mp3s or oggs of Ubuntu docs

Neal McBurnett neal at
Tue Apr 10 15:12:02 UTC 2007

On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 10:02:40AM -0400, Matt A wrote:
> This is Matt A wow not noon yet and bad day already I forgot the
> password on my other email can't get it back for five days. :( So i
> just rejoined using my other email come on five days :| Well anyway
> I read the archive here is how I made the audio book of the ubuntu
> packaging guide.

Thanks again for this cool work!

> 1. Download the pdf

I would hope that working from the source text, the html, would allow
for better resutlts.  No page numbers, easier to deal with the
typography (pdfs can be awful in terms of introducing nasty stuff like
ligatures!), and the opportunity to give extra emphasis to headings,
italics, etc.  And allow folks to interactively follow hyperlinks.

I haven't done it myself, but assume there are good html reading
programs out there.  Any other good experiences out there?

Neal McBurnett       
Signed and/or sealed mail encouraged.  GPG/PGP Keyid: 2C9EBA60

> 2. Cut and paste each chapter into its own text file (Chapter 3 needed two but
> who cares)
> 3. Do some minor edits (add an intro note remove Table of Contents
> typographical conventions etc)
> 4. text2wave each file separately ( crashed when i did it all at once )
> 5. Lame encode each wav
> 6. deleted wavs (kept textfiles in case i needed to redo something)
> 7. made an m3u so i could just push a button when i wanted to hear the book
> 8. Make a tarball and put it on my thumb drive for backup
> Took about 3 hours all told the resulting tarball was 20.1MB here are my notes
> on the final product
> * Page numbers are real annoying remove
> * Hyperlinks go by kinda fast <maybe gather them all at the end so people can
> hear them again>
> * The default voice is kinda hard to understand <maybe a female voice would
> work better>
> There that should give everyone the jist :) If anyone wants the tarball to see
> how i did it let me know. I am thinking about doing all the official stuff and
> maybe a snapshot the most popular wiki pages. But first thing first gotta get
> that voice right.

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