[ubuntu-uk] The CMS Debate Continued - Xoops Drupal etc

Steve Smith steve.lists at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 8 15:17:40 BST 2006

On 08/07/06, Ted Smith (F3 Web Site Administrator) <tedsmith at f3.org.uk> wrote:
> [...] As I said before, Xoops out
> of the box is not a nice as Drupal etc and you shouldn't let this influence
> you if possible. It's very powerful and very customizable.

Yes, that's true and I'm trying not to let it influence me if I can help it.

> The Xoops homepage is not brilliant and I think they (the developers)
> acknowledge that. It's not really changed since I first started using it in
> 2003. I'm not sure why though. It's got about 40,000 users now I think so
> maybe they don't want to confuse people by changing the way it looks :-)

lol! :)

I've had a look through the two examples you gave me and they both use
tables.  But as you say, I'm sure there are many Xoops themes that do

I'm going to stick with Drupal for now and give that a go I think.
Perhaps there's nothing to call it betweel it and Xoops, but I've
gotta pick one so I'll try that for now.  After actually having a go
at setting up a CMS I'll be more aware of what I need out of one and
in the future I can perhaps try Xoops and compare them.

Thanks for all your help!

As an aside, when you reply to this list it'd be helpful if you could
keep the subject lines the same.  I guess you're not in a threaded
view in your e-mail client, but for those of use who are changing the
sujbect lines makes the conversation disjointed.  Thank you!

Steve :)

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