[ubuntu-uk] DebConf 2007 to be in ... Edinburgh!

Mason, Glenn Glenn.Mason at rbs.co.uk
Thu Jul 13 07:07:03 BST 2006

As you may have already seen, Edinburgh will be the host city for DebConf in
2007.  (Probably July 2007).

I'm going to do my darndest to get there, as I live in Edinburgh, and as a
member of the Edinburgh LUG I'll probably be recruited to help.

What I'm wondering is: will there be an Ubuntu presence at DebConf?  I've
never been, but I get the impression that it is very much a working
conference - specifically for Debian developers rather than users.

Would it be possible, or appropriate, to leverage this to increase awareness
of Ubuntu for the govt and educational sectors?  Could we run
Ubuntu-specific events in tandem (for Joe User as opposed to RMS), and turn
the whole city into one big Gnu/Linux gnu/love-in?


-- Glennji
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