[Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Jan Claeys
ubuntu at janc.be
Wed Feb 14 22:25:12 GMT 2007
On wo, 2007-02-14 at 21:31 +0100, Jan Fabry wrote:
> I think we should keep in mind the audience here. This is not a
> regular computer trade show, like we have done the previous months.
> These are all rather specialized people from the F/OSS community, so
> they probably know Ubuntu and its position in the Linux world.
Most of them know Ubuntu for sure.
> I believe there are no other Ubuntu talks or something similar? Who
> will be there from the Ubuntu community (not only ubuntu-be)?
Several Ubuntu developers & users are also involved with other projects,
and will talk about those (e.g. in the Debian & GNOME devrooms), but no
Ubuntu-specific talks.
I know that some people from the Ubuntu-NL community will also be there
(and help), and I'm sure some other Ubuntu people are coming too.
> In my opinion, there should be a sort of "state of the union". What was new
> in Ubuntu last year? What can we expect in 2007? Demo the new
> technologies that are in preparation stage now. But remember other
> Linux distributions (Debian, Gentoo, Fedora...) are there too, so we
> should focus on Ubuntu-specific items, not just general Linux
> improvements.
That's not easy, considering that everything is open source and we
constantly "steal" new stuff from each other... ;-)
Jan Claeys
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