Fwd: future development idea: presentation mode

Dale Amon amon at vnl.com
Wed Apr 29 00:20:55 UTC 2015

Actually you will find the use of 2, 3 and 4 screens
very common. Walk through an accounting office. True
they are in the windows world, but multi-screens are
basic to their work flow.

Similarly (also windows), you will find that in the
case of many engineering applications, two screens
are essential. SolidWorks for example.

You did mention developers. I am always moving cursor
between screens and have programs in both. Actually
I wish I had more screens. Even 4 dual screen desk tops
isn't enough for me.

Not to suggest that making it easier to do what you
suggest is a bad idea... I just wanted to correct any
impression that multiple screens is unusual in any

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