January 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 17:23:11 UTC 2006
Ending: Tue Jan 31 19:55:14 UTC 2006
Messages: 386
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
- [Bug 23007] k3bsetup show an emty dialog
Christian Ashby
- [Bug 23007] k3bsetup show an emty dialog
Christian Ashby
- [Bug 28535] kmail crashes sometimes on reading mails written in Korean
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 28172] Cannot Configure Epson C80 under breezy
Rob Blomquist
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
Phil Bull
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
Phil Bull
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
Phil Bull
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
Phil Bull
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
Phil Bull
- [Bug 29824] Chinese unavailable after installing i18n package
Phil Bull
- [Bug 26258] Kopete shows all offline users temporarily when switching online state
Sergio Cambra
- [Bug 19057] Problem with dead keys, cannot write some accentuated characters with KDE apps
Joao Clemente
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
Morgan Collett
- [Bug 26572] k3b locks up on searching for devices after running app 1st time on 2.6.12-10-686-smp
Ben Collins
- [Bug 27002] Printer with known default good driver will print green only <severe bug impairs basic desktop printing usage>>
Murray Cumming
- [Bug 3134] kontact displays icons for uninstalled parts
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 4399] /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html disappears
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 4399] /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html disappears
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 4399] /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html disappears
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 3325] amarok wizard doesn't work on AMD 64 (install cd is x86)
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 4435] kdelibs can't build against arts in dapper
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 4399] /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html disappears
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- [Bug 27859] date stamp and su failure
Steve Didier
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
John Dong
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
John Dong
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
John Dong
- [Bug 25677] Amarok cannot create/update his song collection
- [Bug 27370] Adept crashed after 'update'
- [Bug 28342] Kubuntu dapper always change back my clock to GMT every shut down
- [Bug 3737] artsd crashes (segv) daily. No apparent cause.
Dave Gilbert
- [Bug 6706] Konqueror crashes on searches in history file
Stephan Hermann
- [Bug 17571] Amarok unstable
Stephan Hermann
- [Bug 28535] kmail crashes sometimes on reading mails written in Korean
Stephan Hermann
- [Bug 16168] w32codecs doesn't work on Kubuntu
Stephan Hermann
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
Stephan Hermann
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
Stephan Hermann
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
Stephan Hermann
- [Bug 19547] Logon problem with kcheckgmail
Lex Hider
- [Bug 17693] Request package for LSongs media player
Emmet Hikory
- [Bug 6306] impossible to use kiosktool with ubuntu
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6306] impossible to use kiosktool with ubuntu
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6141] libqt0-ruby1.8: calls to initialize do not return
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6141] libqt0-ruby1.8: calls to initialize do not return
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6141] libqt0-ruby1.8: calls to initialize do not return
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 2822] eric3 crases as it launches, segmentation fault
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6042] eric3 IDE does not start
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6042] eric3 IDE does not start
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6042] eric3 IDE does not start
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 3169] segfault when starting on breezy
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6042] eric3 IDE does not start
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 2822] eric3 crases as it launches, segmentation fault
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 6485] Ksudoku fails to build in ubuntu
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 29648] Printing Notification Icon misplaced under KDE
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 28771] Crashes in Konq with back button and launching multimedia files
Rob Hughes
- [Bug 3421] Feed list should be sortable
Jonathan Jesse
- [Bug 3421] Feed list should be sortable
Jonathan Jesse
- [Bug 5346] Kaffeine crashes konqueror when trying to play embedded movies
Jonathan Jesse
- [Bug 3735] Konqueror can't remember passwords for launchpad or amazon
Jonathan Jesse
- [Bug 24578] Starting adept-updater while adept is running brings confusing error message
Jonathan Jesse
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
- [Bug 5817] qt3-designer: missing category in .desktop file
Seth Kinast
- [Bug 5817] qt3-designer: missing category in .desktop file
Seth Kinast
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Seth Kinast
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Seth Kinast
- [Bug 6485] Ksudoku fails to build in ubuntu
Seth Kinast
- [Bug 5194] Does not build from upstream
Seth Kinast
- [Bug 28039] [dapper] Adept crashes when finishing Dpkg-Run
Yuriy Kozlov
- [Bug 23007] k3bsetup show an emty dialog
Yuriy Kozlov
- [Bug 3421] Feed list should be sortable
Steve Laniel
- [Bug 19520] package selection
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 1255] Karbon crashes when creating a new document
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 1255] Karbon crashes when creating a new document
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 19063] KDE Control Center forgets changed resolution of logitech mouse after reboot
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 19063] KDE Control Center forgets changed resolution of logitech mouse after reboot
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 16168] w32codecs doesn't work on Kubuntu
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 16168] w32codecs doesn't work on Kubuntu
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 16168] w32codecs doesn't work on Kubuntu
Sander van Loon
- [Bug 25706] clicking on mailto link does not open thunderbird.
Matt MacLeod
- [Bug 23817] KMix, select channel for tray slider doens't restore proper setting
- [Bug 28207] k3b fails to burn cd with firewire device
S Mediratta
- [Bug 23918] No translations for katapult
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 23918] No translations for katapult
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 23918] No translations for katapult
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 28207] k3b fails to burn cd with firewire device
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 28040] Unable to write an ISO file to an USB disk
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 28040] Unable to write an ISO file to an USB disk
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 28040] Unable to write an ISO file to an USB disk
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 28040] Unable to write an ISO file to an USB disk
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 28040] Unable to write an ISO file to an USB disk
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 28155] k3b complains about missing cdrecord and cdrdao unless I run it as root
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 26572] k3b locks up on searching for devices after running app 1st time on 2.6.12-10-686-smp
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 26572] k3b locks up on searching for devices after running app 1st time on 2.6.12-10-686-smp
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 21009] When installing K3B, It was displaying in the install list TWICE
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 3209] yakuake keybinding conflict on ibook, powerbook
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 23918] No translations for katapult
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 23918] No translations for katapult
Martin Meredith
- [Bug 27386] Theme clash when gnome and KDE installed
- [Bug 24576] konsole does not find "Linux" font
Łukasz Nowak
- [Bug 28342] Kubuntu dapper always change back my clock to GMT every shut down
Jimmy P
- [Bug 28390] Wrong dependencies in kdelibs4-dev package
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28390] Wrong dependencies in kdelibs4-dev package
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 6706] Konqueror crashes on searches in history file
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 2651] opening of a file with a utf8 filename
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28659] kbuildsycoca keep craching after fresh install with 2006-1-13's kubuntu install cd
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28784] KDE applications crash (Kontact, kicker, amarok etc)
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28802] soundserver crash at every start of KDE session
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28801] occasionally crash of kwin when clicking on "show desktop"
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28771] Crashes in Konq with back button and launching multimedia files
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28771] Crashes in Konq with back button and launching multimedia files
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28847] kopete crash when startup
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 29240] Kubuntu-styled GTK mouse cursor filckers
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 29347] search bar doesn't open in a new tab when using alt+enter
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 29373] Bad dependencies
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 29649] konqui crash browsing in samba shares
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 29738] kchmviewer doesn't load .chm files from removable media
Loic Pefferkorn
- [Bug 25804] Kmail puts replies in wrong folder
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 26016] Kmail puts replies in wrong folder
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 26016] Kmail puts replies in wrong folder
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 26016] Kmail puts replies in wrong folder
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 26016] Kmail puts replies in wrong folder
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 26163] Kmail leaves all emails in the outbox
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 26515] kopete doesn't save video device selected
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 26515] kopete doesn't save video device selected
Eric Pignet
- [Bug 3134] kontact displays icons for uninstalled parts
Raphaël Pinson
- [Bug 23659] No translation of the modules in kde-systemsettings
Jindrich Pozlovsky
- [Bug 23659] No translation of the modules in kde-systemsettings
Jindrich Pozlovsky
- [Bug 23481] systemsetting unusable in french
Jindrich Pozlovsky
- [Bug 23481] systemsetting unusable in french
Jindrich Pozlovsky
- [Bug 23659] No translation of the modules in kde-systemsettings
Jindrich Pozlovsky
- [Bug 22846] systemsettings doesn't scale down on lower resolutions
Venkat Raghavan
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
Jure Repinc
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
Jure Repinc
- [Bug 3325] amarok wizard doesn't work on AMD 64 (install cd is x86)
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 4435] kdelibs can't build against arts in dapper
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 6306] impossible to use kiosktool with ubuntu
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 25677] Amarok cannot create/update his song collection
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 25677] Amarok cannot create/update his song collection
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 28535] kmail crashes sometimes on reading mails written in Korean
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 3134] kontact displays icons for uninstalled parts
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 28172] Cannot Configure Epson C80 under breezy
Daniel Robitaille
- [Bug 4385] Confusing spanish translation
Roberto Robles
- [Bug 29648] Printing Notification Icon misplaced under KDE
Andreas Simon
- [Bug 23458] latin layouts not available on kde keyboard tool
Milos Sramek
- [Bug 4748] boson-base (and thus boson) can't be installed nor in dapper, nor in breezy
- [Bug 4748] boson-base (and thus boson) can't be installed nor in dapper, nor in breezy
- [Bug 4748] boson-base (and thus boson) can't be installed nor in dapper, nor in breezy
- [Bug 4748] boson-base (and thus boson) can't be installed nor in dapper, nor in breezy
- [Bug 14542] via doesn't support amd64
Alexandre Otto Strube
- [Bug 28039] [dapper] Adept crashes when finishing Dpkg-Run
Florian Trück
- [Bug 28018] [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
Florian Trück
- [Bug 28156] [dapper] Adept crashes when rightclicking and selecting install on a package
Florian Trück
- [Bug 27794] configuration error
Colin Watson
- [Bug 27794] configuration error
Colin Watson
- [Bug 26572] k3b locks up on searching for devices after running app 1st time on 2.6.12-10-686-smp
Colin Watson
- [Bug 27277] dapper / battery monitor broken
Lakin Wecker
- [Bug 27277] dapper / battery monitor broken
Lakin Wecker
- [Bug 27277] dapper / battery monitor broken
Lakin Wecker
- [Bug 23603] Windows misbehave when panel is hidden
Steve White
- [Bug 23603] Windows misbehave when panel is hidden
Steve White
- [Bug 23603] Windows misbehave when panel is hidden
Steve White
- [Bug 23603] Windows misbehave when panel is hidden
Steve White
- [Bug 23603] Windows misbehave when panel is hidden
Steve White
- [Bug 2822] eric3 crases as it launches, segmentation fault
- [Bug 18714] Default font in Kubuntu too big
- [Bug 25656] provide tool to set dpi for kdm
- [Bug 17374] Kubuntu live says "Starting Ubuntu" on bootup
Matt Zimmerman
- [Bug 20900] digikam goes into an eternal loop when downloading
- [Bug 20900] digikam goes into an eternal loop when downloading
- [Bug 20900] digikam goes into an eternal loop when downloading
- [Bug 28535] kmail crashes sometimes on reading mails written in Korean
- [Bug 28535] kmail crashes sometimes on reading mails written in Korean
- [Bug 21748] New: Asking for keyboard-layout, although only one is available!
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21748] Asking for keyboard-layout, although only one is available!
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21749] New: xmodmap setup is missing (general startup is wrong?)
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21750] New: win/tux key's default behaviour
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21750] win/tux key's default behaviour
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21689] Kdevelop not working in kde3.5
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18396] "system:/home" is not working properly in KDE3.5b2
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21759] New: Installed kubuntu-desktop
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21694] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 17432] Windows misbehave when panel is hidden
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21759] Installed kubuntu-desktop
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 10193] kded crashes (or eats memory) when CDROM or DVD is inserted
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 10193] kded crashes (or eats memory) when CDROM or DVD is inserted
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21759] Installed kubuntu-desktop
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21694] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21769] New: date stamp and su failure
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21759] Installed kubuntu-desktop
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21770] New: Warning messages when KHexEdit starts
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21770] Warning messages when KHexEdit starts
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21759] Installed kubuntu-desktop
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21759] Installed kubuntu-desktop
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21794] New: Amarok loses informations in ID3 tag
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 10193] kded crashes (or eats memory) when CDROM or DVD is inserted
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21377] can't open glxgears or blender on a remote ssh -X connection
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 10193] kded crashes (or eats memory) when CDROM or DVD is inserted
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21041] k3b: new changes from Debian require merging
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20140] hal+ivman hangs konqueror
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 15270] embedded realplayer fails in Konqueror
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18534] Kubuntu installation failed
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 19706] Lots of processes not closing (kaffeine, kiofile, kiohttp, rc, usplash)
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 19813] K3b requires cdrdao in Dapper
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 19263] Konqueror opens two windows when iPod is connected, can't umount iPod because not in /etc/fstab, and i'm no root.
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18942] Tab switching reloads pages, clearing form contents and such
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 19373] Konq crashes when inserting an audio CD
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 16431] kcontrol crash trying to display kde resource panel
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18876] pb to connect to bank web site
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 9871] knetworkconf doesn't save gateway
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 9871] knetworkconf doesn't save gateway
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 15708] tag search in musicbrainz/libtunepimp2c2 does not work on mp3
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 14558] [hppa] FTBFS: needs g++-3.4 (or g++-4.1)
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 10193] kded crashes (or eats memory) when CDROM or DVD is inserted
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21845] New: screen saver doesn't unlock
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21845] screen saver doesn't unlock
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21865] New: Audio Previews
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20994] /dev/sg0 installs as group "root" not "cdrom"
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21302] Theme clash when gnome and KDE installed
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21374] on logout X should restart if xorg.conf was changed since last X login
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21845] screen saver doesn't unlock
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20994] /dev/sg0 installs as group "root" not "cdrom"
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21900] New: Adept
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21900] Adept
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] DHCP autoconfiguration failed at installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21904] New: Laptop enters suspend state when shutting down
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21694] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21912] New: The clock-applet does not use the correct dateformat!
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] DHCP autoconfiguration failed at installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] DHCP autoconfiguration failed at installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21922] New: kthesaurus won't install, depending on old kdelibs4c2
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21922] kthesaurus won't install, depending on old kdelibs4c2
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21930] New: [Dapper] Adept crashes when clicking "fetch updates"
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21943] New: Konqueror-ftp-wizzard misses essential functions
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21948] New: kicker and konsole segfault (signal 11) upon logout
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21951] New: [dapper] Adept crashes when finishing Dpkg-Run
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21952] New: Unable to write an ISO file to an USB disk
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 16431] kcontrol crash trying to display kde resource panel
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21957] New: resume from suspend drops back into resume
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21959] New: adept package alterations fail when root doesn't have read access to homdir
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21579] dpkg fails at kubuntu-docs during stage2
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21922] kthesaurus won't install, depending on old kdelibs4c2
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21865] Audio Previews
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21957] resume from suspend drops back into resume
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21579] dpkg fails at kubuntu-docs during stage2
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] DHCP autoconfiguration failed at installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21957] resume from suspend drops back into resume
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21957] resume from suspend drops back into resume
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21952] Unable to write an ISO file to an USB disk
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21959] adept package alterations fail when root doesn't have read access to homdir
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21959] adept package alterations fail when root doesn't have read access to homdir
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] DHCP autoconfiguration failed at installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21948] kicker and konsole segfault (signal 11) upon logout
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] DHCP autoconfiguration failed at installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] Problem Settings the network with 2 ethernet cards
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] Problem Settings the network with 2 ethernet cards
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 8923] Cannot retrieve tag info from net
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22024] New: Conflicted dependency for 'Kat', the file searching program, in dapper
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22046] New: scilab shows wrong font
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21957] resume from suspend drops back into resume
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21948] kicker and konsole segfault (signal 11) upon logout
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 8681] Administrator mode not working
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22067] New: k3b complains about missing cdrecord and cdrdao unless I run it as root
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22068] New: [dapper] Adept crashes when rightclicking and selecting install on a package
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22071] New: "you have to type an alias first" error popup when adding a new DNS server ip
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22072] New: "This configuration section already opened in system settings" when getting back to network settings
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22076] New: default gateway setting gets forgotten
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22077] New: wrong initial locale chosen after installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22084] New: Cannot Configure Epson C80 under breezy
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22046] scilab shows wrong font
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22096] New: KMix applet doesn't show ttoltips after launching Konsole
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22096] KMix applet doesn't show tooltips after launching Konsole
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22119] New: k3b fails to burn cd with firewire device
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22046] scilab shows wrong font
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21240] Problem Settings the network with 2 ethernet cards
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22127] New: artsd -D device option takes "hw:0, 0" but rejects "/dev/dsp", contrary to documented usage
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22130] New: printing to PDF file: infinite number of pages
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22136] New: You cannot use ubuntu without a mouse
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22024] Conflicted dependency for 'Kat', the file searching program, in dapper
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 16650] kde sound server crashes periodically
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22175] New: Kde not loading
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22136] You cannot use ubuntu without a mouse
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18211] media:/ does not display hard disks
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21072] kubuntu dapper flight 2 i386 install cd - isolinux doesn't work on Targa Traveller 826 (amd64)
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] New: Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22024] Conflicted dependency for 'Kat', the file searching program, in dapper
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22175] Kde not loading
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18211] media:/ does not display hard disks
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18942] Tab switching reloads pages, clearing form contents and such
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21294] openoffice mimetypes incorrect for KDE
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21246] missing build-depends
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22024] Conflicted dependency for 'Kat', the file searching program, in dapper
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22198] Katapult (0.3baz20051226-0ubuntu2) does not take any input
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21041] k3b: new changes from Debian require merging
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22245] New: k3b: new changes from Debian require merging
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22250] New: Devices should be automounted for only the active session
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22256] New: Kubuntu dapper always change back my clock to GMT every shut down
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 16820] k3bsetup show an emty dialog
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22276] New: KMail 1.9.1 crashes when selecting folders
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22276] KMail 1.9.1 crashes when selecting folders
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22276] KMail 1.9.1 crashes when selecting folders
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22276] KMail 1.9.1 crashes when selecting folders
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12385] lo0 loopback device not activated by default
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12385] lo0 loopback device not activated by default
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22175] Kde not loading
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21309] dapper install demands proxy and doesn't accept blank entry
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22250] Devices should be automounted for only the active session
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22046] scilab shows wrong font
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12385] lo0 loopback device not activated by default
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 11346] kynaptic is uploaded as a native package, not as .orig.tar.gz
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12343] 'New Root Shell' in Konsole does not use sudo
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12343] 'New Root Shell' in Konsole does not use sudo
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12343] 'New Root Shell' in Konsole does not use sudo
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12343] 'New Root Shell' in Konsole does not use sudo
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12343] 'New Root Shell' in Konsole does not use sudo
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20361] Konqueror crash when browsing page above
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20361] Konqueror crash when browsing page above
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20139] unable to find or enable show desktop icon.
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22302] New: save zoom settings in kpdf
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22304] New: Wrong dependencies in kdelibs4-dev package
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20176] No Way to Turn Off "Google Suggest" Search Engine
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21034] hda_intel: Endless loop causes system to lockup on boot
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21034] hda_intel: Endless loop causes system to lockup on boot
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 20139] unable to find or enable show desktop icon.
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 17463] optional mechanism to start gnome-keyring-daemon in new kde sessions
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 12343] 'New Root Shell' in Konsole does not use sudo
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 15786] kscreensaver-xsavers not shown in kscreensaver menu
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18426] No Admin Mode Button for Network Settings
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 18426] No Admin Mode Button for Network Settings
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 17335] kaffeine crash konqueror when plugin is not finded
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 21189] Dapper / ibook / Network disabled after installation
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22368] New: [Dapper] Launching System Settings - Admin Mode
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22369] New: [Dapper] Launching System Settings - Admin Mode
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22370] New: [Dapper] Launching System Settings - Admin Mode
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22067] k3b complains about missing cdrecord and cdrdao unless I run it as root
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 22067] k3b complains about missing cdrecord and cdrdao unless I run it as root
bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
- [Bug 27314] Kubuntu Dapper Flight 2 - KDE doesn't pick up keyboard layout selected at installation
- [Bug 23194] khotkeys does not start
- [Bug 28045] resume from suspend drops back into resume
- [Bug 28045] resume from suspend drops back into resume
- [Bug 28045] resume from suspend drops back into resume
- [Bug 5346] Kaffeine crashes konqueror when trying to play embedded movies
- [Bug 28535] kmail crashes sometimes on reading mails written in Korean
- [Bug 28659] kbuildsycoca keep craching after fresh install with 2006-1-13's kubuntu install cd
- [Bug 6706] Konqueror crashes on searches in history file
- [Bug 596] conflict with knetworkconf (/usr/share/icons/default.kde)
dAniel hAhler
- [Bug 6042] eric3 IDE does not start
- [Bug 6724] ksysguard fails to report cpu_freq in dapper
- [Bug 24351] media:/ does not display hard disks
- [Bug 27859] date stamp and su failure
- [Bug 16168] w32codecs doesn't work on Kubuntu
- [Bug 16168] w32codecs doesn't work on Kubuntu
- [Bug 27784] System freezes while booting from Kubuntu install CD
- [Bug 27334] KDE 3.5 removable usb media not opening right
- [Bug 27334] KDE 3.5 removable usb media not opening right
- [Bug 20918] Grub color are not very friendly
- [Bug 15087] Desktop and file manager icon size issue
- [Bug 15087] Desktop and file manager icon size issue
- [Bug 15087] Desktop and file manager icon size issue
- [Bug 24351] media:/ does not display hard disks
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 19:55:14 UTC 2006
Archived on: Thu May 11 02:39:07 UTC 2023
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).