April 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Apr 1 01:41:23 UTC 2015
Ending: Thu Apr 30 10:06:16 UTC 2015
Messages: 66
- super , keep LD_LIBRARY_PATH
sanyechong12 at live.com
- super , keep LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Oliver Grawert
- Request Help with Video
- Ubuntu 14.10 and libtiff4
Nick Kenney
- Ubuntu phone feedback
- Ubuntu phone feedback
Simos Xenitellis
- Ubuntu phone feedback
Riccardo Padovani
- LibreOffice vs. OpenOffice
José Ninguém
- Ubuntu phone feedback
Dale Amon
- Request Help with Video
Colin Law
- Ubuntu phone feedback
- Ubuntu phone feedback
Rodney Dawes
- Ubuntu phone feedback
Rodney Dawes
- Debian Continuous Integration on Ubuntu
Ole Streicher
- Debian Continuous Integration on Ubuntu
Martin Pitt
- irqbalance superfluous
Daniel J Blueman
- irqbalance superfluous
Istimsak Abdulbasir
- irqbalance superfluous
John Moser
- irqbalance superfluous
Daniel J Blueman
- irqbalance superfluous
Istimsak Abdulbasir
- irqbalance superfluous
Istimsak Abdulbasir
- South East Linux Fest UbuCon
Michael Hall
- ruby-gtk3 depends on libruby2.0, libruby2.1 in 14.10
Daniel Radetsky
- Wesnoth critical security fix
LC20973 at quantentunnel.de
- Fwd: Orca crach at startup
Michaël Parchet
- Fwd: Fwd: orca don't start -- orca log
Michaël Parchet
- Fwd: Orca crach at startup
Michaël Parchet
- orca sould br lanch as root ?
Michaël Parchet
- ruby-gtk3 depends on libruby2.0, libruby2.1 in 14.10
Gianfranco Costamagna
- MSI nvidia fx5500 on 14.04
- MSI nvidia fx5500 on 14.04
Colin Law
- Fwd: Sound not working on 15.04 if Pulseaudio is fully localised (affects: el, it, pl, pt_BR, sk, sv, tr, uk, more)
Simos Xenitellis
- default-jre
- Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS / Different behavior on BIOS & UEFI
Ben Humpert
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Bryan Quigley
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Robie Basak
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Martinx - ジェームズ
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Dimitri John Ledkov
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Martinx - ジェームズ
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Bryan Quigley
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Colin Ian King
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Robie Basak
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Bryan Quigley
- btrfs plans for 15.10/16.04?
Bryan Quigley
- pdfchain 1:0.4.4-1 is a defect package for Mint rebecca?
Kurt gmx
- Fwd: future development idea: presentation mode
Marek Sterzik
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Mark Faine
- Fwd: future development idea: presentation mode
Dale Amon
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Martinx - ジェームズ
- Window Controls on the Right Side
John Moser
- Fwd: future development idea: presentation mode
Marek Sterzik
- Fwd: future development idea: presentation mode
Dale Amon
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Mark Faine
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Clint Byrum
- Window Controls on the Right Side
John Moser
- Window Controls on the Right Side
John Moser
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Marc Deslauriers
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Marc Deslauriers
- Window Controls on the Right Side
John Moser
- Window Controls on the Right Side
John Moser
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Marc Deslauriers
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Marc Deslauriers
- Window Controls on the Right Side
John Johansen
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Dale Amon
- Window Controls on the Right Side
John Moser
- Window Controls on the Right Side
Jan Rathmann
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 10:06:16 UTC 2015
Archived on: Tue Sep 29 17:42:00 UTC 2020
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