August 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Aug 1 03:28:47 UTC 2018
Ending: Fri Aug 31 21:01:17 UTC 2018
Messages: 209
- [Bug 1786881] Re: Languages always shown with English names
Robert Ancell
- [Bug 1786881] Re: Languages always shown with English names
Robert Ancell
- [Bug 1786881] Re: Languages always shown with English names
Robert Ancell
- [Bug 1785551] Re: Upgrade to PulseAudio 12.2 in cosmic
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1771981] Re: Sync opus 1.3~beta+20180518-1 (main) from Debian sid (main)
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1770686] Re: Hide livepatch widgets in flavors without an online account panel in gnome-control-center
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1765799] Re: Applications menu does not get populated with recently installed apps using apt
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1765799] Please test proposed package
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1765799] Re: Applications menu does not get populated with recently installed apps using apt
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1776375] Re: [SRU] Making gnocchi resource support multiple projects with the same name
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1776375] Re: [SRU] Making gnocchi resource support multiple projects with the same name
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1785125] Re: Sync i2p 0.9.35-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Jeremy Bicha
- [Bug 1787325] Re: Sync wayland-protocols to version 1.16
Jeremy Bicha
- [Bug 1788992] Re: Sync python-pyvcf 0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Jeremy Bicha
- [Bug 1024383] Re: update-grub generates only BIOS based menu entries for Windows, even on UEFI systems
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1781428] Re: pulseaudio built with --enable-snappy but 'Enable Snappy support: no'
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1786397] Re: 2ping crashes on non-encrypted session
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1788102] Re: ntpsec's ntpd fails to write ntp.drift file because of apparmor
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1787324] Re: Snap policy module denies recording access to classic snaps
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1787245] Re: Auto-hosts do not include fqdn
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Eric Desrochers
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Eric Desrochers
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Eric Desrochers
- [Bug 1787245] Re: Auto-hosts do not include fqdn
Eric Desrochers
- [Bug 1785125] Re: Sync i2p 0.9.35-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Hans Joachim Desserud
- [Bug 1788992] [NEW] Sync python-pyvcf 0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Hans Joachim Desserud
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Marc Dietrich
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Marc Dietrich
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Marc Dietrich
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Dariusz Gadomski
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Dariusz Gadomski
- [Bug 1572249] Re: Errors in /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntustudio-wallpapers.xml : missing attributions and erroneous file-path
Ross Gammon
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1786881] Re: Languages always shown with English names
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1786880] Re: Changing language doesn't show previously selected language
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1786881] Re: Languages always shown with English names
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Erich E. Hoover
- [Bug 1785033] Re: GRUB needs to support 64-bit efi linear frame buffer address
Ivan Hu
- [Bug 1775329] Re: Feature request: Add a handler for CVE URLs
Iain Lane
- [Bug 1786880] Re: Changing language doesn't show previously selected language
Iain Lane
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Bin Li
- [Bug 1785033] Re: GRUB needs to support 64-bit efi linear frame buffer address
Mario Limonciello
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Trent Lloyd
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Trent Lloyd
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Trent Lloyd
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Trent Lloyd
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Doug McMahon
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Doug McMahon
- [Bug 1784801] Re: switch to using software-properties-qt in cosmic
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1784801] Re: switch to using software-properties-qt in cosmic
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1788601] Re: [needs-packaging] It should be possible to use some initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core scripts in classic systems
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1787245] Re: Auto-hosts do not include fqdn
Billy Olsen
- [Bug 1338482] Re: Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Vlad Orlov
- [Bug 1338482] Re: Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Vlad Orlov
- [Bug 1338482] Re: Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Vlad Orlov
- [Bug 1338482] Re: Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Vlad Orlov
- [Bug 1338482] Re: Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Vlad Orlov
- [Bug 1787245] Re: Auto-hosts do not include fqdn
Bryan Quigley
- [Bug 1784801] Re: switch to using software-properties-qt in cosmic
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please sync mpv 0.29 from Debian
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1776012] Re: Sync rkhunter 1.4.6-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1769785] Re: Calf now at version 0.90.1, Please Upgrade
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1784523] Re: Please sponsor elementary-xfce 0.12-1ubuntu1 for package transition
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1785418] Re: Upload latest ubuntustudio-controls v1.5
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1759732] Re: [Lubuntu] Having zram support means that encrypted LVM installs don't work
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1427807] Re: usermod's man refers to --*-sub-uids but accepts only --*-subuids
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1696418] Re: gnome-help/ link to removed files
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1686183] Re: Ship ubuntu-advantage in ubuntu-minimal
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1714518] Re: GTK+3 doesn't show FUSE/GVFS, smb (SMB/CIFS), sftp (SFTP/SSH) network shares in file chooser
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1338482] Re: Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1453330] Re: rewrite pull-[lp|debian|uca]-source
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1728310] Re: libnfsidmap2 fails to obtain username which results in failed translation
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1699179] Re: PackageReporter kicks in during do-release-upgrade
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1385903] Re: imagemagick crashes with "stack smashing detected"
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1733321] Re: network-manager ADT tests fail with on ppc64el with artful/linux
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1683105] Re: Installation of DMRaid should automatically add necessary modules to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1682637] Re: during recovery mode, enable network failed due to /etc/resolv.conf not being present
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1744941] Re: gnome-software crashes in as_app_parse_desktop_file
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1749283] Re: configured stats_temp_directory does not get created after reboot
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1787325] Re: Update wayland-protocols to version 1.16
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1787626] Re: Sync golang-yaml.v2 2.2.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1788735] Re: libcommons-lang3-java FTBFS due to circular build-dep (multiple versions in classpath)
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
- [Bug 1773811] Re: [SRU] Missing static libs in the -dev package metadata
Jose Luis Rivero
- [Bug 1758196] Re: [SRU] backport fdroidserver 1.0.9-1 from cosmic to bionic
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [Bug 1024383] Re: update-grub generates only BIOS based menu entries for Windows, even on UEFI systems
Phillip Susi
- [Bug 1024383] Re: update-grub generates only BIOS based menu entries for Windows, even on UEFI systems
Phillip Susi
- [Bug 1683105] Re: Installation of DMRaid should automatically add necessary modules to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
Phillip Susi
- [Bug 1787267] Re: Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
Phillip Susi
- [Bug 1787267] Re: Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
Phillip Susi
- [Bug 1787267] Re: Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
Phillip Susi
- [Bug 1789693] Re: Format volume requires a volume label
Phillip Susi
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785125] [NEW] Sync i2p 0.9.35-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1572249] [NEW] Errors in /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntustudio-wallpapers.xml : missing attributions and erroneous file-path
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785418] [NEW] Upload latest ubuntustudio-controls v1.5
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785551] [NEW] Upgrade to PulseAudio 12.2 in cosmic
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1784801] [NEW] switch to using software-properties-qt in cosmic
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1784801] [NEW] switch to using software-properties-qt in cosmic
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1769785] [NEW] Calf now at version 0.90.1, Please Upgrade
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785551] Re: Upgrade to PulseAudio 12.2 in cosmic
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785993] [NEW] Please sync mpv 0.29 from Debian
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1024383] [NEW] update-grub generates only BIOS based menu entries for Windows, even on UEFI systems
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785993] [NEW] Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1781428] [NEW] pulseaudio built with --enable-snappy but 'Enable Snappy support: no'
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1786397] [NEW] 2ping crashes on non-encrypted session
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1776012] [NEW] Sync rkhunter 1.4.6-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1769785] [NEW] Calf now at version 0.90.1, Please Upgrade
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785993] [NEW] Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1781428] Re: pulseaudio built with --enable-snappy but 'Enable Snappy support: no'
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1786880] [NEW] Changing language doesn't show previously selected language
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1786881] [NEW] Languages always shown with English names
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1785033] [NEW] GRUB needs to support 64-bit efi linear frame buffer address
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787325] [NEW] Update wayland-protocols to version 1.16
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1728310] [NEW] libnfsidmap2 fails to obtain username which results in failed translation
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1761644] Re: Delete the password for the live session on all flavors
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1770686] [NEW] Hide livepatch widgets in flavors without an online account panel in gnome-control-center
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787626] [NEW] Sync golang-yaml.v2 2.2.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1762593] [NEW] anki crashed with ModuleNotFoundError in /usr/share/anki/anki/ No module named 'distutils.spawn'
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787572] [NEW] Keep Ambiance as default for Unity
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787325] [NEW] Sync wayland-protocols to version 1.16
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1788102] [NEW] ntpsec's ntpd fails to write ntp.drift file because of apparmor
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1752411] [NEW] bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1752411] [NEW] bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1683105] [NEW] Installation of DMRaid should automatically add necessary modules to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787267] [NEW] Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1780076] [NEW] 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1788601] [NEW] It should be possible to use some initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core scripts in classic systems
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1788735] [NEW] libcommons-lang3-java FTBFS due to circular build-dep (multiple versions in classpath)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1788992] [NEW] Sync python-pyvcf 0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1338482] [NEW] Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1786880] Re: Changing language doesn't show previously selected language
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787572] Re: Keep Ambiance as default for Unity
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787324] [NEW] Snap policy module denies recording access to classic snaps
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1780076] Re: 18.04 login screen is skewed/distorted (incorrect stride) when using hibmc_drm graphics
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1789693] [NEW] Format volume requires a volume label
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1787245] [NEW] Auto-hosts do not include fqdn
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1790200] [NEW] Rollup build-depends on itself and needs to be bootstrapped
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1790220] [NEW] Sync debspawn 0.2.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1280665] Re: libsdl1.2 always uses backingstore which causes tearing in modern X servers
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1762593] Re: anki crashed with ModuleNotFoundError in /usr/share/anki/anki/ No module named 'distutils.spawn'
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1785551] Re: Upgrade to PulseAudio 12.2 in cosmic
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please sync mpv 0.29 from Debian
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1785993] Re: Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1787325] [NEW] Update wayland-protocols to version 1.16
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1750947] Re: pulseaudio print lots of error when selecting unavailable profile
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1750947] Re: pulseaudio print lots of error when selecting unavailable profile
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1750947] Re: pulseaudio print lots of error when selecting unavailable profile
Hui Wang
- [Bug 1785033] Re: GRUB needs to support 64-bit efi linear frame buffer address
Anthony Wong
- [Bug 1785033] Re: GRUB needs to support 64-bit efi linear frame buffer address
Anthony Wong
- [Bug 1785033] Re: GRUB needs to support 64-bit efi linear frame buffer address
Anthony Wong
- [Bug 1750947] Re: pulseaudio print lots of error when selecting unavailable profile
Anthony Wong
- [Bug 1768830] Re: the audio can't work on Lenovo machines with dual analogue codecs under ubuntu 18.04
Anthony Wong
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1778041] Re: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash broken
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1782152] Re: GDM blocks SIGUSR1 used in PAM scripts
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1338482] Re: Synaptic backend doesn't work in apturl
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1511154] Re: xdg-settings set <anything> fails with status 2 because of a small glitch
MR Zenwiz
- [Bug 1714518] Re: GTK+3 doesn't show FUSE/GVFS, smb (SMB/CIFS), sftp (SFTP/SSH) network shares in file chooser
- [Bug 1787267] Re: Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
C de-Avillez
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1787267] Re: Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1787267] Re: Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1787267] Re: Can't type | ( pipe ) over vnc
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1752411] Re: bind9-host, hang forever causes network connections to get stuck
Christian Ehrhardt
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 21:01:17 UTC 2018
Archived on: Fri Aug 31 21:01:20 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).