[Ubuntu-be] Supporter points map for FOSDEM ?
mongolito404 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 19:01:22 GMT 2007
It may sounds like a rush started too late, but I would like to have
the first deployment of the new supporter point map ready for the
FOSDEM. It would make a nice birthday present for Ubuntu-be.
For this, I need feedback from you. Tell me what's wrong at the
current test-site
through bug report
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/support.points.map/+bugs) or mail. I'm
talking about bad navigation, mislabeled element, incoherent page
naming and title, etc.
Also, I need translation to French and Dutch. This can be done through
Rosetta (https://translations.launchpad.net/support.points.map/+translations).
But there is some early works into .po attached to this mail that
needs to be put into Rosetta. When working on translation, when you
see mistake in the English text, please report it has a bug. Or at
least mail me about it.
mongolito404, king of the mongolian people
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