August 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Aug 1 10:47:17 BST 2008
Ending: Sun Aug 31 22:21:55 BST 2008
Messages: 69
- Apps hanging around.
monteslu at
- Apps hanging around.
Vu Nguyen
- Apps hanging around.
F. Rodriguez
- Apps hanging around.
R. Scott Belford
- Apps hanging around.
David Trask
- Apps hanging around.
Luis Montes
- Apps hanging around.
Gavin McCullagh
- Apps hanging around.
Luis Montes
- Apps hanging around.
Luis Montes
- Apps hanging around.
Gavin McCullagh
- Apps hanging around.
- Apps hanging around.
R. Scott Belford
- Apps hanging around.
Luis Montes
- Apps hanging around.
Gavin McCullagh
- Central Login - and a new thread
Mon Sagullo
- Childsplay hangs on exit
Olle Englund
- Childsplay hangs on exit
Gavin McCullagh
- Childsplay hangs on exit
Krsnendu dasa
- Childsplay hangs on exit
Gavin McCullagh
- Childsplay hangs on exit
Gavin McCullagh
- Does LTSP on Edubuntu/Hardy honor /etc/profile ?
- Edu Day in Gran Canaria Desktop Summit
Agustín Benito
- Edubuntu Remote Desktop Issue
randy.baker at
- Edubuntu Remote Desktop Issue
Gavin McCullagh
- Edubuntu Remote Desktop Issue
Cameron Tully-Smith
- Edubuntu Remote Desktop Issue
randy.baker at
- edubuntu-users Digest, Vol 27, Issue 22
David Ally
- embedded quicktime video hangs firefox
Patrick McKnight
- Enquiry about Edubuntu in the classroom
Anh Hung Nguyen
- Enquiry about Edubuntu in the classroom
Uwe Geercken
- Enquiry about Edubuntu in the classroom
M. Fioretti
- fat clients ssh into ltsp server
Patrick McKnight
- fat clients ssh into ltsp server
Gavin McCullagh
- fat clients ssh into ltsp server
Patrick McKnight
- font question
Deborah White
- Hi guys, I have problem with Firefox
Vu Nguyen
- Hi guys, I have problem with Firefox at
- Hi guys, I have problem with Firefox
Gavin McCullagh
- Hi guys, I have problem with Firefox
Stephen McCullagh
- Hi guys, I have problem with Firefox
Vu Nguyen
- Hi guys, I have problem with Firefox
David Trask
- how do you get something to run when a user logs on?
- how do you get something to run when a user logs on?
Oliver Grawert
- how do you get something to run when a user logs on?
- how do you get something to run when a user logs on?
- how do you get something to run when a user logs on?
David Van Assche
- how do you get something to run when a user logs on?
Uwe Geercken
- how do you kill a user's old processes when they try to log back on
Todd O'Bryan
- how do you kill a user's old processes when they try to log back on
Todd O'Bryan
- Intel D945GCLF mobo as Thin Client with Ubuntu 8.04.1 (daily, 12072008)
- Intel D945GCLF mobo as Thin Client with Ubuntu 8.04.1 (daily, 12072008)
- it pays to read
Mon Sagullo
- LDAP/Kerberos help
Todd O'Bryan
- Linux Gradebook software?
Adam LaMee
- ltsp5 boot process
Rudy Gevaert
- ltsp5 boot process
Gavin McCullagh
- ltsp5 boot process
Rudy Gevaert
- ltsp5 boot process
Rudy Gevaert
- Output from glxinfo is different when run from a thin client
Dan Moore
- Patrick Masson is out of the office.
massonpj at
- root can't delete a users .gvfs
- smbldap
Luis Montes
- Software Raid
Gavin McCullagh
- Software Raid
Uwe Geercken
- Ubuntu 8.04 Server Installation problem
- Urgent help request! was Re: how do you get something to run when a user logs on?
- what to do with denemo
Jordan Mantha
- what to do with denemo
Asmo Koskinen
- whats the equivlent of /etc/iftab in ubuntu 8.10 ?
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 22:21:55 BST 2008
Archived on: Sun Aug 31 22:21:58 BST 2008
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