[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu installation website

Bart Broeckx bartek at ubuntu-nl.org
Thu Feb 1 17:09:53 GMT 2007

You can shrink harddrives with Vista on it:

You can also repartition hard disks with a third-party partitioning program.
Several third-party manufacturers offer programs that allow you to
repartition your hard disk without erasing data.

2007/2/1, guy duportail <guy at linux-service.be>:
> I do not think it will work on Vista.Seems impossible to shrink harddisk
> with
> vista on it.
> I hope i am wrong,cannot test it because have no vista pc.
> I am testing it with xp pro+sp2
> guy

Bart Broeckx
Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
3500 Hasselt

bartek at ubuntu-nl.org
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