February 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Feb 1 07:31:34 GMT 2007
Ending: Wed Feb 28 15:12:53 GMT 2007
Messages: 228
- [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu on KathoLan
Michael Anckaert
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Michael Anckaert
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Michaël Arnauts
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Pieter Baele
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Pieter Baele
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Pieter Baele
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Pieter Baele
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Pieter Baele
- [Ubuntu-be] Diprobeurs Haasrode
Annelies Bollen
- [Ubuntu-be] [FOSDEM] Public transportation from Leuven
Annelies Bollen
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Kristoff Bonne
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Kristoff Bonne
- [Ubuntu-be] vista - ubuntu (usability)
Kristoff Bonne
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Kristoff Bonne
- [Ubuntu-be] Leaving this list!
Kristoff Bonne
- [Ubuntu-be] Radio 1 interview tomorrow morning about Ubuntu (dutch)
Mark Van den Borre
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Mark Van den Borre
- [Ubuntu-be] Ma santé et mes activités (Fosdem, Dipro, ...)
Mark Van den Borre
- [Ubuntu-be] how about Ubuntu's presence on Linux World Expo in March?
Mark Van den Borre
- [Ubuntu-be] radio interview archive
Bart Broeckx
- [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu installation website
Bart Broeckx
- [Ubuntu-be] Contribute to the Belgian wiki on open standards
Bart Broeckx
- [Ubuntu-be] ubuntu-nl wintermeeting
Bart Broeckx
- [Ubuntu-be] Looking for a good DRM french speaker
Pierre Buyle
- [Ubuntu-be] First version of this afternoon meeting report
Pierre Buyle
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD (Dutch)
Mattias Campe
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - Workshop&Preparation meeting
François Cauwe
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD Meeting
François Cauwe
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - Meeting
François Cauwe
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - PrepartionMeeting logs
François Cauwe
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] Contribute to the Belgian wiki on open standards
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] vista - ubuntu (usability)
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] Mailing list subscription texts etc.
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] for those who are comming to help at FOSDEM 2007
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] First version of this afternoon meeting report
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] how about Ubuntu's presence on Linux World Expo in March?
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] how about Ubuntu's presence on Linux World Expo in March?
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] localised ubuntu cd's
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] vlod - programing
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] unsuscribe me please
Jan Claeys
- [Ubuntu-be] Linux worldexpo in Brussel op 21 en 22 maart ek.
Patrick Coeman
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Patrick Coeman
- [Ubuntu-be] Antwerp fair 24 and 25 february
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - Workshop&Preparation meeting
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map translations
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map translations
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map translations
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] Ma santé et mes activités (Fosdem, Dipro, ...)
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] localised ubuntu cd's
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] localised ubuntu cd's
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] vlod - programing
Michel Daggelinckx
- [Ubuntu-be] the linux marketing machine
Geert Van Damme
- [Ubuntu-be] the linux marketing machine
Geert Van Damme
- [Ubuntu-be] the linux marketing machine
Geert Van Damme
- [Ubuntu-be] the linux marketing machine
Geert Van Damme
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Peter Dedecker
- [Ubuntu-be] website linuxworld
Peter Dedecker
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
Gerry Demaret
- [Ubuntu-be] Web site
Lucien Demeuse
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
Lionel Dricot
- [Ubuntu-be] Volontaires pour le FOSDEM
Nicolas da Luz Duque
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - URGENT : Need more flyers
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD Meeting
- [Ubuntu-be] Diprobeurs Haasrode
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] Presentation DJ
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] [FOSDEM] Public transportation from Leuven
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] for those who are comming to help at FOSDEM 2007
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD (Dutch)
Kevin Elaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Fabry
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Alexandre Ficelle
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Alexandre Ficelle
- [Ubuntu-be] radio interview archive
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD Meeting
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Download ubuntu's links from ubuntu-be.org
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Ubuntu-be] radio interview archive
Serge van Ginderachter
- [Ubuntu-be] First version of this afternoon meeting report
Serge van Ginderachter
- [Ubuntu-be] how about Ubuntu's presence on Linux World Expo in March?
Serge van Ginderachter
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: how about Ubuntu's presence on Linux World Expo in March?]]
Serge van Ginderachter
- [Ubuntu-be] Looking for a good DRM french speaker
Vigneron Grégoire
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Vigneron Grégoire
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Vigneron Grégoire
- [Ubuntu-be] Leaving this list!
Vigneron Grégoire
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - Meeting
Geert Hauwaerts
- [Ubuntu-be] the linux marketing machine
Wouter Horré
- [Ubuntu-be] vista - ubuntu (usability)
Wouter Horré
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Wouter Horré
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Wouter Horré
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Wouter Horré
- [Ubuntu-be] [FOSDEM] Public transportation from Leuven
Wouter Horré
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
Wouter Horré
- [Ubuntu-be] Antwerp fair 24 and 25 february
Roel Huybrechts
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - PrepartionMeeting logs
Roel Huybrechts
- [Ubuntu-be] email
dotJan Huysmans
- [Ubuntu-be] Download ubuntu's links from ubuntu-be.org
Alexis J
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Cedric Janssens
- [Ubuntu-be] OpenVLD and candidats.be
Cedric Janssens
- [Ubuntu-be] Ma santé et mes activités (Fosdem, Dipro, ...)
Cedric Janssens
- [Ubuntu-be] Presentation DJ
Cedric Janssens
- [Ubuntu-be] First version of this afternoon meeting report
Cedric Janssens
- [Ubuntu-be] how about Ubuntu's presence on Linux World Expo in March?
Cedric Janssens
- [Ubuntu-be] Volontaires pour le FOSDEM
- [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu on KathoLan
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map translations
Floris Lambrechts
- [Ubuntu-be] Contribute to the Belgian wiki on open standards
Adriaan Leijnse
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Adriaan Leijnse
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Adriaan Leijnse
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD Meeting
Adriaan Leijnse
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD Meeting
Adriaan Leijnse
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Adriaan Leijnse
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Adriaan Leijnse
- [Ubuntu-be] radio interview archive
Batist Leman
- [Ubuntu-be] radio interview archive
Batist Leman
- [Ubuntu-be] Antwerp fair 24 and 25 february
Steven Lemmens
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Steven Lemmens
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD (Dutch)
Steven Lemmens
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD (Dutch)
Steven Lemmens
- [Ubuntu-be] (no subject)
- [Ubuntu-be] fair in Antwerp was the subject Was:Re: (no subject)
- [Ubuntu-be] Fair 24-25/02, Antwerp
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] First version of this afternoon meeting report
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] the linux marketing machine
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
- [Ubuntu-be] fair in Antwerp was the subject Was:Re: (no subject)
- [Ubuntu-be] how about Ubuntu's presence on Linux World Expo in March?
- [Ubuntu-be] Looking for a good DRM french speaker
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] Contribute to the Belgian wiki on open standards
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] Contribute to the Belgian wiki on open standards
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] candidats.be
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] DebianEdu/Skolelinux Devcamp invites Edubuntu from Mon 19 Feb till Feb 23
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] DebianEdu/Skolelinux Devcamp invites Edubuntu from Mon 19 Feb till Feb 23
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] Contribute to the Belgian wiki on open standards
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] OpenVLD and candidats.be
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] OpenVLD and candidats.be
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] Reminder : tomorrow 14h, ubuntu-be meeting
Nicolas Pettiaux
- [Ubuntu-be] candidats.be
Philippe Piquer
- [Ubuntu-be] candidats.be
Philippe Piquer
- [Ubuntu-be] Ma santé et mes activités (Fosdem, Dipro, ...)
Benoît Plunus
- [Ubuntu-be] for those who are comming to help at FOSDEM 2007
Benoît Plunus
- [Ubuntu-be] Reminder : tomorrow 14h, ubuntu-be meeting
Benoît Plunus
- [Ubuntu-be] +3 Dell Idea Storm - Pre-Installed Linux
Marc Portier
- [Ubuntu-be] slogan voor vista
Toni Van Remortel
- [Ubuntu-be] Radio 1 interview tomorrow morning about Ubuntu (dutch)
Toni Van Remortel
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Toni Van Remortel
- [Ubuntu-be] (no subject)
Marinus Rokers
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
Philippe De Ryck
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Wesley S.
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Wesley S.
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
Wesley S.
- [Ubuntu-be] vlod - programing
Wesley S.
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
Wesley S.
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Etienne Saliez
- [Ubuntu-be] Reminder : tomorrow 14h, ubuntu-be meeting
François Schoubben
- [Ubuntu-be] First version of this afternoon meeting report
François Schoubben
- [Ubuntu-be] Press about Linux/(K)Ubuntu
François Schoubben
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
François Schoubben
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
François Schoubben
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: [lilit-public] Visez Vista !]
- [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: nu is het officieel: linux, dat is voor communisten!]
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
- [Ubuntu-be] Ma santé et mes activités (Fosdem, Dipro, ...)
- [Ubuntu-be] Open standards presentation for the Apple Club Antwerpen
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Christophe Vandeplas
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Christophe Vandeplas
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Christophe Vandeplas
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD (Dutch)
Dieter Vanderfaeillie
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - PrepartionMeeting logs
Bram Vandoren
- [Ubuntu-be] language usage on this list
Stijn Verslycken
- [Ubuntu-be] unsuscribe me please
Herwig Vroman
- [Ubuntu-be] Support point - Demo
Frederik Wynants
- [Ubuntu-be] the linux marketing machine
- [Ubuntu-be] slogan voor vista
- [Ubuntu-be] slogan voor vista
- [Ubuntu-be] Presentation DJ
- [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu installation website
guy duportail
- [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu installation website
guy duportail
- [Ubuntu-be] nobody wants to now
guy duportail
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - URGENT : Need more flyers
guy duportail
- [Ubuntu-be] VLOD Meeting
guy duportail
- [Ubuntu-be] Leaving this list!
- [Ubuntu-be] Download ubuntu's links from ubuntu-be.org
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map translations
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map translations
- [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map translations
- [Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map for FOSDEM ?
- [Ubuntu-be] +3 Dell Idea Storm - Pre-Installed Linux
- [Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting
- [Ubuntu-be] Hallo iedereen ik ben Frederik, aka untold
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 15:12:53 GMT 2007
Archived on: Fri Mar 2 04:05:43 GMT 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).