1170685] Re: Add devscripts dependency
Timo Jyrinki
- [Bug 1102032] Re: synaptikscfg crashed with KeyError in __setitem__(): u'circular_touchpad'
Ubuntu QA Website
- [Bug 1172290] Re: Deprecated Kubuntu Docs templates still listed in Launchpad Translations
Phillip Sz
- [Bug 1172290] [NEW] Deprecated Kubuntu Docs templates still listed in Launchpad Translations
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1172534] [NEW] plymouth boot splash does not show on an installed system
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 959151] Re: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Luis Alvarado
- [Bug 1172554] [NEW] No Global menu support for QtCreator after upgrade to 13.04
Adrian Wechner
- [Bug 1172552] Re: ubiquity does not appear on kubuntu arm
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1172161] Re: Icon "Install Kubuntu 13.04" won't run in live session on PPC
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1172763] [NEW] package kubuntu-firefox-installer (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di "/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop" presente anche nel pacchetto firefox 20.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.10.3
- [Bug 982889] Update Released
Adam Conrad
- [Bug 1172803] [NEW] The "Install Updates" button remains disabled after a check for updates
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 1154053] Re: With amarok playing, resizing konsole causes a crash.
Kevin Price
- [Bug 1172844] [NEW] xdg-open should probably open file in existing qtcreator instance
Michael Thayer
- [Bug 1172859] [NEW] KWin crashes on startup in 13.4 with nvidia driver
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Bug 218393] Re: [kde4] /sbin not included in ubuntu user's PATH environmental variable
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1160326] Re: Nepomuk keeps indexing same files
- [Bug 949949]
Cédric Bellegarde
- [Bug 1173138] [NEW] QT 4.8.4 bug: Arabic-indic numerals instead of Arabic numerals in Slovak localization
- [Bug 885324] Re: Completely replace lcms1 by lcms2 in Ubuntu
- [Bug 1173199] [NEW] Hanging after login after upgrade to Raring
Marius B. Kotsbak
- [Bug 1038522] Re: [kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions
- [Bug 1173207] Re: Black screen on unlock
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1173207] [NEW] Black screen on unlock
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1158271] Re: rekonq crashed with SIGSEGV in JSC::JSArray::shiftCountWithArrayStorage()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1173292] [NEW] "User Bar" theme: Guest account's "Login" button too narrow for (German) translated string
- [Bug 1151620] Re: akonadi_imap_resource crashed with SIGSEGV in q_func()
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1173349] [NEW] plasma-desktop crashes repeatedly since upgrading to 14.04
- [Bug 668748] Re: Unable to contact time server
- [Bug 1173437] [NEW] package libtag1-vanilla 1.8-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: cannot copy extracted data for './usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libtag.so.1.12.0' to '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libtag.so.1.12.0.dpkg-new': unexpected end of file or stream; Complete Ubuntu upgrade failure caused by this stalling the upgrade.
Daniel Crossley
- [Bug 1171099] Re: kubuntu - plymouth not shown
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1171099] [NEW] kubuntu - plymouth not shown
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1173444] [NEW] Segmentation fault when use "FakeVim" mode in qtcreator
- [Bug 1173487] [NEW] layout direction "right to left" does not work with text AND icon
Todd Firkins
- [Bug 1173509] [NEW] qtdemo application missing in qt4-demos
Peter Würtz
- [Bug 1173521] [NEW] plasma-desktop burning 90-100% of a cpu (after update to raring)
- [Bug 1173532] [NEW] error message at startup
- [Bug 1173535] [NEW] I tried removing KDE desktop environment as I only want gnome
Johann de Boer
- [Bug 72619] Re: kate is using english keyboard layout when CTRL key is pressed
Thomas Hotz
- [Bug 714044] Re: wlan failed to be re-active after resume from suspend/hibernate
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 242426] Re: Ark hangs when file/directory name on NTFS contains a colon
Thomas Hotz
- [Bug 243567] Re: breakpoints do not work in kdevelop
Thomas Hotz
- [Bug 406154]
- [Bug 358533]
- [Bug 883459] Re: KMail duplicates emails
- [Bug 245507] Re: DVB-S only with superuser possible
Thomas Hotz
- [Bug 246007] Re: [hardy] Sound drops out permanently in Kaffeine after DVB glitch
Thomas Hotz
- [Bug 1059928] Re: Lightdm [Kubuntu) not displaying user thumbnail photos
- [Bug 865032] Re: digikam cannot connect to PTP cameras
- [Bug 1007847] Re: qml pincharea doesn't work with opengl, works good otherwise
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1174112] [NEW] qtcreator slow start
- [Bug 1162216] Re: touchscreen does not tap - sometimes
- [Bug 1156674] Re: QtCreator: "ptrace: Operation not permitted." in Debug mode
Paulo Sequeira
- [Bug 1174223] [NEW] Please update rekonq to 2.3.0
Kubuntu IRC Bot
- [Bug 1174280] [NEW] I can't run shell script apps like celtx and alchemy in 13.04. I downloaded Java but the apps still don't run.
Sylvanus Dadzie
- [Bug 1174303] [NEW] ubiquity crashes during installation if I change the keyboard layout on the language of German to Switzerland.
Mirco Helg
- [Bug 1174443] [NEW] ktorrent 4.3.1 freeze
- [Bug 1174495] [NEW] kwin instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions
- [Bug 1174501] [NEW] Kubuntu 13.04 unable to shutdown/reboot/logout from KDE
- [Bug 397466]
- [Bug 1010700] Re: GTK applications freeze when switching windows
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1174605] [NEW] No unlock dialogue after locking
- [Bug 1174653] [NEW] Can't shutdown/reboot after upgrade to kubuntu 13.04
Tomas Brandysky
- [Bug 1174689] [NEW] Nvidia/Dual screen - No Taskbar/Kdemenu on default install Kubuntu 13.04
- [Bug 1174713] [NEW] systemsettings package contains random plunder
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 629840]
- [Bug 435347]
- [Bug 1174781] [NEW] kubuntu-settings refers to a transitional package to determine functionality
Lee MacKinnell
- [Bug 1041528] Re: [backport request] oxygen-cursor-theme0.0.2012-06-kde4.8-2ubuntu [Precise]
Felix Geyer
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 22:01:20 UTC 2013
Archived on: Thu May 11 02:45:16 UTC 2023
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