[ubuntu-uk] Re: Choosing a "CMS"

Lee Tambiah l_tambiah at linuxmail.org
Wed Jul 5 13:46:43 BST 2006

>Has anyone got any advice on the pros and cons of Mambo, Joomla and
>Drupal?  I need to pick one!

There is no right answer for this. I have looked and tried many of the open source ones in question. Choosing a content managemnt system is determined by what you require your web site to be. For example a blog, would work better on Wordpress rather than Joomla as it is its main role and purpose. Really you need to research into what each plaftorm offers you, and choose the on that fits your needs best. 

They are ALL good!!

Joomla can be hard to change and customise in comparison with Drupal. It is true that Joomla has flashy looks out of the box, but dont let this influence your final decision. Drupal on the other hands supplies you with simple templates which can easily be hacked and changed, and rebuilt. Someone who doesnt like to get there hands dirty in the code maybe better off with Joomla. There is a site called "The Onion" which is an website built using the Drupal CMS, this is a fine example of the flexible customisation you can make with Drupal.

The Onion Website


L. Tambiah

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