Information request about Ubuntu.

Mr. AXit axit at
Sun Apr 22 14:48:00 UTC 2007


I hope, that this is the right address to write to - this was the only one I found and I got tired 
after one and a half hour if search.

I would like to ask for imformation on Ubuntu. I would like to use it on my computer - instead of 
good ol' Windows - but I would like to get a few thing strait before I do and no one cuold help me 
so far.

I am from Hungary and yes, I tried the hungatian help topics and eaven sent e-mails to a guy who 
distributes the original Ubuntu CDs here in my city - for free I thik. But he didn't answer to my 
secound e-amil and I doubt that he will - way too mutch time has passed since than. And he couldn't 
eaven answer all of my questions at the first place.

So I thought that I'll send you this mail thinking it cannot do any harm with it, and maybe I'll 
finaly get some answers.

Here would be my questions:

1.) I use PhotoShop CS 2 on my computer, and I need Macromedia products too for my studies.
Is there some way to get these work in Ubuntu?

2.) Can I play games under Ubuntu? Are the Wine and Cedega good for this? Are they easy too use? 
What about Win4Lin?

3.) Why is it good, to run Windows XP in a window in Linux?

4.) I hate/can't use programing. If I get home I don't want to use it. My girlfried doesn't eaven 
know what programing is! And we only have one computer at home.
So, do I need to use codeing/programming to get things work in Uduntu or it is as easy as Windows?

5.) Can I see Flash and ShockWave content under Ubuntu in the wab browser?

6.) Can I play online with my friend? For example: Starcraft on Battlenet or via LAN.

7.) Can I use emulators to play Free MMORPGs which doesn't have a Linux version?

8.) Can I use bittorent and ftp under Linux? Is it as easy under Windows?

9.) Video cards: I read this problem topic somewhere about ATI cards.
I have an AXI X1600 video card. Will I have a problem with it?

10.) AND, the most important thing is: Is Ubuntu the same easy-to-use operating system as Windows 
XP, just more secure and more stabel, or this saftey and stabiliy has a price - it is also harder 
to use and one needs help with it from more expirienced useres?

Okay. These are the questions that I can think of so far. I hope that you can really help me.

I am waiting for your ansver.

Thank you for reading.


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