October 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 01:52:25 BST 2007
Ending: Wed Oct 31 03:13:02 GMT 2007
Messages: 119
- No subject
- Autodesk Presentation 3dmax 10
James =-]
- LoCo team contact change in UBUNTU-VE
Adams, Scott (FGWA-CO)
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Martin Albisetti
- Tagging Release Party Pictures on Flickr
Nick Ali
- Changing host
Nick Ali
- Ubuntu Open Week - Now!!
Vid Ayer
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Jono Bacon
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Jono Bacon
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Julius Bloch
- loco-django project
Mark Van den Borre
- unsuscribe
Barry C. Bowser
- Ubuntu Comunity Team
Corey Burger
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Rafael Carreras
- loco-contacts Digest, Vol 29, Issue 8
Ivan Carrilho
- loco-contacts Digest, Vol 29, Issue 12
Ivan Carrilho
- Loco Team for my country Mozambique
Ivan Carrilho
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Jorge O. Castro
- unsuscribe
Jan Claeys
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Jan Claeys
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Jan Claeys
- Fwd: Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Jan Claeys
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Jan Claeys
- Belgian Gutsy Release PParties
Jan Claeys
- loco-django project
Jan Claeys
- loco-django project
Jan Claeys
- loco-django project
Jan Claeys
- Washington, DC Gutsy Release / InstallFest
Kevin Cole
- South African Gutsy Release Parties
Morgan Collett
- Indonesian Gutsy Release Party
Andi Darmawan
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Matthew East
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Matthew East
- Fwd: Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Matthew East
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Matthew East
- Ubuntu Comunity Team
Matthew East
- Please keep things on topic on this LoCo-contacts list...
Derick Eisenhardt
- Ubuntu Mississippi Team & The USM LUG present Installfest 2007
Derick Eisenhardt
- Please keep things on topic on this LoCo-contacts list...
Amir Eldor
- Fwd: Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Amir Eldor
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
Amir Eldor
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
Amir Eldor
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Bret Fledderjohn
- Pennsylvania Release Party
Bret Fledderjohn
- Maryland (USA) Gutsy Release Party
Chuck Frain
- loco-django project
Alex Gakuru
- LoCo team contact change in UBUNTU-VE
Leo Gomez
- Michigan (USA) Release Party
Greg Grossmeier
- Ubuntu Florida (USA) release party
Jimmy Harris
- Please keep things on topic on this LoCo-contacts list...
Rubén Hubuntu
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Jan Husar
- Ubuntu Open Week - Now!!
Jan Husar
- South Dakota (USA) Gutsy release parties
Doug Jennewein
- Minnesota (USA) release party
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
- Changing host
Russell John
- Changing host
Russell John
- unsuscribe
Przemysław Kulczycki
- London, U.K., Gutsy Release Party This Thursday
John Levin
- UbuCons
John Levin
- LoCo team contact change in UBUNTU-VE
Og Maciel
- Argentina Gutsy Release Party
Mariano Mara
- loco-django project
Neal McBurnett
- Ubuntu Open Week - Now!!
Neal McBurnett
- UbuCons
Neal McBurnett
- Yet another release party... for Oregon! :)
Walter Neary
- Don't forget the IRC channel during the party
Walter Neary
- request for release notes translations
Matthew Nuzum
- The new ubuntu 7.10 cover
Matthew Nuzum
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
Martin Owens
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Jacob Peddicord
- Don't forget the IRC channel during the party
Alan Pope
- Please keep things on topic on this LoCo-contacts list...
Efrain Juvenal Valles Pulgar
- LoCo team contact change in UBUNTU-VE
Efrain Juvenal Valles Pulgar
- Gutsy Release Party in Hanoi (Vietnam) on Friday 19th October
Vu Do Quynh
- loco-django project
Armin Ronacher
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Simón Ruiz
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Jason Sandlin
- Please keep things on topic on this LoCo-contacts list...
Jason Sandlin
- Ubuntu Comunity Team
Jason Sandlin
- Ubuntu Comunity Team
Jason Sandlin
- My contact address
Jason Sandlin
- Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Jason Sandlin
- loco-contacts Digest, Vol 29, Issue 12
Jason Sandlin
- Indiana (USA) release party
Michael Schultheiss
- Swiss Gutsy Release Party
Myriam Rita Schweingruber
- Oregon (USA) release party (Dan Shufelt)
Dan Shufelt
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Steve Stalcup
- Release Party Ubuntu Austria LoCo Team
Philipp Stiegler
- : Contents of loco-contacts digest...
Antonius Muljanto T
- Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Day
Jim Tarvid
- Ubuntu Nebraska (USA) Gutsy Release Party
Dave Thacker
- LoCo team contact change in UBUNTU-VE
Federico Torres
- Fwd: Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Dax Solomon Umaming
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Matthias Urlichs
- loco-django project
- loco-django project
- loco-django project
- loco-django project
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
- Fwd: Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Anthony Yarusso
- Minnesota (USA) release party
Anthony Yarusso
- Ubuntu Comunity Team
Mario Young
- Ubuntu Comunity Team
Mario Young
- Ubuntu Comunity Team
Mario Young
- LoCo team contact change in UBUNTU-VE
Mario Young
- Unapproved LOCO Teams
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
- Release Party Ubuntu Chile LoCo team
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
- Received Ubuntu CDs
- Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
- Fwd: Ubuntero.org - LoCo Participation
- to post to this list, here is my address
zabrina liang
- KenyanTeam Release Party
ronald odero
- Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 03:13:02 GMT 2007
Archived on: Wed Oct 31 03:13:06 GMT 2007
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).