May 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Thu May 19 06:00:08 UTC 2011
Ending: Tue May 31 19:15:34 UTC 2011
Messages: 204
- Welcome!
Jono Bacon
- IRC channel
Sadiq Saif
- IRC channel
Kaspar Kööp
- IRC channel
Mark Russell
- IRC channel
Octavian Damiean
- IRC channel
László Torma
- Introduction
László Torma
- IRC channel
Joel Pickett
- Ubuntu Power Users Wiki
László Torma
- IRC channel
Achraf Fouwad
- Ubuntu Power Users Wiki
Achraf Fouwad
- Let's start off on the right foot, let's fix simple-ccsm.
Jorge O. Castro
- Let's start off on the right foot, let's fix simple-ccsm.
Tom Syroid
- Let's start off on the right foot, let's fix simple-ccsm.
James Tait
- View port manager wish list
Aneesh Kumar K.V
- Wiki Strategy
Jono Bacon
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Mike Basinger
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
James Gifford
- Wiki Strategy
László Torma
- Let's start off on the right foot, let's fix simple-ccsm.
Jorge O. Castro
- Wiki Strategy
László Torma
- Wiki Strategy
Jono Bacon
- Let's start off on the right foot, let's fix simple-ccsm.
Jono Bacon
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Luciano Facchinelli
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Jorge O. Castro
- Wiki Strategy
Octavian Damiean
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Mike Basinger
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
James Gifford
- LP Group
Timothy Kross
- Wiki Strategy
Luciano Facchinelli
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
James Gifford
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Mike Basinger
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Luciano Facchinelli
- View port manager wish list
Tom Syroid
- Let's start off on the right foot, let's fix simple-ccsm.
Luciano Facchinelli
- Wiki Strategy
László Torma
- Wiki Strategy
Tom Syroid
- Wiki Strategy
Jono Bacon
- IRC channel
Robert Potter
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Jorge O. Castro
- Wiki Strategy
Luciano Facchinelli
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Luciano Facchinelli
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Luciano Facchinelli
- IRC channel
Anthony Papillion
- Thunderbird Love
Mike Basinger
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Jono Bacon
- IRC channel
Jono Bacon
- LP Group
Jono Bacon
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Alan Pope
- LP Group
Mike Basinger
- LP Group
Jono Bacon
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Jono Bacon
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Alan Pope
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Mike Basinger
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Jono Bacon
- Thunderbird Love
James Tait
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Alan Pope
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Jono Bacon
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Brena Boba
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Brena Boba
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Luciano Facchinelli
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Jorge O. Castro
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Mike Basinger
- Wiki Strategy
Paolo Sammicheli
- Wiki Strategy
Paolo Sammicheli
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
Joel Pickett
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Luciano Facchinelli
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Paul Hoell
- Wiki Strategy
Jono Bacon
- Branding for the team
Mike Basinger
- Meetings
Mike Basinger
- Branding for the team
Luciano Facchinelli
- Branding for the team
Paolo Sammicheli
- Branding for the team
Octavian Damiean
- Meetings
Octavian Damiean
- Meetings
Luciano Facchinelli
- Branding for the team
Jono Bacon
- Meetings
Jono Bacon
- Branding for the team
Daniel Hollocher
- Ubuntu Tweak and Our Community
Jono Bacon
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Jono Bacon
- Branding for the team
Zachary Mitchell
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Anthony Papillion
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Mike Basinger
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Jono Bacon
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Octavian Damiean
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Evan Huus
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Anthony Papillion
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Jono Bacon
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Octavian Damiean
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Zachary Mitchell
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Octavian Damiean
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Evan Huus
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Paolo Sammicheli
- Building Safety Into Our Work
David Callé
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Ian Ross
- Ubuntu-power-users Digest, Vol 1, Issue 11
thefanum at
- Ubuntu-power-users Digest, Vol 1, Issue 12
Felix Albrecht
- Building Safety Into Our Work
David Green
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Martin Owens
- nautilus actions
Dr. Amr Osman
- Wait a sec...what about derivative users?
Cory Sadowski
- Mailing List Settings
Martin Owens
- Wait a sec...what about derivative users?
Jordan Mantha
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Robert Potter
- Ubuntu Tweak and Our Community
satchitb at
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Jordan Mantha
- connecting power users to their tools
Robert Potter
- Building Safety Into Our Work
satchitb at
- Building Safety Into Our Work
satchitb at
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Rainer M Krug
- connecting power users to their tools
Rainer M Krug
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Brena Boba
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
James Gifford
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Miguel Branco
- connecting power users to their tools
Paul Hoell
- Building Safety Into Our Work
Paul Hoell
- Branding for the team
- Branding for the team
- Branding for the team
Paul Hoell
- Branding for the team
- Building the Ubuntu Kitchen Sink
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Brena Boba
- Mailing List Settings
Jono Bacon
- Wait a sec...what about derivative users?
Jono Bacon
- Ubuntu Tweak and Our Community
Jono Bacon
- Mailing List Settings
Martin Owens
- Mailing List Settings
Jono Bacon
- Branding for the team
Jono Bacon
- Branding for the team
Achraf Fouwad
- PowerUsers Logo pick
John Santucci
- PowerUsers Logo pick
Zachary Mitchell
- PowerUsers Logo pick
Klaus Borges
- connecting power users to their tools
Robert Potter
- PowerUsers Logo pick
Brena Boba
- Branding for the team
John Chiazzese
- Ubuntu-power-users Digest, Vol 1, Issue 20
Joe Steiger
- Branding for the team
Robert Potter
- PowerUsers Logo pick
Benjamin Slade
- PowerUsers Logo pick
Joel Pickett
- Branding for the team
Mike Basinger
- Ubuntu Tweak and Our Community
Manish Sinha
- Mailing List Settings
Manish Sinha
- PowerUsers Logo pick
satchitb at
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Manish Sinha
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Rohit Saraf
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Paolo Sammicheli
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Manish Sinha
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Brena Boba
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Paolo Sammicheli
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Paul Hoell
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Miguel Branco
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Joel Pickett
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Rohit Saraf
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
James Gifford
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Mike Basinger
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
James Gifford
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Mike Basinger
- Make Ubuntu Tweak as Power Users' Standard Tool
Jono Bacon
- PowerUsers Logo pick
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
James Gifford
- Unity Quicklist Helpers
Brena Boba
- Meetings
Jordan Mantha
- Meetings
Mike Basinger
- Meetings
Miguel Branco
- Meetings
Jordan Mantha
- Meetings
Tom Syroid
- Meetings
hoellp at
- Meetings
László Torma
- Meetings
Mike Basinger
- Meetings
Jono Bacon
- Logo Collaboration Request, Pretty Please :-)
Tom Syroid
- Idea: 30 sec video contest promoting power user community
thefanum at
- Idea: 30 sec video contest promoting power user community
Sadiq Saif
- Meetings
Mike Basinger
- Meetings
James Gifford
- Idea: 30 sec video contest promoting power user community
Jono Bacon
- Idea: 30 sec video contest promoting power user community
Mike Basinger
- Planning: Ubuntu Open Week
Mike Basinger
- Idea: 30 sec video contest promoting power user community
Klaus Borges
- Idea: 30 sec video contest promoting power user community
László Torma
- connecting power users to their tools
Julian Pitt
- The wiki of Ubuntu Tweak is created
- The wiki of Ubuntu Tweak is created
Mike Basinger
- The wiki of Ubuntu Tweak is created
Robert Potter
- Preferred time for team meetings
Paolo Sammicheli
- Meetings
László Torma
- Quick Lists
John Niendorf
- Quick Lists
Tom Syroid
- Quick Lists
Mario Kemper
- Quick Lists
James Gifford
- Quick Lists
John Niendorf
- Quick Lists
Brena Boba
- Quick Lists
James Gifford
- Quick Lists
James Gifford
- Quick Lists
John Niendorf
- Quick Lists
satchitb at
- Quick Lists
James Gifford
- Preferred time for team meetings
Paolo Sammicheli
- Preferred time for team meetings
Paolo Sammicheli
- PowerUsers Logo pick
László Torma
- PowerUsers Logo pick
satchitb at
- Available options for Unity
László Torma
Last message date:
Tue May 31 19:15:34 UTC 2011
Archived on: Tue May 31 19:15:37 UTC 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).