[ubuntu-uk] UK hardware list

Mark Van den Borre mvdborre at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 08:26:29 BST 2006

2006/7/12, Steve Smith <steve.lists at googlemail.com>:
> We've started a wiki page of Ubuntu-compatible hardware that is
> available in the UK.  If you have bought anything recently that you
> think's worth adding, pop it on
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Hardware
> Or if you're not a wiki kind of person, give details in a reply to
> this thread and I or someone else will add it on your behalf.
> Remember, UK-focus what we're looking for :).
I'm sorry to say that I miss a lot of focus in this. What exactly is
the goal of this page? I don't really see it.

Mark Van den Borre
Noormannenstraat 113
3000 Leuven, België
+32 486 961726

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