[Ubuntu-be] +3 Dell Idea Storm - Pre-Installed Linux

Marc Portier mpo at outerthought.org
Mon Feb 19 10:13:23 GMT 2007

mongolito404 wrote:
> Apparently Dell is organizing a campaign for users to propose new
> http://www.dellideastorm.com/article/show/61771. There is also a
> http://www.dellideastorm.com/article/show/62047. It is not required to
> register to vote.

but if you do, your vote gets to be +10 in stead of +3...

Marc Portier                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at                http://blogs.cocoondev.org/mpo/
mpo at outerthought.org                              mpo at apache.org

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