April 2007 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Apr 1 12:31:44 UTC 2007
Ending: Mon Apr 30 20:57:45 UTC 2007
Messages: 74
- Internet/Networking categories in docs
Phil Bull
- ubuntu 5.04 networking
Cohan Doyle
- Request to include in User Documentation - 'Clean install & /home-folder'
Roel Van Ranst (Telenet)
- How to test your translations of ubuntu-docs
Matthew East
- svn account request
Jordan Mantha
- Request to include in User Documentation - 'Clean install & /home-folder'
Phil Bull
- Network Manager as part of default install
Matt Zimmerman
- xreflabel in documents
Milo Casagrande
- A typo in basic-commands
Ari Torhamo
- xreflabel in documents
Matthew East
- A typo in basic-commands
Matthew East
- Request to include in User Documentation - 'Clean install & /home-folder'
Phil Bull
- Licensing of the Ubuntu Documentation Wiki
Matthew East
- how to move wiki pages
Ronnie Tucker
- how to move wiki pages
David Symons
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Matt A
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Rich Johnson
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Phil Bull
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Garrett Fitzgerald
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Matthew East
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Matt A
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Rich Johnson
- mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs
Neal McBurnett
- [Fwd: [Fwd: community documentation v wiki problem]]
Matthew Nuzum
- [Fwd: Broken link in Ubuntu Help section]
Matthew Nuzum
- [Fwd: [Fwd: community documentation v wiki problem]]
Brian Murray
- Updated Server Guide including information on Bazaar VCS
Ian Clatworthy
- [Fwd: Ubuntu Server Guide updated to include core information on Bazaar]
Mark Shuttleworth
- [Fwd: Ubuntu Server Guide updated to include core information on Bazaar]
Matthew East
- [Fwd: Ubuntu Server Guide updated to include core information on Bazaar]
Mark Shuttleworth
- [Fwd: Ubuntu Server Guide updated to include core information on Bazaar]
- Remote Desktop entry in Kubuntu Desktop Guide
Chris Fordham
- Remote Desktop entry in Kubuntu Desktop Guide
Rich Johnson
- full circle #0 - RELEASED!
Ronnie Tucker
- full circle #0 - RELEASED!
Andrew Barber
- Error found
Stephen Martinis
- Documentation regarding system requirements for feisty/or edgy, hoary, dapper
shirish agarwal
- Documentation regarding system requirements for feisty/or edgy, hoary, dapper
Phil Bull
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 11
Chris Fordham
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 11
Jonathan Jesse
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 11
Rich Johnson
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 13
Chris Fordham
- add/merge stuff to HelponPageCreation
shirish agarwal
- Suggestion for wiki
TMulgrew at stpetes.org
- [Bug 19421] Re: Humanized changelog and news after a dist-upgrade
- [Bug 19421] Re: Humanized changelog and news after a dist-upgrade
Sebastian Heinlein
- Information request about Ubuntu.
Mr. AXit
- Community Council nominations and confirmation polls
Mark Shuttleworth
- Information request about Ubuntu.
Dale Bustad
- Information request about Ubuntu.
Duncan Lithgow
- Information request about Ubuntu.
Jean-Christophe Berthon
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 18
Chris Fordham
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 18
Chris Fordham
- Open Week - Documentation Team talk preview
Rich Johnson
- Porting ubuntu
Karl Goetz
- Ubuntu documentation mentioned in article
Rich Johnson
- Ubuntu documentation mentioned in article
Rich Johnson
- Ubuntu documentation mentioned in article
Freddy Martinez
- Ubuntu documentation for the LinuxTag DVD and doc team participation?
Torsten Spindler
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 23
Chris Fordham
- Ubuntu documentation for the LinuxTag DVD and doc team participation?
Matthew East
- ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 23
Rich Johnson
- Ubuntu documentation mentioned in article
Phil Bull
- improving online documentation
Matthew East
- improving online documentation
Ari Torhamo
- improving online documentation
Matthew East
- improving online documentation
Phil Bull
- improving online documentation
Matthew East
- Small addition for consideration 'add-applications.xml'
Philip Wyett
- improving online documentation
Phil Bull
- improving online documentation
Phil Bull
- Ubuntu documentation mentioned in article
shirish agarwal
- improving online documentation
Ari Torhamo
- improving online documentation
Will Simpson
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 20:57:45 UTC 2007
Archived on: Mon Jul 4 09:16:12 UTC 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).