Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS / Different behavior on BIOS & UEFI

Ben Humpert ben at an3k.de
Tue Apr 21 11:54:26 UTC 2015


I set up two virtual machines on vSphere 6. Both have the identical
configuration with one difference. One is BIOS and the other is UEFI.

When booting from CD the very first time, the UEFI version does not
have the BIOS semi-graphical boot menu with F2 = Language, F3 =
Keymap, etc. functions. It is more simplified. Not a problem at all.

When the systems are installed the UEFI runs in 1024x768 in boot menu,
kernel log, post-kernel log and console. That's perfect!

The BIOS however runs in 640x480 in boot menu, 720x400 in kernel log,
800x600 in post-kernel log and 800x600 in console. What the ...?

After setting GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768 on the BIOS machine it runs in
1024x768 in boot menu, 720x400 in kernel log, 1024x768 post-kernel log
and 1024x768 in console. However the post-kernel log is still shown as
800x600 (text is squeezed into 800x600 except two entries which are
squeezed into 1024x768).

We're using BIOS for more than 20 years but still have the resolution
issues. Why is that? And does it get fixed or not because we don't
need to do so since we got UEFI where it is already working as

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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