April 2013 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Apr 1 21:57:24 UTC 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 23:09:20 UTC 2013
Messages: 107
- what is the cli shell command to insta; ll ati propriety drivers please.
Alex Armani
- what is the cli shell command to insta; ll ati propriety drivers please.
Brian David
- libraries etc
Brendon Bussy
- libraries etc
Joseph Ronne
- libraries etc
Ralf Mardorf
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 2 testing has started!
Ho Wan Chan
- First no extended screen, now my password doesn't match
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 2 testing has started!
Kaj Ailomaa
- libraries etc
Brendon Bussy
- how to update repository ubuntu studio
putra kurnia Ramadana Sibarani
- how to update repository ubuntu studio
Kaj Ailomaa
- how to update repository ubuntu studio
Ralf Mardorf
- First no extended screen, now my password doesn't match
Joseph Ronne
- First no extended screen, now my password doesn't match
- First no extended screen, now my password doesn't match
Joseph Ronne
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 2 testing has started!
Joseph Ronne
- First no extended screen, now my password doesn't match
Joseph Ronne
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 2 testing has started!
Kaj Ailomaa
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 2 testing has started!
Kaj Ailomaa
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6
Robert Thomas Hayes Link
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 2 testing has started!
Joseph Ronne
- Where's the extended Screen [was: First no extended screen, now my password doesn't match]
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Beta 2 is now released!
Ho Wan Chan
- Display going strange after update
David King
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6
Ho Wan Chan
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Andrew Huys
- Desktop change consequences
Ralf Mardorf
- Desktop change consequences
Andrew Huys
- Desktop change consequences
Andrew Huys
- OT: Desktop change consequences
Ralf Mardorf
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Alf Haakon Lund
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6
Joseph Ronne
- Desktop change consequences
Ralf Mardorf
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Mike Holstein
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6
Mike Holstein
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6
Kaj Ailomaa
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6
Joseph Ronne
- Desktop change consequences
Ralf Mardorf
- Desktop change consequences
Alf Haakon Lund
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Alf Haakon Lund
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Alf Haakon Lund
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Andrew Huys
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Alf Haakon Lund
- Desktop change consequences
Andrew Huys
- Desktop change consequences
Andrew Huys
- Desktop change consequences
Pete Wright
- Desktop change consequences
Andrew Huys
- Desktop change consequences
Submarine Deckhand
- Anybody successfully using Miro 5.04 yet?
Pete Wright
- Anybody successfully using Miro 5.04 yet?
Mike Holstein
- Anybody successfully using Miro 5.04 yet?
Pete Wright
- Anybody successfully using Miro 5.04 yet?
Mike Holstein
- Anybody successfully using Miro 5.04 yet?
Pete Wright
- OT (somewhat): ease of "porting" programs to Linux
Pete Wright
- OT (somewhat): ease of "porting" programs to Linux
Joseph Ronne
- Anybody here using Linux Multimedia Studio?
Pete Wright
- Anybody here using Linux Multimedia Studio?
- Anybody here using Linux Multimedia Studio?
Pete Wright
- Anybody here using Linux Multimedia Studio?
Rivera Valdez
- Anybody here using Linux Multimedia Studio?
Pete Wright
- Bugs?
- Bugs?
Joseph Ronne
- Bugs?
Alf Haakon Lund
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Release Candidates needs testing!
Ho Wan Chan
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Release Candidates needs testing!
Ho Wan Chan
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Release Candidates, needs testing! (Ho Wan Chan)
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Release Candidates needs testing!
Ho Wan Chan
- Problems with HDMI audio.
Alex Armani
- Problems with HDMI audio.
Alf Haakon Lund
- Problems with HDMI audio.
Armando S. Romero III
- Problems with HDMI audio.
Joseph Ronne
- Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Raring Ringtail Released!
Kaj Ailomaa
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Pete Wright
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Dave Woyciesjes
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Pete Wright
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Harry Franz
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Joseph Ronne
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Maik Adamietz
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Tommy Hjalmarsson
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Pete Wright
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Tommy Hjalmarsson
- Upgraded to 13.04, now display can't set to 1680x1050
Joseph Ronne
- Searching within documents
Pete Wright
- Searching within documents
Harry Franz
- Searching within documents
Pete Wright
- Searching within documents
Fredd Oliveiras
- Searching within documents
Pete Wright
- fw: hello
paul newman
- Party like it's 13.04
Set Hallstrom
- Party like it's 13.04
Pete Wright
- Party like it's 13.04
Set Hallstrom
- Party like it's 13.04
Joseph Ronne
- Party like it's 13.04
Pete Wright
- Party like it's 13.04
Eduardo Larroya
- Party like it's 13.04
Pete Wright
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 23:09:20 UTC 2013
Archived on: Tue Apr 30 23:09:46 UTC 2013
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