how do you kill a user's old processes when they try to log back on

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan at
Fri Aug 29 22:43:57 BST 2008

As a follow-on to this question, is the XRAMPERC variable that was available
in Gutsy still available in Hardy? I added a setting to
/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf, but users could still crash their
terminals by going to a particularly graphics heavy website in Firefox.

Do I need to do anything special to make that setting take, other than
rebooting the terminal?


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Todd O'Bryan <toddobryan at> wrote:

> My students often manage to lock up the terminal, usually as a result of
> the pixmap bug in Firefox and OpenOffice that has been much discussed. When
> that happens, they have to power down and restart the client.
> But when they try to log back in, their login stalls, because their old
> processes are hanging around. Last year I stuck some command somewhere to
> automatically kill all running processes when a user logs on, but I can't
> remember what it was, where I put it, and I stupidly reinstalled over the
> old system without making a backup.
> Can anyone enlighten me?
> Todd
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