Autodesk Presentation 3dmax 10

James =-] jimmyjrcrack at
Sat Oct 13 07:59:24 BST 2007

Hi, Before anything I want to say hello to every ubuntu members, I want to say that this spirit its changing the way I think, because Im opening my view, and its glad to have a world community of people that want to help others, that might be in all the activities of the human beings.

I hope that no one laugh or be rude im only trying to help the work of all Ubuntu users. Well lets get in this, I get and invitation of the new 3dmax 10 release in Mexico City, its gonna be at 5 o clock in the Camino Real Hotel, im a student of architecture and we need this tools for  every day working, so my agenda its to take my cd's of Ubuntu and Kubuntu that send me canonical and ask a simple question, 

In the future of Autodesk are you considering the opening of new users that are in GNU/Linux Ubuntu?

obviously we know the answer but the plattaform is very unstable and this is and unique advantage for Ubuntu, Adobe its opening their software to Linux we will have Adobe Acrobat in Future, I know we want open sources but we can put a little piece of sand in this large sea.

If I can be honest I will like to propose a project in Launchpad, I know that all derivatives are under trademark of canonical, but If someone can guide me, I like to make a Distribution based in Debian/Ubuntu for Architects. Im in the most important University of Latinamerica maybe we can start doing a Beta project program and growing little by little and extend this global.

Take Care, and God bless everyone.

Jaime Ancira
jimmyjrcrack at

At'n: Mark Shuttleworth
         Jono Bacon
          Ubuntu Users Global

P.S. I want to organize or help to make a Release Party 7.10. in Mexico City, I have some ideas to get impact in here.



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