[Ubuntu-be] Leaving this list!

Vigneron Grégoire gregoir at scarlet.be
Tue Feb 6 18:44:00 GMT 2007

Hello I'm living this list, and I'm quite sorry to do it!

But I'do not feal good with people who do not want to follow the 
languages rules!
Many post starting in english and people answer in other languages. 
someone tell in other thread: the minimum is to follow the starting 
language of the first post made by someone!
But it is not wat it is happend!!!

If I follow arguments made on other thread about language, I shoud write 
in chinese and ask every body to learn it to understand me!?

ANYWAY the rules of this list is to POST IN ENGLISH!!

Some rules are mades to avoid out of target discutions, some people do 
not seem to understand that simple thing!!

On that last message, I want to say goodby to every one on the list and 
say long live to UBUNTU all around the world!!


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