July 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 2 20:11:44 BST 2006
Ending: Sun Jul 30 08:58:05 BST 2006
Messages: 77
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 15, Issue 3
"tedsmith28 at yahoo.co.uk"
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops vs Drupal
"tedsmith28 at yahoo.co.uk"
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops, Druapl etc
Ted Smith (F3 Web Site Administrator)
- [ubuntu-uk] The CMS Debate Continued - Xoops Drupal etc
Ted Smith (F3 Web Site Administrator)
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu minimum spec
- [ubuntu-uk] UK hardware list
Mark Van den Borre
- [ubuntu-uk] UK hardware list
Mark Van den Borre
- [ubuntu-uk] ICA Client on Dapper
Ian Brooksbank
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: New users - asking them about Ubuntu Magazine
Richard A Downing FBCS CITP
- [ubuntu-uk] UK hardware list
Ralph Corderoy
- [ubuntu-uk] I'd like to be our LoCo team contact
Kenny Duffus
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: UK hardware list
Matthew East
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 15, Issue 12
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Sysadmin day
- [ubuntu-uk] UK hardware list
Alan Helmore-Simpson
- [ubuntu-uk] Chris Lang is out of the office.
Chris Lang
- [ubuntu-uk] Chris Lang is out of the office.
Chris Lang
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
Mason, Glenn
- [ubuntu-uk] DebConf 2007 to be in ... Edinburgh!
Mason, Glenn
- [ubuntu-uk] I'd like to be our LoCo team contact
Mason, Glenn
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
John K Masters
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] ICA Client on Dapper
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live
Stephen Parkes
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day plans
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] [FWD [lugmaster] [Fwd: Re: Software Freedom Day]]]
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] New users - asking them about Ubuntu Magazine
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ICA Client on Dapper
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
Joseph Price
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
Joseph Price
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: [Debian-uk] Re: Badges for LugRadio Live Exhibitors:
signup early, signup often
Scott James Remnant
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: [Debian-uk] Badges for LugRadio Live
Exhibitors: signup early, signup often
Scott James Remnant
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: Badges for LugRadio Live Exhibitors: signup early,
signup often
Matthew Revell
- [ubuntu-uk] New users - asking them about Ubuntu Magazine
Matthew Revell
- [ubuntu-uk] New users - asking them about Ubuntu Magazine
Matthew Revell
- [ubuntu-uk] OGG on Sony W810i phone?
Pete Ryland
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: Choosing a "CMS"
Robert Schumann
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops vs Drupal
Robert Schumann
- [ubuntu-uk] UK hardware list
Robert Schumann
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: Functions of this list [Scanned]
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] OGG on Sony W810i phone?
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu minimum spec
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: [Debian-uk] Badges for LugRadio Live Exhibitors:
signup early, signup often
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Sysadmin day
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] I'd like to be our LoCo team contact
Bill Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Sysadmin day
Bill Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] CMSes
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: Choosing a "CMS"
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: Choosing a "CMS"
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops, Druapl etc
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu minimum spec
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu minimum spec
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu minimum spec
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu minimum spec
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops, Druapl etc
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day plans
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops vs Drupal
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops vs Drupal
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops vs Drupal
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] CMS Debate - Xoops vs Drupal
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: Functions of this list [Scanned]
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] The CMS Debate Continued - Xoops Drupal etc
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] UK hardware list
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: UK hardware list
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] I'd like to be our LoCo team contact
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] I'd like to be our LoCo team contact
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 15, Issue 12
Steve Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: Choosing a "CMS"
Lee Tambiah
- [ubuntu-uk] Any help with this ??
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu minimum spec
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: UK hardware list
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: [Debian-uk] Badges for LugRadio Live Exhibitors:
signup early, signup often
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Re: [Debian-uk] Badges for LugRadio Live Exhibitors:
signup early, signup often
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Join simon baker on Yahoo! Messenger!
sstjbaker at yahoo.co.uk
Last message date:
Sun Jul 30 08:58:05 BST 2006
Archived on: Sun Jul 30 08:58:30 BST 2006
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).