loco-django project

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Fri Oct 26 03:40:15 BST 2007

Op zondag 21-10-2007 om 22:24 uur [tijdzone -0600], schreef Neal
> Some of us in Colorado that love using python and clean MVC designs on
> web sites are looking into a project to base our loco website (and
> others) on the excellent django web framework.
>  http://www.djangoproject.com/
> So far I've just thrown up a bunch of links to potential bits of code
> to use in the site or as inspiration on this spec:
>   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDjango
> and nerdynick has set up some team and blueprint pages:
>  https://edge.launchpad.net/loco-django/
> Advice, collaborators, etc welcomed!

I think we might maybe be interested for Ubuntu-BE (we've been thinking
about a replacement for our current site, but didn't really decide on
any solution yet).

One thing that could be important for us is a workflow for translations
(Belgium has 3 official languages).

Jan Claeys

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