July 2007 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Jul 1 15:20:16 BST 2007
Ending: Tue Jul 31 22:13:18 BST 2007
Messages: 499
- [Bug 119184] Re: HAL : macbook-backlight is broken for Macbook C2D
Henrique Ferreiro
- [Bug 112513] Re: Backport Thunderbird to Feisty
- [Bug 119184] Re: HAL : macbook-backlight is broken for Macbook C2D
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 111966] Re: Please backport git-core 1:
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 111966] Re: Please backport git-core 1:
Luca Falavigna
- [Bug 123670] KCheckGmail 0.5.5-2 no longer works
- [Bug 123753] please upgrade php 5.1 to 5.2
- [Bug 112511] Re: Backport Pidgin 2.0.0 Final to Fiesty
- [Bug 112511] Re: Backport Pidgin 2.0.0 Final to Fiesty
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Bug 112511] Re: Backport Pidgin 2.0.0 Final to Fiesty
- [Bug 59842] Re: backport beagle
Brian Murray
- [Bug 123838] Backport Gnuplot4.2
- [Bug 117900] Re: security update not installed because of higher version number of the backported vim
Colin Watson
- [Bug 90574] Re: Please backport freeradius
William Grant
- [Bug 120292] Re: please backport qemu 0.9.0
Michel D'HOOGE
- [Bug 123950] Backport sympa from Feisty
Berge Schwebs Bjørlo
- [Bug 111966] Re: Please backport git-core 1:
Michael Barkowski
- [Bug 97096] Re: Please backport tomcat5.5 from gutsy (was: tomcat5.5 won't start b/c of catalina.out named pipe)
Alperen Yusuf Aybar
- [Bug 124108] Backport ktorrent 2.2-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 124108] Re: Backport ktorrent 2.2-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 124108] Re: Backport ktorrent 2.2-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 124108] Re: Backport ktorrent 2.2-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 124255] amarok 1.4.6 doesn't cooperate with last.fm not possible to "play next", " love" or "don't ever play it again"
Mateusz Holysz
- [Bug 124108] Re: Backport ktorrent 2.2-0ubuntu1
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 124108] Re: Backport ktorrent 2.2-0ubuntu1
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 124108] Re: Backport ktorrent 2.2-0ubuntu1
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 124444] Please backport ndisgtk
Stephen Drake
- [Bug 120485] Re: Backport request-tracker3.6 from feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 112513] Re: Backport Thunderbird to Feisty
- [Bug 124623] Please backport xserver-xorg-video-intel from gutsy
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 124938] Please Backport Clamassassin from gutsy to dapper
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 124938] Re: Please Backport Clamassassin from gutsy to dapper
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120292] Re: please backport qemu 0.9.0
Michel D'HOOGE
- [Bug 125094] Please backport gnunet 0.7.2-1 from gutsy to feisty
- [Bug 115082] Re: Please backport DOSemu 1.4.0
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117106] Re: backport hdapsd
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117106] Re: backport hdapsd
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117623] Re: libfile-rsyncp-perl
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 123151] Re: Please backport Rhythmbox! 0.11.1-0ubuntu2 in gutsy is working well!
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117622] Re: backuppc
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 86836] Re: backuppc package in feisty is outdated
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117106] Re: backport hdapsd 0.0.20070524-1 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117623] Re: backport libfile-rsyncp-perl 0.68-1 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 86836] Re: backport backuppc 3.0.0-3ubuntu1 in feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117763] Re: Backport of spamassassin 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117705] Re: Please backport scribus-ng 1.3.4.dfsg-1ubuntu1 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 120939] Re: X11 warnings after upgrade when moving windows
Paul Baumgardner
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 112570] Re: Please backport boinc_5.8.17-2build2 from Gutsy
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 116653] Re: Please backport dnsmasq 2.39-1 from Gutsy
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 115082] Re: Please backport DOSemu 1.4.0+svn.1828-1 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 120292] Re: please backport qemu 0.9.0
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 120939] Re: X11 warnings after upgrade when moving windows
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 120292] Re: please backport qemu 0.9.0
Michel D'HOOGE
- [Bug 119616] Re: Request Gutsy Logwatch package be backported
Michel D'HOOGE
- [Bug 120939] Re: X11 warnings after upgrade when moving windows
Paul Baumgardner
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
- [Bug 117013] Re: Ubuntu fails to start with fglrx on radeon x1300
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 117013] Re: Backport of fglrx to Feisty needed for radeon x1300 support
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
- [Bug 116658] Re: Please backport pbuilder 0.166ubuntu1 from Gutsy
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117794] Re: Backport of clamtk 2.32-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117763] Re: Backport of spamassassin 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 118507] Re: hardinfo needs to be backported to feisty due to grave bug in application
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 124938] Re: Please Backport Clamassassin from gutsy to dapper
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 62154] Re: spamassassin 3.1.3-1 doesn`t cooperate with evolution
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 118899] Re: backport balsa 2.3.17-1ubuntu1 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
John Vivirito
- [Bug 113665] Re: Backport of pypolicyd-spf 0.3-1 to Feisty and Edgy
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Tommy Trussell
- [Bug 117818] Re: Please backport tomboy
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 119616] Re: Request Gutsy Logwatch package be backported
Michel D'HOOGE
- [Bug 120415] Re: OpenOffice.org 2.2.1
Michel D'HOOGE
- [Bug 116658] Re: Please backport pbuilder 0.166ubuntu1 from Gutsy
Michel D'HOOGE
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 122995] Re: Backport of netbeans5.5 (5.5.1-2) from Gutsy to Feisty
Marek Slama
- [Bug 83065] Re: Request: Update ClamAV
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120566] Re: Upgrade/Backport Trac 0.10.4 to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 83065] Re: Please backport clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1 to edgy from feisty
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 83065] Re: Please backport clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1 to edgy from feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117619] Re: please backport listen0.5-0ubuntu4 from gutsy
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 43322] Re: EOG crashes when stopping slideshow
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
Tommy Trussell
- [Bug 43322] Re: EOG crashes when stopping slideshow
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
- [Bug 43322] Re: EOG crashes when stopping slideshow
Tormod Volden
- [Bug 117013] Re: Backport of fglrx to Feisty needed for radeon x1300 support
- [Bug 121163] Re: Support for Nvidia GeForce 8400M, 8300, 8600 Gfx chipset
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 121232] Re: Please backport Gutenprint 5.1.3
Brad Templeton
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
John Vivirito
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
John Vivirito
- [Bug 125717] No initscript in hal 0.5.9
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 125717] Re: No initscript in hal 0.5.9
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 125717] Re: No initscript in hal 0.5.9
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 125717] Re: No initscript in hal 0.5.9
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 124938] Re: Please Backport Clamassassin from gutsy to dapper
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 113665] Re: Backport of pypolicyd-spf 0.3-1 to Feisty and Edgy
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 113665] Re: Backport of pypolicyd-spf 0.3-1 to Feisty and Edgy
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 83065] Re: Please backport clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1 to edgy from feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 117763] Re: Backport of spamassassin 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 117794] Re: Backport of clamtk 2.32-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 120566] Re: Please backport Trac 0.10.4-2 to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 112570] Re: Please backport boinc_5.8.17-2build2 from Gutsy
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Emmet Hikory
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Brian Murray
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu2
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 121163] Re: Support for Nvidia GeForce 8400M, 8300, 8600 Gfx chipset
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 121163] Re: Support for Nvidia GeForce 8400M, 8300, 8600 Gfx chipset
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 121163] Re: Support for Nvidia GeForce 8400M, 8300, 8600 Gfx chipset
Jose De la Rosa
- [Bug 117013] Re: Backport of fglrx to Feisty needed for radeon x1300 support
Jeff Rasmussen
- [Bug 125871] Please backport stellarium 0.9.0-1 to feisty
Nicolas Quenouille
- [Bug 125871] Re: Please backport stellarium 0.9.0-1 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 63452] Re: Please backport brasero CD burning tool and libburn4+libisofs4 from Ubuntu Gutsy
- [Bug 117619] Re: please backport listen0.5-0ubuntu4 from gutsy
- [Bug 122105] Re: Backport gnome-pkg-tools
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3
- [Bug 63452] Re: Please backport brasero CD burning tool and libburn4+libisofs4 from Ubuntu Gutsy
Mario Đanić
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 119616] Re: Request Gutsy Logwatch package be backported
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120993] Re: Please backport libnetaddr-ip-perl 4.007 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 112513] Re: Backport Thunderbird to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 86836] Re: backport backuppc 3.0.0-3ubuntu1 in feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 116458] Re: GRAMPS 2.2.7
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 116916] Re: Backport libqt4-ruby1.8
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117384] Re: backport gcc 4.2
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 118507] Re: hardinfo needs to be backported to feisty due to grave bug in application
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120760] Re: GRAMPS 2.2.8
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 121137] Re: Please backport sitecopy fix from Gutsy
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 115149] Re: Request backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper and edgy
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 121087] Re: libmtp crashes (1.5 backport request)
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 116458] Re: GRAMPS 2.2.7
Joel Parker
- [Bug 116458] Re: GRAMPS 2.2.7
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 116458] Re: GRAMPS 2.2.8
Joel Parker
- [Bug 115149] Re: Request backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper and edgy
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 115149] Re: Request backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper and edgy
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 115149] Re: Request backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper and edgy
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 115149] Re: Request backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper and edgy
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 115149] Re: Request backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper and edgy
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120939] Re: X11 warnings after upgrade when moving windows
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 121163] Re: Support for Nvidia GeForce 8400M, 8300, 8600 Gfx chipset
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 119616] Re: Request Gutsy Logwatch package be backported
- [Bug 116458] Re: GRAMPS 2.2.8
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126085] backport compiz
John Dong
- [Bug 119616] Re: Please backport Logwatch 7.3.6-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126085] Re: backport compiz
John Dong
- [Bug 123670] Re: KCheckGmail 0.5.5-2 no longer works
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 115269] Re: [backport] python-psycopg2 From Feisty to Dapper
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 73915] Re: Please upgrade spamass-milter in dapper-backports (if possible)
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 74216] Re: clamav in dapper-backports vulnerable
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 86836] Re: backport backuppc 3.0.0-3ubuntu1 in feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 116458] Re: Please backport gramps (2.2.8-1ubuntu1) from Gutsy to Feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 115269] Re: [backport] python-psycopg2 From Feisty to Dapper
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 113487] Re: Please backport istanbul for feisty
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 113487] Re: Please backport istanbul for feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 116458] Re: Please backport gramps (2.2.8-1ubuntu1) from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 115149] Re: Request backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper and edgy
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 115149] Re: Please backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper, edgy, and feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 126176] Re: anjuta 2.2.0 backport request
William Grant
- [Bug 113665] Re: Backport of pypolicyd-spf 0.3-1 to Feisty and Edgy
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 74216] Re: clamav in dapper-backports vulnerable
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 83065] Re: Please backport clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1 to edgy from feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 83065] Re: Please backport clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1 to edgy from feisty
Colin Watson
- [Bug 83065] Re: Please backport clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1 to edgy from feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 74216] Re: clamav in dapper-backports vulnerable
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 83065] Re: Please backport clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1 to edgy from feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117623] Re: backport libfile-rsyncp-perl 0.68-1 to feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126434] Please backport music-applet 2.2.0
Matt Kantor
- [Bug 126434] Re: Please backport music-applet 2.2.0
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 115149] Re: Please backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper, edgy, and feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126176] Re: anjuta 2.2.0 backport request
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 121087] Re: libmtp crashes (1.5 backport request)
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122861] Re: Please backport python-zsi
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120485] Re: Backport request-tracker3.6 from feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 121430] Re: schroot crash at new login
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 76955] Re: backport freetype1 to dapper
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 118719] Re: backport goffice 0.4.0
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 114479] Re: wine 0.9.38
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 121867] Re: Bug in gameplay/campaign
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 121774] Re: Backport Glade 3.2.2 because of bug in 3.2.0
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 123151] Re: Please backport Rhythmbox! 0.11.1-0ubuntu2 in gutsy is working well!
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117106] Re: Please backport hdapsd 0.0.20070524-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 52539] Re: backport vim 7 to dapper
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 118719] Re: backport goffice 0.4.0
sam tygier
- [Bug 126176] Re: anjuta 2.2.0 backport request
Scott Sweeny
- [Bug 126176] Re: anjuta 2.2.0 backport request
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126681] backport libgdl
Scott Sweeny
- [Bug 126682] backport gnome-build
Scott Sweeny
- [Bug 126176] Re: anjuta 2.2.0 backport request
Scott Sweeny
- [Bug 126681] Re: backport libgdl
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126682] Re: Please backport gnome-build 0.1.7-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126681] Re: backport libgdl
Scott Sweeny
- [Bug 126682] Re: Please backport gnome-build 0.1.7-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 126681] Re: backport libgdl
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 126766] latest qt 4.3 backports produces visual corruption during scrolling and in the systray
- [Bug 126766] Re: latest qt 4.3 backports produces visual corruption during scrolling and in the systray
- [Bug 126766] Re: latest qt 4.3 backports produces visual corruption during scrolling and in the systray
- [Bug 126766] Re: latest qt 4.3 backports produces visual corruption during scrolling and in the systray
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3 from Gutsy to Feisty
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 124623] Re: Please backport xserver-xorg-video-intel from gutsy
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 124444] Re: Please backport ndisgtk 0.7
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 81185] Re: Upgrade GParted to version 0.33
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 81185] Re: Upgrade GParted to version 0.33
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 126795] Backport request: Pulseaudio
- [Bug 126811] Re: libqt4-core doesn't renders well the edit buffer in a compiled application (LyX 1.5.0RC2)
Scott Kitterman
- SV: [Bug 114479] Re: wine 0.9.38
- [Bug 126829] Re: Redraw problems in Qt 4.3.0
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 81185] Re: Upgrade GParted to version 0.33
- [Bug 114479] Re: wine 0.9.38
John Dong
- [Bug 81185] Re: Upgrade GParted to version 0.33
John Dong
- [Bug 95698] Re: [needs-packaging] Mute
A. Bram Neijt
- [Bug 123753] Re: please upgrade php 5.1 to 5.2
- [Bug 126951] Re: qt4 4.3.0-2 bug
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 126766] Re: latest qt 4.3 backports produces visual corruption during scrolling and in the systray
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 111966] Re: Please backport git-core 1:
- [Bug 127014] Please backport git-core 1.5
J. Pulliainen
- [Bug 127034] please backport java-package (0.31) from Gutsy
- [Bug 120485] Re: Backport request-tracker3.6 from feisty
Marco Catunda
- [Bug 120485] Re: Backport request-tracker3.6 from feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 45551] Re: kismet: UVF exception request for 2006-04-R1
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127014] Re: Please backport git-core from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120485] Re: Backport request-tracker3.6 from feisty
Marco Catunda
- [Bug 120485] Re: Please backport request-tracker3.6 3.6.1-3 from Feisty to Dapper
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 77826] Re: Clamav 0.88.7 from feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 115149] Re: Please backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper, edgy, and feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 115149] Re: Please backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper, edgy, and feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 115149] Re: Please backport for squirrelmail from gutsy to dapper, edgy, and feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 120485] Re: Please backport request-tracker3.6 3.6.1-3 from Feisty to Dapper
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 52539] Re: backport vim 7 to dapper
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 114479] Re: wine 0.9.38
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 116458] Re: Please backport gramps (2.2.8-1ubuntu1) from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 117106] Re: Please backport hdapsd 0.0.20070524-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 117623] Re: backport libfile-rsyncp-perl 0.68-1 to feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 119616] Re: Please backport Logwatch 7.3.6-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 120993] Re: Please backport libnetaddr-ip-perl 4.007 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 126682] Re: Please backport gnome-build 0.1.7-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 127014] Re: Please backport git-core from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 117623] Re: backport libfile-rsyncp-perl 0.68-1 to feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 117623] Re: backport libfile-rsyncp-perl 0.68-1 to feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117623] Re: backport libfile-rsyncp-perl 0.68-1 to feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 117106] Re: Please backport hdapsd 0.0.20070524-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 86836] Re: Please backport backuppc 3.0.0-3ubuntu1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127148] Please backport php-radius 1.2.3ubuntu* to feisty
Davide Saurino
- [Bug 120940] Re: emacs-snapshot-gtk stopped working
Áron Sisak
- [Bug 81185] Re: Upgrade GParted to version 0.33
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 126766] Re: latest qt 4.3 backports produces visual corruption during scrolling and in the systray
- SV: [Bug 114479] Re: wine 0.9.38
- [Bug 126892] Re: Visual glitches and functionality problems after QT4.3 upgrade
- [Bug 127224] Backport KTorrent 2.2-0ubuntu2
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127224] Re: Backport KTorrent 2.2-0ubuntu2
John Dong
- [Bug 127148] Build Started: php-radius
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127148] Re: Please backport php-radius 1.2.3ubuntu* to feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 127148] Notification of build SUCCESS for php-radius
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127148] Re: Please backport php-radius 1.2.3ubuntu* to feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 119617] Build Started: logwatch
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 119617] Notification of build SUCCESS for logwatch
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 119617] Re: Request Gutsy Logwatch package be backported
John Dong
- [Bug 123838] Build Started: gnuplot
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 118876] Re: Ndiswrapper 1.43
John Dong
- [Bug 111889] Build Started: tracker
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 123838] Notification of build SUCCESS for gnuplot
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 111889] Notification of build SUCCESS for tracker
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 119617] Re: Request Gutsy Logwatch package be backported
- [Bug 127034] Build Started: java-package
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127034] Notification of build SUCCESS for java-package
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127034] Re: please backport java-package (0.31) from Gutsy
John Dong
- [Bug 126434] Build Started: music-applet
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 126434] Re: Please backport music-applet 2.2.0
John Dong
- [Bug 126434] Notification of build SUCCESS for music-applet
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 126434] Re: Please backport music-applet 2.2.0
John Dong
- [Bug 126681] Re: backport libgdl
John Dong
- [Bug 126681] Re: backport libgdl
John Dong
- [Bug 126176] Re: anjuta 2.2.0 backport request
John Dong
- [Bug 124623] Build Started: xserver-xorg-video-intel
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 124444] Build Started: ndisgtk
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 124623] Notification of build FAIL for xserver-xorg-video-intel
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 123151] Build Started: rhythmbox
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 124444] Notification of build SUCCESS for ndisgtk
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 118719] Build Started: goffice
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 121774] Build Started: glade-3
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 121867] Build Started: wesnoth
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 126085] Re: backport compiz
John Dong
- [Bug 126085] Re: backport compiz
John Dong
- [Bug 117013] Re: Backport of fglrx to Feisty needed for radeon x1300 support
John Dong
- [Bug 124623] Re: Please backport xserver-xorg-video-intel from gutsy
John Dong
- [Bug 123151] Notification of build FAIL for rhythmbox
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 121774] Notification of build SUCCESS for glade-3
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 123151] Re: Please backport Rhythmbox! 0.11.1-0ubuntu2 in gutsy is working well!
John Dong
- [Bug 118719] Notification of build SUCCESS for goffice
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 121867] Notification of build SUCCESS for wesnoth
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 63452] Re: Please backport brasero CD burning tool and libburn4+libisofs4 from Ubuntu Gutsy
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 124444] Build Started: ndisgtk
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 124444] Notification of build FAIL for ndisgtk
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 124444] Re: Please backport ndisgtk 0.7
John Dong
- [Bug 124623] Re: Please backport xserver-xorg-video-intel from gutsy
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Luca Falavigna
- [Bug 126766] Re: latest qt 4.3 backports produces visual corruption during scrolling and in the systray
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 96586] Re: Backport Inkscape to 0.45.1-1ubuntu3 to feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122442] Re: Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 127430] backport ddclient
John Dong
- [Bug 127430] Re: backport latest ddclient from gutsy to feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 122251] Re: Backports of gpodder
- [Bug 126681] Re: backport libgdl
Scott Sweeny
- [Bug 115269] Re: [backport] python-psycopg2 From Feisty to Dapper
Leonel Nunez
- [Bug 127479] HAL 0.5.9 Internal Error at boot
- [Bug 52539] Re: backport vim 7 to dapper
Reinhard Tartler
- [Bug 52539] Re: backport vim 7 to dapper
Reinhard Tartler
- [Bug 121232] Re: Please backport Gutenprint 5.1.3
Dave Gilbert
- [Bug 127571] Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 96586] Re: Correct multiple inkscape issues in Feisty (SRU and Backport)
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127571] Re: Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 127571] Re: Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 127612] Please backport translate-toolkit
Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)
- [Bug 127612] Re: Please backport translate-toolkit
Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)
- [Bug 127612] Re: Please backport translate-toolkit
Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)
- [Bug 127612] Build Started: translate-toolkit
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127612] Notification of build SUCCESS for translate-toolkit
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127612] Re: Please backport translate-toolkit
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 127612] Re: Please backport translate-toolkit
Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)
- [Bug 126434] Package is dandy
Matt Kantor
- [Bug 127634] Please backport gqview 2.0.4 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 127612] Re: Please backport translate-toolkit 1.0.1-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127639] Please backport gtkpod 0.99.10 and gtkpod-aac 0.99.10 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 127571] Re: Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 127642] Plaase backport kftpgrabber 0.8.1 to Feisty
- [Bug 126434] Re: Please backport music-applet 2.2.0=1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127642] Build Started: kftpgrabber
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127639] Re: Please backport gtkpod 0.99.10 and gtkpod-aac 0.99.10 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 127634] Re: Please backport gqview 2.0.4 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 121232] Build Started: gutenprint
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 121232] Notification of build SUCCESS for gutenprint
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127642] Notification of build SUCCESS for kftpgrabber
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127642] Re: Plaase backport kftpgrabber 0.8.1 to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 127571] Re: Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 117840] Re: Wishlist: Update python-soya package
Jérôme Guelfucci
- [Bug 121120] Re: [Wishlist]Please import Qtiplot from Debian
- [Bug 22220] Re: Correct modules for I2O-based raid are not loaded
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 22220] Re: Correct modules for I2O-based raid are not loaded
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 22220] Re: Correct modules for I2O-based raid are not loaded
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 22899] Re: Installer complains about /dev/md/0p1
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 98540] Re: Dapper installer prevents LVM on software RAID
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Soren Hansen
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 109451] Re: mysql-server 4.1.15 is obsolete
Mathias Gug
- [Bug 127571] Re: Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 127634] Re: Please backport gqview 2.0.4 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 127430] Re: backport latest ddclient from gutsy to feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 127814] Re: Please backport wesnoth 1.2.5 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 121867] Re: Bug in gameplay/campaign
John Dong
- [Bug 121867] Re: Bug in gameplay/campaign
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 43322] Re: EOG crashes when stopping slideshow
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127835] sylpheed-claws-gtk2-2.1.1 backport
- [Bug 127835] Re: sylpheed-claws-gtk2-2.1.1 backport
- [Bug 127835] Re: sylpheed-claws-gtk2-2.1.1 backport
- [Bug 127835] Re: sylpheed-claws-gtk2-2.1.1 backport
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 122995] Re: Backport of netbeans5.5 (5.5.1-2) from Gutsy to Feisty
Daniel Holbach
- [Bug 127835] Re: sylpheed-claws-gtk2-2.1.1 backport
- [Bug 43322] Re: EOG crashes when stopping slideshow
Tormod Volden
- [Bug 120905] Re: Can Emacs 22.1 be backported for feisty
Reinhard Tartler
- [Bug 127922] Please backport lighttpd v1.4.15 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 127922] Build Started: lighttpd
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127922] Notification of build SUCCESS for lighttpd
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127922] Re: Please backport lighttpd v1.4.15 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 127922] Re: Please backport lighttpd v1.4.15 from Gutsy to Feisty
Lionel Porcheron
- [Bug 127975] Please backport gthumb from gutsy
Neilen Marais
- [Bug 112511] Re: Backport Pidgin 2.0.0 Final to Fiesty
Ken Phillis Jr
- [Bug 127922] Re: Please backport lighttpd v1.4.15 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 128039] please backport/update Xchat to 2.8.4
Ken Phillis Jr
- [Bug 127642] Re: Plaase backport kftpgrabber 0.8.1 to Feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127634] Re: Please backport gqview 2.0.4 from Gutsy to Feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127612] Re: Please backport translate-toolkit 1.0.1-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127571] Re: Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127430] Re: backport latest ddclient from gutsy to feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127224] Re: Backport KTorrent 2.2-0ubuntu2
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 126434] Re: Please backport music-applet 2.2.0-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 121867] Re: Bug in gameplay/campaign
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 86836] Re: Please backport backuppc 3.0.0-3ubuntu1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 117106] Re: Please backport hdapsd 0.0.20070524-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127224] Re: Backport KTorrent 2.2-0ubuntu2
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 127224] Re: Backport KTorrent 2.2-0ubuntu2
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 117013] Re: Backport of fglrx to Feisty needed for radeon x1300 support
Nizar K
- [Bug 128039] Re: please backport/update Xchat to 2.8.4
John Dong
- [Bug 127975] Build Started: gthumb
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 127975] Notification of build SUCCESS for gthumb
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3 from Gutsy to Feisty
Mantas Kriaučiūnas
- [Bug 128039] Re: please backport/update Xchat to 2.8.4
Ken Phillis Jr
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Vivirito
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127922] Re: Please backport lighttpd v1.4.15 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117013] Re: Backport of fglrx to Feisty needed for radeon x1300 support
- [Bug 120990] Re: backport gnash 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 115687] Re: java6 update1 is released, please update
- [Bug 128362] Please can claws-mail be backported from gutsy to feisty
- [Bug 96586] Re: Correct multiple inkscape issues in Feisty (SRU and Backport)
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 96586] Re: Correct multiple inkscape issues in Feisty (SRU and Backport)
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 128402] Please backport k3b 1.0.3 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 128402] Build Started: k3b
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 128402] Notification of build SUCCESS for k3b
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 22220] Re: Correct modules for I2O-based raid are not loaded
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 22899] Re: Installer complains about /dev/md/0p1
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 128402] Build Started: k3b
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 128402] Re: Please backport k3b 1.0.3 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 96586] Re: Correct multiple inkscape issues in Feisty (SRU and Backport)
Kees Cook
- [Bug 128558] Backport KTorrent 2.2.1-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 128402] Notification of build SUCCESS for k3b
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Mathias Gug
- [Bug 127571] Re: Please backport lftp 3.5.11-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 128595] Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 128595] Build Started: apport
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 128595] Notification of build SUCCESS for apport
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 128558] Re: Backport KTorrent 2.2.1-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 117810] Re: Please backport deluge-torrent
- [Bug 128558] Re: Backport KTorrent 2.2.1-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 117810] Re: Please backport deluge-torrent
Scott Sweeny
- [Bug 128402] Re: Please backport k3b 1.0.3 from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 128362] Build Started: claws-mail
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 115687] Build Started: sun-java6
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 128362] Notification of build FAIL for claws-mail
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 117810] Re: Please backport deluge-torrent
John Dong
- [Bug 115687] Notification of build SUCCESS for sun-java6
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 128362] Re: Please can claws-mail be backported from gutsy to feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 115687] Re: please backport sun-java6 (6-02-0ubuntu1) from gutsy (was: java6 update1 is released, please update)
John Dong
- [Bug 125094] Build Started: gnunet
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 125094] Notification of build FAIL for gnunet
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 128721] Please backport 2.6.22 kernel from Gutsy to Feisty
Tim Hull
- [Bug 128722] Please backport 2.6.22 kernel from Gutsy to Feisty
Tim Hull
- [Bug 115687] Re: please backport sun-java6 (6-02-0ubuntu1) from gutsy (was: java6 update1 is released, please update)
Matthias Klose
- [Bug 128722] Re: Please backport 2.6.22 kernel from Gutsy to Feisty
Tim Hull
- [Bug 128721] Re: Please backport 2.6.22 kernel from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 128721] Re: Please backport 2.6.22 kernel from Gutsy to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 128402] Re: Please backport k3b 1.0.3 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 115687] Re: please backport sun-java6 (6-02-0ubuntu1) from gutsy (was: java6 update1 is released, please update)
John Dong
- [Bug 48848] Re: [Dapper SRU] Assertion failure in OSPF
Mathias Gug
- [Bug 119184] Re: HAL : macbook-backlight is broken for Macbook C2D
Brian Murray
- [Bug 128558] Re: Backport KTorrent 2.2.1-0ubuntu1
John Dong
- [Bug 128896] Re: Request Backport of 0.11.1 To Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 126795] Re: Backport request: Pulseaudio
SEAQ - Andres Mujica
- [Bug 128917] please backport igerman98
- [Bug 115687] Re: please backport sun-java6 (6-02-0ubuntu1) from gutsy (was: java6 update1 is released, please update)
Alvin Thompson
- Please backport xmltv 0.5.45-5 to Feisty
Mark Fraser
- [Bug 128940] Please backport xmltv 0.5.45-5 to Feisty
Mark Fraser
- Please backport xmltv 0.5.45-5 to Feisty
John Dong
- Please backport xmltv 0.5.45-5 to Feisty
Mark Fraser
- [Bug 121232] Re: Please backport Gutenprint 5.1.3
Dave Gilbert
- Please backport xmltv 0.5.45-5 to Feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 128988] Please backport nspluginwrapper and flashplugin-nonfree for amd64
Markus Brechtel
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 129085] wine 0.9.42 -- udpate
Ken Phillis Jr
- [Bug 129085] Re: wine 0.9.42 -- udpate
John Dong
- [Bug 128402] Re: Please backport k3b 1.0.3 from Gutsy to Feisty
Andreas Dorn
- [Bug 122960] Build Started: ant
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 122960] Notification of build FAIL for ant
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 122960] Re: Please backport Ant 1.7.0 for feisty
John Dong
- [Bug 122960] Build Started: ant
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 122960] Notification of build FAIL for ant
Automated Backports Builder
- [Bug 123753] Re: please upgrade php 5.1 to 5.2
Henrik Sjökvist
- [Bug 129252] Please backport clamav 0.91.1-1ubuntu2 from Gutsy to Feisty
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 120938] Re: kicker does not show up anymore
Maini Marco
- Please backport xmltv 0.5.45-5 to Feisty
Mark Fraser
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
- [Bug 96586] Re: Correct multiple inkscape issues in Feisty (SRU and Backport)
Kees Cook
- [Bug 129360] dansguardian- backport for clamav-0.91.1
- [Bug 129360] Re: dansguardian- backport for clamav-0.91.1
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.93 from Gutsy to Feisty
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 128595] Re: Please backport apport 0.94 from Gutsy to Feisty
Marco Rodrigues
- [Bug 127835] Re: sylpheed-claws-gtk2-2.1.1 backport
- [Bug 119184] Re: HAL : macbook-backlight is broken for Macbook C2D
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127773] Re: Battery no longer recognized as present after upgrade to Gutsy in Dell Latitdue L400
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 127479] Re: HAL 0.5.9 Internal Error at boot
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 117106] Re: Please backport hdapsd 0.0.20070524-1 from Gutsy to Feisty
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 79676] Re: Backport policyd-weight
Jonathan Riddell
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 22:13:18 BST 2007
Archived on: Tue Jul 31 22:20:13 BST 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).