May 2022 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun May 1 00:43:37 UTC 2022
Ending: Tue May 31 23:43:45 UTC 2022
Messages: 1737
- [Bug 1971061] [NEW] Ubuquity crash during attempted insall to SSD partition
- [Bug 1971064] [NEW] installer crashed on attempt to install root boot ZFS with encryption on Secureboot enabled Lenovo Thinkpad P1, UEFI
Jake Carroll
- [Bug 1971066] [NEW] package sudo 1.9.9-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: installed sudo package pre-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 1
- [Bug 1971059] Re: package grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.180+2.06-2ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 32
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1970826] Re: Translations involved with "Wi-Fi" are not applied due to capitalization changes
Adolfo Jayme
- [Bug 1969455] Re: Install Ubuntu logo needs updating
Raffaele Candela
- [Bug 1971071] [NEW] ubuntu install crashed
- [Bug 1873545] Re: Permission denied error from show-motd when updates available
- [Bug 1971079] [NEW] network
- [Bug 1970424] Re: Have ubuntu-desktop-minimal depend on xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
Jeremy Bicha
- =?utf-8?b?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?=
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- =?utf-8?b?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?=
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1971090] [NEW] OS fully crashes when I exit an app folder.
Aditya Shah
- [Bug 1958224] Re: brltty claiming cp210x devices on 22.04
Chris D
- [Bug 1807537] Re: failure in fsck option of advanced boot
Mostafa Fikry
- [Bug 1971096] [NEW] Cannot Specify Fixed Ports for mountd and statd
Granville Xiong
- [Bug 1968845] Re: Upgrade to 22.04 from 20.04 ends with dbus installation asking for a reboot
Eduardo Barrera
- [Bug 1971101] [NEW] package linux-image-5.13.0-40-generic 5.13.0-40.45~20.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Barbara Paulino
- [Bug 1971116] [NEW] cannot upgrade to 22.04
David C Pearson
- [Bug 1970898] Re: unable to use nfs client to mount nfs in Ubuntu 22.04
John Steele Scott
- [Bug 1967458] Re: ubuntu 20.4.4 Server Autoinstall Error
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1963725] Re: subiquity curtin apt-get update fails
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1970979] Re: compiler flags leaking through krb5-config --libs
Andreas Hasenack
- [Bug 1971158] [NEW] ssh connect to server stop on "SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent"
- [Bug 1960268] Re: SSL handshake failed - VPN SSL broken in 22.04
Fernando Ruiz
- [Bug 1971165] [NEW] Upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 failed due to efi partition naming
Tony Middleton
- [Bug 1970402] Re: Initrd out of memory error after upgrade to 22.04
Rich Johnson
- [Bug 1971173] [NEW] Upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 crashes
Carlos A.
- [Bug 1969162] Re: bad interaction between snapd and update-notifier when snapd package is being upgraded
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1971191] [NEW] No Ubuntu Desktop option in tasksel, in Ubuntu Server 22.04
João Pedro Seara
- [Bug 1971203] [NEW] Trying to upgrade from 20.04 lts to 22.04 lts but kept getting error messages in terminal
Jake Doed
- [Bug 1970761] Re: Upgrades to 22.04 can cause netplan failures on Raspi
William Wilson
- [Bug 1956267] Re: package usrmerge 24ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: o subprocesso instalado, do pacote usrmerge, o script post-installation retornou erro do status de saída 1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1964510] Re: [SRU] enable signing riscv64 binaries in bionic
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1968259] Re: [UBUNTU 21.10 / 22.04] check_hostkeydoc is checking the certificate issuer too strictly (s390-tools)
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1968260] Re: [UBUNTU 20.04] genprotimg fails to process z15 host key documents after April 2022 (s390-tools)
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1971252] [NEW] Merge open-iscsi from Debian unstable for kinetic
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 1971261] [NEW] Merge autofs from Debian unstable for kinetic
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 1971264] [NEW] Merge bridge-utils from Debian unstable for kinetic
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 1971319] [NEW] Merge rsync from Debian unstable for kinetic
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 1962225] Re: preinst check that kernel revision < 255 now does more harm than good
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Bug 1971409] [NEW] value_copy: Assertion `arg->contents != nullptr' failed.
- [Bug 1971413] [NEW] can't upgrade from ubuntu 20.04
- [Bug 1964510] Please test proposed package
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1971030] Re: can not upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04
Nick Rosbrook
- [Bug 1971425] [NEW] The "look" cli dictionary only sees capitalized words
Lars Ekman
- [Bug 1971430] [NEW] lz4 is not a dependency of initramfs-tools-core
Alfonso Sanchez-Beato
- [Bug 1970227] Re: Add Kinetic to distro-info-data
Leonidas S. Barbosa
- [Bug 1960326] Re: libpng: memory leak in png_handle_eXIf() in case of CRC error
Even Rouault
- [Bug 1466150] Re: grub-install breaks when ESP is on raid
Tony Middleton
- [Bug 1818711] Re: never kills dnsmasq servers
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1960864] Re: [MIR] plocate
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1969979] Re: UC22 armhf Raspi images are failing to build
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1969979] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1971474] [NEW] SRU: Update gdb to the final 12.1 release in 22.04 LTS
Matthias Klose
- [Bug 1967038] Re: Add mic mute key for HP Elite x360 series
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1967038] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1968144] Re: Appearance options not available in settings after upgrading from Ubuntu 21.10 to Ubuntu 22.04
- [Bug 1966179] Re: The airplane hotkey does not work on lots of HP platforms
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1729491] Re: [UIFe] ubuntu-bug says that snap packages are not installed
charly welsh
- [Bug 1971468] Re: The upgrade will continue but the 'linux-image-5.13.0-39-generic' package may not be in a working state.
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1971468] [NEW] The upgrade will continue but the 'linux-image-5.13.0-39-generic' package may not be in a working state.
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1959385] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1970244] Re: [SRU] Enable support for Zed Cloud Archive
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1970264] Re: autofs fails to mount nfs4 shares with "error 0x3 getting portmap client"
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1971005] Re: locate returns nothing
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1965568] Re: missing dependency on python3-dbus
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1951033] Re: 20.04 SRU
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Bug 1891270] Re: Iranian calendar shows in Azerbaijani language
- [Bug 1962453] Re: Apply default TTL to records obtained from getaddrinfo()
Shyam Prasad
- [Bug 1969664] Re: 22.04 Vagrant Images Do Not Finish Initial Boot Due to SSH Timout
Erik Sommer
- [Bug 1971535] [NEW] systemd-resolved doesn't work properly for VPN connection
- [Bug 1971540] [NEW] Install Ubuntu (ubuntu_installed.png) uses the wrong Ubuntu logo
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1951832] Re: xl2tpd "Can not find tunnel" in jammy
- [Bug 1971550] [NEW] networkd-dispatcher missing state 'initialized'
- [Bug 1961427] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1961427] Re: zlib: compressBound() returns an incorrect result on z15
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1959385] Re: [22.04 FEAT] GLIBC: Support for new IBM Z Hardware - glibc part
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1971549] Re: package linux-image-5.14.0-1034-oem 5.14.0-1034.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1971549] [NEW] package linux-image-5.14.0-1034-oem 5.14.0-1034.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1964306] Re: fatal error
Paul White
- [Bug 1971570] [NEW] Fresh 22.04 Installation with ZFS on SSD within VMWare
- [Bug 1971559] Re: After Ugrade, Jammy requires me to create a new user, although users are present
Rüdiger Kupper
- [Bug 1971559] [NEW] After Ugrade, Jammy requires me to create a new user, although users are present
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1971580] [NEW] md4 hash does not work for Python in Jammy
- [Bug 1962614] Re: [BPO] memtest86+/5.31b+dfsg-4 from Jammy to Focal
Mattia Rizzolo
- [Bug 1883312] Re: [SRU] NVMe FC Auto-connect is not working for Ubuntu 20.04
Jeff Lane
- [Bug 1969976] Re: DynamicUser=1 doesn't get along with services that need dbus-daemon
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1959396] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1940141] Re: OpenSSL servers can send a non-empty status_request in a CertificateRequest
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1971621] [NEW] package libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-6ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: package libnih-dbus1:amd64 (1.0.3-12) with field 'Multi-Arch: no' is not co-installable with libnih-dbus1 which has multiple installed instances
- [Bug 1971624] [NEW] package memtest86+ 5.31b+dfsg-4 failed to install/upgrade: installed memtest86+ package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 64
Robin Bräck
- [Bug 1971637] [NEW] not imported in a virtual environment
Роман Донченко
- [Bug 1971638] [NEW] Second Monitor detected but always turn black screen. If I turn off and on again, the screen will turn back to normal but turn back to black screen after few seconds
Bill Chan
- [Bug 1930880] Re: Booting Ubuntu 21.04 from DVD takes more than 30 minutes and its environment are corrupted
- [Bug 1671951] Re: networkd should allow configuring IPV6 MTU
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1971650] [NEW] wrong check for "server" in libssl3.postinst
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1969353] Re: Apt/Grub issue with 22.04 Upgrade (Missing
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1922342] Re: Impish live session takes ages to boot on BIOS systems
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1946828] Re: ntfsresize hang and call traces in syslog
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1186376] Re: should support setting of whether or not to include phased updates
- [Bug 1969664] Re: 22.04 Vagrant Images Do Not Finish Initial Boot Due to SSH Timeout
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1925265] Re: Fresh install of hirsute-preinstalled-desktop-arm64+raspi has packages to autoremove
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1971612] Re: [UBUNTU 22.04] GLIBC: Adding new s390 platform IBM z16
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1971612] [NEW] [UBUNTU 22.04] GLIBC: Adding new s390 platform IBM z16
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1889068] Re: Improve resolved integration
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1968997] Re: openssl has catastrophic issues when locale set to TR_UTF8
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1971669] Re: Can't even launch `ubuntu-bug` console application to report any other bug!
Teh Kok How
- [Bug 1971669] [NEW] Can't even launch `ubuntu-bug` console application to report any other bug!
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1896772] Re: systemd-resolved configures no Current Scopes on start
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1971679] [NEW] crash on install
Francis rohaert
- [Bug 1963834] Re: openssl 3.0 - SSL: UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED]
- [Bug 1971692] [NEW] add Kinetic as a known release to lintian
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1965636] Re: libfuse2 no longer included in jammy, required for AppImages
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1421760] Re: /usr/bin/env hangs when a variable is set
Milan Hauth
- [Bug 1396379] Re: installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1971709] [NEW] aborting dist upgrade to 22.04
Konstantinos Kyritsas
- [Bug 1971715] [NEW] 22.04 idn -a idn: could not convert from ASCII to UTF-8
Jaap Marcus
- [Bug 1970726] Re: Software Updater Cannot Upgrade 21.10 to 22.04 LTS
JF Lim
- [Bug 1971734] [NEW] Direct firmware load for brcm/brcmfmac43455-sdio.txt failed with error -2
Juerg Haefliger
- [Bug 1779645] Re: Critical bug in tasksel: `tasksel remove task-name` removes whole system
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1767054] Re: suggest default keyboard based on language
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1967965] Re: "Other problem" and "Display" options are swapped
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1969845] Re: grub-efi-amd64-signed does not respect grub2/update_nvram
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1814072] Re: software-properties-gtk does not recognize https mirrors under Ubuntu Software
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 574287] Re: tasksel: forcefully removes packages when tasks overlap
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1964483] Re: Update supported mirror protocol according to official archive mirrors list
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 1967281] Re: Misspelling in string 326
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1960749] Re: dpkg incorrectly installs singular-doc in jammy Docker container
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 1951491] Re: Can't run snaps: .slice/session-1.scope is not a snap cgroup
- [Bug 1971747] [NEW] package liblzma5:amd64 5.2.4-1ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: package liblzma5:amd64 is already installed and configured
- [Bug 1971749] [NEW] package zlib1g:amd64 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu1.3 failed to install/upgrade: package zlib1g:amd64 is already installed and configured
- [Bug 1971750] [NEW] lsusb shows wrong/duplicate product name
Ian! D. Allen
- [Bug 1214787] Re: busybox crashed with signal 7
Steve Beattie
- [Bug 1971759] [NEW] package os-prober 1.79ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: vereistenproblemen - blijft ongeconfigureerd
martin van der wal
- [Bug 1971758] [NEW] package os-prober 1.79ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: vereistenproblemen - blijft ongeconfigureerd
martin van der wal
- [Bug 1971763] [NEW] www-browser is not satisfied by the default Firefox snap
- [Bug 1971888] [NEW] Can not ssh to or when upgrading to 22.04
- [Bug 1946847] Re: Merge bridge-utils from Debian unstable for 22.04
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 1971895] [NEW] Warning messages from stat printed on installation with no user crontabs
Andrew Ruthven
- [Bug 1971904] [NEW] remove plymouth integration code from md5check
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Bug 1971905] [NEW] md5check should cancel itself on slow storage
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- [Bug 1971932] [NEW] error in rsync protocol data stream
- [Bug 1971935] [NEW] Invalid pipefs-directory prevents rpc-gssd.service from starting
Anders Larsson
- [Bug 1915707] Re: keyboard settings not applied
Thomas Schweikle
- [Bug 1968154] Re: Only keep 2 kernels
Timo Aaltonen
- [Bug 1615381] Re: apt-get autoremove may remove current kernel
Timo Aaltonen
- [Bug 1968154] Please test proposed package
Timo Aaltonen
- [Bug 1971951] [NEW] sh: 48: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy: EXTRACTOR_OVERRIDE: parameter not set
Benjamin Drung
- [Bug 1615381] Please test proposed package
Timo Aaltonen
- [Bug 1957104] Re: updating openssh-server fails, because port 22 is in use by systemd
Thomas Schweikle
- [Bug 1968127] Re: autofs stopped after network must be before
Thomas Schweikle
- [Bug 1831385]
- [Bug 1969534] Re: mounting nfs shares fails
Thomas Schweikle
- [Bug 1971957] [NEW] Kubuntu 22.04 Ubiquity Installer Crashed
- [Bug 1968028] Re: unattended-upgrades if enabled wont disable interactivemode
Thomas Schweikle
- [Bug 1971959] Re: [UBUNTU 22.04] stabilization of data collection
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1971959] [NEW] [UBUNTU 22.04] stabilization of data collection
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1971959] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1971965] [NEW] fwupd has dbx plugin enabled but shouldn't
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1965439] Re: software-properties-qt can no longer launch when called by kdesu
- [Bug 1951586] Re: Need option to specify wifi regulatory domain
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1851129] Re: wifi 5ghz band not working linux-firmware-raspi2 package
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1962332] Re: xenial systemd fails to start if cgroup2 is mounted
Dimitri John Ledkov
- [Bug 1971979] [NEW] package grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.167~18.04.5+2.04-1ubuntu44.1.2 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Joszja de Weerdt
- [Bug 1971980] [NEW] Ubiquity Installer Crashed
- [Bug 1959838] Re: Rebuild with lto enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956945] Re: bart FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956947] Re: bart-cuda FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956948] Re: gcc-or1k-elf FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956950] Re: iwd FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956951] Re: libkcapi FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956952] Re: librandomx FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956953] Re: libspectrum FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1956955] Re: rhonabwy FTBFS with LTO enabled
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1935763] Re: Add mkvtoolnix to lto-disabled-list
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1931881] Re: Change golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 to any arch
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1931258] Re: Add golang-github-containers-{common, image} to lto-disabled-list
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1966203] Re: Syslog shows "systemd-udevd[2837]: nvme0n1: Process ... failed with exit code 1." in Ubuntu 22.04
Johannes Weber
- [Bug 1971987] [NEW] On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Alexander Browne
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Alexander Browne
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Adam Barton
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Alexey Kulik
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 1971987] Re: On release upgrade, Snaps don't change channel
Alexander Browne
- [Bug 1971992] [NEW] openssl rmd160 digest broken
Jan Wielemaker
- [Bug 1962606] Re: preinst check for kernel release > 255 no longer needed
Erik Bročko
- [Bug 1873520] Re: fan-shim interrupts u-boot
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1950632] Re: Rename to linux-firmware-raspi
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1900693] Re: snapd cannot refresh on some SD cards due to uboot bug
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1971993] Re: [Ubuntu 22.04] s390-tools: subpackage chreipl-fcp-mpath installes files into wrong location and subsequently doesn't work
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1971993] [NEW] [Ubuntu 22.04] s390-tools: subpackage chreipl-fcp-mpath installes files into wrong location and subsequently doesn't work
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1923363] Re: [FFe] Users are not added to the dialout group
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1923363] Re: Users are not added to the dialout group
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1915966] Re: Please merge initramfs-tools 0.139 from Debian unstable
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1947329] Re: package python3 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: installed python3 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 4
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972015] [NEW] Ubuntu 22.04 installation on MacBook Air with Intel processor crashed.
Holes Ádám
- [Bug 1968154] Autopkgtest regression report (apt/2.3.9ubuntu0.1)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1972005] Re: Unable to save or attach email attachments since upgrading to 22.04 from 20.04
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1972005] [NEW] Unable to save or attach email attachments since upgrading to 22.04 from 20.04
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972025] [NEW] cannot run sudo apt upgrade get the message package update failed . I am using 22.04 thanks
Mary Anne Dutton
- [Bug 1968154] Autopkgtest regression report (apt/2.0.8)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1615381] Autopkgtest regression report (apt/2.0.8)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1972029] [NEW] dhclient overriding stub-resolv.conf file on Jammy
Pedro Principeza
- [Bug 1972030] [NEW] BRLTTY grabs my FTDI USB serial port adapter & Arduinos!
David Spoelstra
- [Bug 1970408] Re: brltty package disconnecting ttyUSB0 used for Arduino
David Spoelstra
- [Bug 1918110] Re: overlay_map.dtb is in wrong location
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1928973] Re: Please merge lvm2 2.03.11-2.1 from Debian unstable
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1890817] Re: Request to include pi-bluetooth in raspi images
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1972035] [NEW] installed grub-efi on bios install on upgrade from 21.10 to 22.04
- [Bug 1970260] Re: SECURITY: backport doesn't check key name
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1972043] [NEW] Please add -ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero to default build flags
Kees Cook
- [Bug 1970751] Re: package grub-pc 2.04-1ubuntu26.15 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-pc package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1971098] Re: package usrmerge 25ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: »installiertes usrmerge-Skript des Paketes post-installation«-Unterprozess gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1964040] Re: package linux-firmware 1.187.26 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado paquete linux-firmware script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1971518] Re: Inadequate storage messages. Not enough space on usb drive to install Ubuntu.
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1972027] Re: “Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)” In Ubuntu
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1838860] Re: convert translates upside down some picture when converting from jpg to tga
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1872778] Re: update-crypto-policies not affecting Gnome Online Accounts
- [Bug 621125] Re: package libssl0.9.8 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: пакунок libssl0.9.8 вже встановлено та налаштовано
- [Bug 675355] Re: package libbind9-30 1:9.4.2.dfsg.P2-2ubuntu0.5 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
- [Bug 834556] Re: package libssl1.0.0 1.0.0d-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: libssl1.0.0:i386 1.0.0d-2ubuntu2 (Multi-Arch
- [Bug 963420] Re: https download performance significantly worse in precise than lucid
- [Bug 1972053] [NEW] unable to upgrade to 22.04
paul frank
- [Bug 1590163] Re: disable export grade ciphers
- [Bug 955675] Re: openssl s_client's '-ssl2' option no longer works in 12.04
- [Bug 940230] Re: openssl on 64bit is much slower than before
- [Bug 1608200] Re: please merge openssl from Debian
- [Bug 1972056] [NEW] [openssl3] please sync openssl.cnf to ease changing security level
- [Bug 109331] Re: Suggestions for upgrade
- [Bug 1968997] Autopkgtest regression report (openssl/3.0.2-0ubuntu1.2)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1966886] Re: ssh-copy-id and Dropbear Server
Tobias Heider
- [Bug 1968154] Autopkgtest regression report (apt/1.6.15)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1615381] Autopkgtest regression report (apt/1.6.15)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1964044] Re: do-release-upgrade -d aborting with no obvious path to resolution - dist-upgrade
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1963763] Re: update-notifier crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_lookup_node()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1964078] Re: no snap
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972085] [NEW] cannot wake from suspend must force shutdown and reboot
Turone Greenwood
- [Bug 1972088] [NEW] Update to 22.04 failed once and from the next time it started showing error of remove unofficial packages using ppa-purge
Kaushal Phulgirkar
- [Bug 1972086] Re: Ubuntu LVM + LUKS does not shut down properly
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1972086] [NEW] Ubuntu LVM + LUKS does not shut down properly
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972090] [NEW] libva error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ init failed
Prince Ashong
- [Bug 1972099] [NEW] computer startup crashes when NFS partition is inaccessible
- [Bug 1972104] [NEW] Crashed on reinstall due to system not fully booting. No reformat of BTRFS partition.
Will Butler
- [Bug 1972107] [NEW] Claws Mail under KDE - message list dims when main window loses focus
Little Girl
- [Bug 1944468] Re: Electron applications all crash upon launch
- [Bug 1972108] [NEW] Git packages should have better title for description
Mikko Rantalainen
- [Bug 1972115] [NEW] ubuntu-bug <crashfile> exits after dialog instead of sending data
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 270479] Re: Debian/Ubuntu netpbm is many years out-of-date with upstream
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972124] [NEW] Upgrade prompt shown while upgrade is in progress
- [Bug 1972129] [NEW] user account show different users than "Users and Groups"
Kent Frazier
- [Bug 1972130] [NEW] saveas switches to search option when changing name
Kent Frazier
- [Bug 1972131] [NEW] occasional flashing screen since upgrade to 22.04
Kent Frazier
- [Bug 1490608] Re: parted allows to fix broken GPT only interactively
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1963543] Re: Failed to upgrade 21.10
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972154] [NEW] package grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.180(2.06-2ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: Installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-Installation script subprocess returned error exit status 32
Tom Chan
- [Bug 1972156] Re: Error while upgrading ubuntu
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1972156] [NEW] Error while upgrading ubuntu
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972159] [NEW] systemd-oomd frequently kills firefox and visual studio code
- [Bug 1947588] Re: Infinite Loop in OpenSSL s_server
Matt Caswell
- [Bug 86536] Re: fails to resolve dependencies on virtual packages
Anna Born
- [Bug 1972282] [NEW] package casper 1.465 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-premount/20iso_scan', which is also in package lupin-casper 0.57build1
Russ McGinn
- [Bug 1970184] Re: package casper 1.468 failed to install/upgrade: tentando escribir «/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-premount/20iso_scan», que tamén está no paquete lupin-casper 0.57build1
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1972427] [NEW] package grub-common 2.04-1ubuntu26.15 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-common package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
- [Bug 1972664] [NEW] networkd-dispatcher[1079401]: ERROR:Unknown interface index 88 seen even after reload
- [Bug 1972255] Re: do-release-upgrade fails to upgrade 20.04 -> 22.04 when run from chroot
Paul White
- [Bug 1972255] [NEW] do-release-upgrade fails to upgrade 20.04 -> 22.04 when run from chroot
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972667] [NEW] Permissions problem on run scripts after networkd-dispatcher (1.7-0ubuntu3.4)
Roger Cornelius
- [Bug 1900433] Re: Distribution upgrade fails but does not provide a reason why
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1972674] [NEW] install ubuntu error
- [Bug 1972683] [NEW] After changing GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR variable grub uses wrong grub.cfg file
Tony Middleton
- [Bug 1972718] [NEW] ubuntu-bug should provide option to copy link instead of always opening
- [Bug 1972734] [NEW] ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core crash due to many broken packages
michael s
- [Bug 1972735] [NEW] "go test archive/zip" fails, gophercolor16x16.png wrong size
Dan Kegel
- [Bug 1972054] Re: installer crashed installing ubuntu20.04
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1972061] Re: no
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1972753] [NEW] opensc-pkcs11 failing epass2003_pin_cmd after 22.04 upgrade
John Stile
- [Bug 1972758] [NEW] ubuntu installer crashed budgie 22.04
- [Bug 1964152] Re: removal request for tasksel
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1904270] Re: ubiquity does not support existing LUKS encrypted partitions
Tim Edwards
- [Bug 1972791] [NEW] If i want my P.C. OK, i must to start with the 5.11.0-40-generic Kernel Release . Not another.
- [Bug 1972795] [NEW] libnet-ssleay-perl: Autopkgtest failures on OpenSSL 3.0.* patch releases
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1972807] [NEW] Παρουσιάστηκε ένα δυσεπίλυτο πρόβλημα κατά τον υπολογισμό της αναβάθμισης. Πιθανότατα προκλήθηκε από: * Ανεπίσημα πακέτα λογισμικού που δεν παρέχονται από το Ubuntu Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιείστε το εργαλείο «ppa-purge» από το πακέτο ppa-purge ώστε να αφαιρέσετε λογισμικό από ένα ιδιωτικό αποθετήριο PPA του Launchpad και επιχειρήστε ξανά να κάνετε την αναβάθμιση.
Iliopoulos Sotirios
- [Bug 1972814] [NEW] Ubuntu server 22.04 subiquity cannot detect intel VROC raid disk during legacy mode
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1971612] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1962332] Re: xenial systemd fails to start if unified-only (non-hybrid) cgroup2 is mounted on jammy hosts
Dimitri John Ledkov
- [Bug 1972830] [NEW] CVE-2019-9705 fix limits to 1000 not 10000
Andy Townsend
- [Bug 1885633] Re: [ZDI-CAN-11233]: apport Unnecessary Privileges Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1903289] Re: Power guest secure boot with static keys: GRUB2 portion
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1944508] Re: [P10] CAS : last kernel not auto booted
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1966179] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1872813] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1872813] Re: cloud-init fails to detect iSCSI root on focal Oracle instances
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1959475] Re: "machinectl shell" connections immediately terminated
Nick Rosbrook
- [Bug 1966800] Re: systemd locks up due to incorrect handling of time zone changes
Nick Rosbrook
- [Bug 1972872] [NEW] ubuntu necesita mucha optimizacion
Michael Eduardo Figueroa A
- [Bug 1969593] Re: rules to prevent non-root users from rebooting not taken into account
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1972893] [NEW] installer failed
Harry Coin
- [Bug 1972897] [NEW] redirect seen as error
Martijn Lievaart
- [Bug 1925265] Re: Fresh install of kinetic-preinstalled-desktop-arm64+raspi has packages to autoremove
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1964510] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1947099] Re: ipconfig does not honour user-requested timeouts in some cases
Fabio Augusto Miranda Martins
- [Bug 1747499] Re: 98-reboot-required and Interaction with livepatch
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1747499] Please test proposed package
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1962289] Re: Mediatek AIoT i500 support
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1972884] Re: Err:10 jammy Release 404 Not Found [IP: 443]
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1970244] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1970264] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1972913] [NEW] man pages are out of date
Kevin Turner
- [Bug 1915878] Re: RM sl-modem hardware not available
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1972920] [NEW] update-manager comes up in a light color mode regardless of appearance settings
MR Zenwiz
- [Bug 1892825] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1918035] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1928508] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1951032] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1951033] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1962225] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1951032] Re: AArch64: Backport memcpy improvements
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1928508] Re: Performance regression on memcpy() calls for AMD Zen
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1927192] Re: gdb ftbfs on armhf, testsuite timeouts
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1918035] Re: is not correctly packaged in libc6-dbg
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1912652] Re: Upgrading libc6-lse breaks on systems it is in use
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1899800] Re: Runtime deadlock: pthread_cond_signal failed to wake up pthread_cond_wait due to a bug in undoing stealing
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1892825] Re: update-locale not perform correctly sanity checks
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1925141] Re: There is no CapsLock indication of CapsLock key using Caps Lock LED on the keyboard while using plain TTY (such as Ctrl+Alt+F1)
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1968805] Re: Hibernation fails when an additional swapfile is added due to priority mismatch
Matthew Ruffell
- [Bug 1970997] Re: ZFS +encryption + recovery key crashes after timezone set
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1964614] Re: I cant install because of some missing file?
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1969212] Re: libssl1.x dependencies can't be met on 22.04 beta
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1970411] Re: gnome-remote-desktop-daemon crashes on fuse_thread_func → g_thread_proxy → start_thread: Failed to mount FUSE filesystem (as per missing fusermount3)
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1972994] [NEW] package libssl3:amd64 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libssl3:amd64 is already installed and configured
Robert Butler
- [Bug 1973013] [NEW] Could not calculate the upgrade while trying to upgrade from 20.04 to 21.10
Mark Wehner
- [Bug 1947099] Please test proposed package
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1973032] [NEW] Can't report a bug anymore
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1968345] Re: rustc 1.59 and cargo 0.60 required by firefox 101
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1968260] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1973064] [NEW] Missing python3-dbus dependency for ubuntu-release-upgrader-core
Frans van Dorsselaer
- [Bug 1939319] Re: package libsystemd0:amd64 245.4-4ubuntu3.11 failed to install/upgrade: package libsystemd0:amd64 is already installed and configured
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1970442] Re: ubuntu-standard shouldn't depend on transitional mime-support package
Jeremy Bicha
- [Bug 1973076] [NEW] Missing i?amin_ symbols in libblas-dev:amd64
Ian Giestas Pauli
- [Bug 1966591] Re: ssh-keygen -R changes known_hosts file permissions (mode)
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1959843] Re: Update mdadm in Jammy to 4.2 Official
Bryce Harrington
- [Bug 1903516] Re: aborted (core dumped) when using ConnectTimeout > 2147483
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1903516] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1966591] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1969455] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1973101] [NEW] After upgrade to 22.04 NFS exports for vers 2 and 3 no longer work
Robert Dinse
- [Bug 1973101] Re: After upgrade to 22.04 NFS exports for vers 2 and 3 no longer work
Robert Dinse
- [Bug 1973107] [NEW] Failure to link a PIE binary on ppc64el (FTBFS)
Sergio Durigan Junior
- [Bug 1973114] [NEW] Key trust verification fails on Ubuntu 22.04
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Bug 1973126] [NEW] crash ubiquity during installing Lubuntu 22.04
- [Bug 1973133] [NEW] package linux-image-5.14.0-1036-oem 5.14.0-1036.40 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Filip Mikes
- [Bug 1973134] [NEW] Ubuntu 22.04 lock screen issue RX6500XT
- [Bug 1973149] [NEW] system uses merged-usr-via-aliased-dirs, going behind dpkg's back, breaking its core assumptions
- [Bug 1973149] Re: system uses merged-usr-via-aliased-dirs, going behind dpkg's back, breaking its core assumptions
- [Bug 1973149] ProcCpuinfoMinimal.txt
- [Bug 1973149] Re: system uses merged-usr-via-aliased-dirs, going behind dpkg's back, breaking its core assumptions
- [Bug 1973149] Re: system uses merged-usr-via-aliased-dirs, going behind dpkg's back, breaking its core assumptions
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 1973149] Re: system uses merged-usr-via-aliased-dirs, going behind dpkg's back, breaking its core assumptions
Julian Andres Klode
- [Bug 1973149] Re: system uses merged-usr-via-aliased-dirs, going behind dpkg's back, breaking its core assumptions
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1973149] Re: system uses merged-usr-via-aliased-dirs, going behind dpkg's back, breaking its core assumptions
- [Bug 1973150] [NEW] Fresh encrypted installation, no field is displayed for entering decryption password, but blindly entering the password succeeds
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Bug 1973150] Re: Fresh encrypted installation, no field is displayed for entering decryption password, but blindly entering the password succeeds
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Bug 1973150] Re: Fresh encrypted installation, no field is displayed for entering decryption password, but blindly entering the password succeeds
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1973150] Re: Fresh encrypted installation, no field is displayed for entering decryption password, but blindly entering the password succeeds
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Bug 1973150] Re: Fresh encrypted installation, no field is displayed for entering decryption password, but blindly entering the password succeeds
Leó Kolbeinsson
- [Bug 1973150] Re: Fresh encrypted installation, no field is displayed for entering decryption password, but blindly entering the password succeeds
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Bug 1973150] Re: Fresh encrypted installation, no field is displayed for entering decryption password, but blindly entering the password succeeds
Ubuntu QA Website
- [Bug 1973150] Re: Plymouth splash text and password fields never displayed in QEMU/KVM
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1973151] [NEW] Upgrade from 21.10 to 22.04 failed due to "phantomatic" network issue
- [Bug 1973152] [NEW] Wrong timezone automatically selected during installation
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Bug 1973157] [NEW] After an encrypted installation, no splash screen or prompt is displayed asking me to remove the installation disk. Pressing any key (not just Enter) causes the system to reboot.
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Bug 1973159] [NEW] Please update gce-compute-image-packages to 20220211.00
Utkarsh Gupta
- [Bug 1973160] [NEW] Unable to install GRUB
Vergil Yotov
- [Bug 1959375] Re: [SRU] Please support group manipulation with "extrausers"
Alberto Mardegan
- [Bug 1970233] Re: SRU: update gcc-11/gcc-12 to the final gcc 11.3.0 and 12.1.0 releases
Matthias Klose
- [Bug 1961833] Re: openssh 8.8 breaks login to Canonical servers
Dan Streetman
- [Bug 1618522] Re: netplan does not generates .network files just for ethernet
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1973217] [NEW] package openssh-server 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.5 failed to install/upgrade: installed openssh-server package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Frank Nemec
- [Bug 1970943] Re: OpenVPN connection fails with smartcard provided private key; please update pkcs11-helper
Eric Blevins
- [Bug 1973231] [NEW] package initramfs-tools 0.140ubuntu13 failed to install/upgrade: installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
KC Vearner
- [Bug 1942618] Re: package grub2-common 2.04-1ubuntu26.13 failed to install/upgrade: problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973241] [NEW] Paramiko 2.9.0 breaks compatibility with devices only supporting ssh-rsa and not supporting server-sig-algs
Dan Streetman
- [Bug 1973237] Re: WiFi adapter, system speakers and brightness regulation stopped working after package upgrade
Erich Eickmeyer
- [Bug 1973237] [NEW] WiFi adapter, system speakers and brightness regulation stopped working after package upgrade
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973266] [NEW] package libsystemd0 245.4-4ubuntu3.17 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libsystemd0/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libsystemd0:amd64
Michael Magill
- [Bug 1973270] [NEW] json-c please mark package as multiarch
Gianfranco Costamagna
- [Bug 1973283] [NEW] dh with tempdir doesn't install into tempdir
Kyle Bloom
- [Bug 1973285] [NEW] broken package on 22.04 libraspberrypi0
Noah Horler
- [Bug 1973287] [NEW] cannot install Grub
jos kramer
- [Bug 1944519] Re: Xubuntu shutdown prompt is missing
Leó Kolbeinsson
- [Bug 1973306] [NEW] packages freezes on authentification with Wayland
Johan Van Hoorde
- [Bug 1962467] Re: Gparted off the LiveDVD wants package mtools added in order to display EFI partition correctly
Sean Davis
- [Bug 1973353] [NEW] Unresponsive UI if choosing "go back"
Benjamin Bach
- [Bug 1748956] Re: replace uses of net-tools with iproute2
- [Bug 1973359] [NEW] on_ac_power says false, but real answer is true
Bjorn Toft Madsen
- [Bug 1973370] [NEW] Errors were encountered while processing: linux-image-5.13.0-40-generic Processing was halted because there were too many errors. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Dave B
- [Bug 1973379] [NEW] "additional drivers" says we are using nvidia drivers but its not true
Henning Sprang
- [Bug 1973381] [NEW] ubuntu get stuck
- [Bug 1973344] Re: Converting PKCS#8 into PKCS#1 fails with openssl 3.0
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1927192]
- [Bug 1479516] Re: grub-install documentation is truncated or too succint
Etienne URBAH
- [Bug 1973393] Re: auto go to left or first page
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1973393] [NEW] auto go to left or first page
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973432] [NEW] os-prober skip message is misleading
Henning Sprang
- [Bug 1973433] [NEW] Cannot upgrade Ubuntu 21.10 to 22.04 - error info without concrete reason
- [Bug 1973436] [NEW] Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 upgrade does not work
Scott Thompson
- [Bug 1756752] Re: flash-kernel fails with Unsupported platform on Cubieboard
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1654628] Re: flash-kernel fails with Unsupported Platform on Cubox
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1926186] Re: Kernel crashes Raspberry PI 3B+
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1968174] Re: SiFive Unmatched: automatically booting via bootmgr from SATA drive fails
Heinrich Schuchardt
- [Bug 1971007] Re: package usrmerge 25ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: installed usrmerge package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973459] [NEW] was trying to do a fresh install no dual boot
bryan rose
- [Bug 1907878] Re: wrong var declaration in if-up.d/resolved (nm-dispatcher[54417]: /etc/network/if-up.d/resolved: 12: mystatedir: not found)
Heinrich Schuchardt
- [Bug 1973461] [NEW] target/usr/bin/gnome-system-monitor error when fresh install ubuntu
bryan rose
- [Bug 1973470] [NEW] Ubuntu-bug command can't find Firefox on Lubuntu Kinetic
Aaron Rainbolt
- [Bug 1973473] [NEW] Cannot enable LivePatch
Victor Porton
- [Bug 1973477] [NEW] unable to upgrade to xubuntu
Kuldip Dhir
- [Bug 1973475] Re: package klibc-utils 2.0.7-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1973475] [NEW] package klibc-utils 2.0.7-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973565] [NEW] Upgrade to 21.10 not working
Carsten Skov
- [Bug 1973156] Re: Strange graphical glitch during Ubuntu installation when clicking "Install Now" after inputting disk encryption details
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 1973156] [NEW] Strange graphical glitch during Ubuntu installation when clicking "Install Now" after inputting disk encryption details
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1965121] Re: "" was missing in "/etc/apt/sources.list"
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1845546] Re: netplan apply can'd find netifaces module
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1970120] Re: software-properties-qt Import Key FIle button does not work
- [Bug 1973569] [NEW] install crash
Alexander Babu
- [Bug 1973586] [NEW] Opening in existing browser session. libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
- [Bug 1973589] [NEW] Restart loop when using PathExistsGlob
Antonios Tsianakas
- [Bug 1867071] Re: Raspberry Pi uses old, non-upstream DTB naming (bcm2710 instead of bcm283*)
Juerg Haefliger
- [Bug 1968193] Re: Installation crashes when installing with ZFS
Sourav Banerjee
- [Bug 1973598] [NEW] mtd-self-test failure on arm64 (mtdram module)
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1956264] Re: Cannot set offload options to false
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1973601] [NEW] Please merge libsigsegv 2.14 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Alexandre Ghiti
- [Bug 1778082] Re: Language Support Is Incomplete dialog must show package list to install
Little Girl
- [Bug 1973607] [NEW] Please merge logrotate 3.19.0-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Alexandre Ghiti
- [Bug 1973608] [NEW] udev TAG-="uaccess" does not work on ubuntu 22.04
- [Bug 1973612] [NEW] The installer said it couldn't install because there wasn't enough space but this was on a 128gb M.2 nvme stick.
Not your business
- [Bug 1958668] Re: Do not propose to reboot on WSL
Jean-Baptiste Lallement
- [Bug 1973628] [NEW] autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud fails on ppc64el in cloud-init
Heinrich Schuchardt
- [Bug 1962225] Autopkgtest regression report (glibc/2.27-3ubuntu1.6)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1892825] Autopkgtest regression report (glibc/2.27-3ubuntu1.6)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1973630] [NEW] Deprecate /etc/default/nfs-*
Andreas Hasenack
- [Bug 1863434] Re: 20.04 grub menu not visible
- [Bug 1973643] [NEW] non automatic release upgrade
- [Bug 1966773] Re: [FFe] remove zfs option from the installer
Andrew L. Moore
- [Bug 1973664] [NEW] Ubuntu install internal error Ubiquiti
- [Bug 1973669] [NEW] 10_linuxzfs fails if a non-root filesystem has a mountpoint of /
Jason S
- [Bug 1964642] Re: Packer virtualbox ssh can't connect to unattended Ubuntu 20.04.1/2/3/4 but can connect to Ubuntu 20.4
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973654] Re: Using debian-installer on a server with a Let's Encrypt cert dies
Alex Murray
- [Bug 1973654] [NEW] Using debian-installer on a server with a Let's Encrypt cert dies
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973700] [NEW] Sync opensbi 1.0-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Alexandre Ghiti
- [Bug 1973709] [NEW] laptop won't turn off properly after upgrade to 22.04
- [Bug 1944004] Re: snapd.seeded.service never finishes on non-amd64
Paweł Stołowski
- [Bug 1968997] Update Released
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1968259] Update Released
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1968260] Update Released
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1968154] Update Released
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1274320] Re: Error: diskfilter writes are not supported
Amedee Van Gasse
- [Bug 1881935] Re: Minimum inode size should be raised to 256 for forward compatibility (Y2038)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1934825] Re: [Wishlist] RTL interface for software-properties-qt
Omer I.S.
- [Bug 1928559] Re: Kubuntu logo covers the installer "Next" button when using RTL languages
Omer I.S.
- [Bug 1928080] Re: Noto Sans Hebrew is not set as the fallback font of Noto Sans
Omer I.S.
- [Bug 1973777] [NEW] package linux-generic-hwe-20.04 failed to install/upgrade: 依存関係の問題 - 設定を見送ります
Atsuhiro Tomita
- [Bug 1973779] [NEW] Could not enable livepatch 22.04 LTS
- [Bug 1973747] Re: Please Flatpak by default
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1973747] [NEW] Please Flatpak by default
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973785] [NEW] lock screen message appeared during an SSH upgrade
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1973788] [NEW] package findutils 4.9.0-3
Heinrich Schuchardt
- [Bug 1973796] [NEW] autopkgtests fail on s390x with new libzstd
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1967015] Re: Release notes link in KDE frontend launches Kate
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1973747] Re: Please include Flatpak by default
Omer I.S.
- [Bug 1973801] [NEW] Please merge flash-kernel 3.106 from Debian unstable.
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1929038] Re: [SRU] Backport to 20.04 LTS
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1957190] Re: package systemd-timesyncd 245.4-4ubuntu3.14 failed to install/upgrade: package systemd-timesyncd is already installed and configured
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1973830] [NEW] Error upgrading from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04
- [Bug 1962454] Re: Oops pages show wrong time window in JournalErrors
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1962289] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1973827] Re: Laptop freezes when recovering from suspend / sleep mode
Alex Murray
- [Bug 1959375] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1973843] [NEW] upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 failed
simon peter
- [Bug 1959047] Re: systemd ignores RootDirectory option in .service units
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1959047] Update Released
Chris Halse Rogers
- [Bug 1972939] Re: Jammy tinc incompatibile with older (e.g. Xenial) tinc nodes
Nathan Stratton Treadway
- [Bug 1973889] [NEW] unattended-upgrades report should reference USNs
- [Bug 1888347] Re: blk-availability unmounts filesystems before applications have finished using them
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1974015] [NEW] apt.Cache(rootdir='/') causes PermissionError
Benjamin Drung
- [Bug 1959346] Re: Please merge iniparser 4.1-6 from Debian unstable
Benjamin Drung
- [Bug 1968259] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1940141] Please test proposed package
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1871465] Re: ssh_config(5) contains outdated information
Athos Ribeiro
- [Bug 1948376] Re: race condition in apport lead to Local Privilege Escalation
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1868517] Re: Stray /usr/.crates2.json file
- [Bug 1974035] [NEW] openssl: Merge 3.0.3-4 from Debian unstable
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1966364] Re: Error messages since last update
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1974037] [NEW] openssl: EVP_EC_gen() segfault without init
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1906476] Re: PANIC at zfs_znode.c:335:zfs_znode_sa_init() // VERIFY(0 == sa_handle_get_from_db(zfsvfs->z_os, db, zp, SA_HDL_SHARED, &zp->z_sa_hdl)) failed
Evan Mesterhazy
- [Bug 1897932] Re: systemd-repart not packaged
Luca Boccassi
- [Bug 1974046] Re: Please merge wget 1.21.3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Nathan Teodosio
- [Bug 1974046] [NEW] Please merge wget 1.21.3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1906187] Re: Top-level 'network' key results in error using v2 config
Brett Holman
- [Bug 1974067] [NEW] build bin:libnfsidmap-regex
Andreas Hasenack
- [Bug 1960824] Re: [MIR]: nfs-utils (regex plugin)
Andreas Hasenack
- [Bug 1974069] [NEW] warning: ‘__builtin_memset’ specified size between 18446744071562067968 and 184467440737095516 15 exceeds maximum object size 9223372036854775807
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1974075] [NEW] fwupd-refresh.service fails to start on focal
- [Bug 1930974] Re: software-properties-gtk is broken again
Christian Rauch
- [Bug 1900098] Re: software-properties-gtk fails to open with error
Christian Rauch
- [Bug 1859353] Re: software-properties-gtk not working
Christian Rauch
- [Bug 1974079] [NEW] Firefox and Thunderbird fail to open after recent updates
W.R James Barber
- [Bug 1970789] Re: Microsoft Code PlatformIO extension conflicts with brltty Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (USB ID 1a86:7523)
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1958224] Proposed package upload rejected
Steve Langasek
- [Bug 1974104] [NEW] package usrmerge 25ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: installed usrmerge package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Richard Kimball
- [Bug 1940141] Autopkgtest regression report (openssl/1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.18)
Ubuntu SRU Bot
- [Bug 1959408] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1959407] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1965614] Re: update-manager
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1970190] Re: [Feature]Wrong default vaule for Brazil Keyboard layout on ThinkPad
Bin Li
- [Bug 1974115] Re: [UBUNTU 22.04] BINUTILS: Adding new platform name IBM z16
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1974115] [NEW] [UBUNTU 22.04] BINUTILS: Adding new platform name IBM z16
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1974135] [NEW] Sync libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl 0.32-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1974157] [NEW] package grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.173+2.04-1ubuntu47 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
- [Bug 1904601] Re: lftp 4.8.1 crashes upon exit
Michael Brohl
- [Bug 1878617] Re: Apple pages file type should be added to MIME types
David D Lowe
- [Bug 1974177] [NEW] Please merge sbuild 0.83.1 from Debian unstable
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1974109] Re: [UBUNTU 22.04] zipl segfaults when "parameters=" is missing
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1974109] [NEW] [UBUNTU 22.04] zipl segfaults when "parameters=" is missing
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1974182] [NEW] Autopkgtest fails when HTTP proxy is used
Olivier Gayot
- [Bug 50093] Re: Some sysctls are ignored on boot
- [Bug 1974196] [NEW] Installing libudev1 on a new Jammy installation uninstalls many packages.
- [Bug 1937110] Re: dhcp option 121 & 249
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1974214] [NEW] Segfaults on sender verify callout, in _gnutls_trust_list_get_issuer
Malcolm Scott
- [Bug 1795278] Re: software-properties-{qt, kde} attempts to use KUrl but it doesn't exist
Leó Kolbeinsson
- [Bug 1974223] [NEW] FTBFS since changes in apt for automatic kernel removal
Olivier Gayot
- [Bug 1974233] [NEW] Merge nfs-utils from Debian unstable for kinetic
Andreas Hasenack
- [Bug 1880572] Re: package systemd-timesyncd 245.4-4ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: package systemd-timesyncd is already installed and configured
Seija K.
- [Bug 1974249] [NEW] package systemd 249.11-0ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: package systemd is already installed and configured
Seija K.
- [Bug 1971901] Re: dlltool uses non-unique temp filenames
Kevin Puetz
- [Bug 1970190] Re: [Feature]Wrong default value for Brazil Keyboard layout on ThinkPad
Bin Li
- [Bug 1974263] [NEW] online accounts crash during setup
- [Bug 1974277] [NEW] Please merge libgcrypt20 1.10.1-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1974281] [NEW] Openstack cloud-archive for Yoga only supported on Focal
- [Bug 1960119] Add IBM z16 as known machine to the architecture definitions
- [Bug 1960119] cpumf/lscpumf: Add IBM z16 extended counter set definitions
- [Bug 1926870] Re: python-debian has invalid version
- [Bug 1960119] Re: [22.04 FEAT] Add new CPU-MF Counters for new IBM Z Hardware - s390-tools part
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1966613] Re: Navigating with arrow keys broken for RTL text
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1974437] Re: [UBUNTU 20.04] CPU-MF: add extended counter set definitions for new IBM z16 - s390-tools part
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1974437] [NEW] [UBUNTU 20.04] CPU-MF: add extended counter set definitions for new IBM z16 - s390-tools part
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1974456] [NEW] regression: apt.postint fails if never previously configured
David Röthlisberger
- [Bug 1974461] [NEW] ask-for-password does not allow to toggle num-lock state
- [Bug 1876286] Re: Evolution reports "Error performing TLS handshake: Internal error in memory allocation."
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1871538] Re: dbus timeout-ed during an upgrade, taking services down including gdm
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1824260] Re: wrong kerning in SS-5 PDF form fields
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1497593] Re: [nouveau] Programs crash with SIGABRT in nouveau_pushbuf_data: Assertion `kref' failed.
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1553328] Re: Mir/Unity8/USC crashes/freezes on nouveau (nv50) in pushbuf_kref() especially with multiple monitors, webbrowser-app or system settings
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1838725] Re: Plymouth fails to display graphical splash screens on some machines, shows text mode dots animation instead.
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1836858] Re: Display flickers (monitor loses signal briefly) during "flickerfree" boot, while showing the BIOS logo on a black background
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1868240] Re: Nvidia (proprietary driver) systems will never see a plymouth splash screen (if they boot in less than 8 seconds)
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1869655] Re: Boot animations start too late to be useful
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1872159] Re: Boot animation never finishes, especially when external monitors (or just more than one) are connected
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1942987] Re: Live session shutdown prompt is missing, just keeps spinning
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1867130] Re: spinner theme doesn't support fsckd progress messages
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1881812] Re: gdm can't open session for ldap users with usernames that begin with a number
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1879417] Re: with default font, empty lines have different height to non-empty lines
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1872286] Re: gio - cifs mount smb not possible "Location is not mountable"
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1872153] Re: SIGSEGV in g_source_set_ready_time()
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1916701] Re: [glib2.0 2.67.4-1] Black screen on boot, login screen missing/delayed, eventually comes up without Wayland support (only Xorg sessions offered)
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1756006] Re: Support suspend-then-hibernate
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1864307] Re: Many apps have no icon in Software on Focal
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1903574] Re: isenkram-lookup crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1627564] Re: Various apps crash due to assertion failure in ensure_surface_for_gicon [gtkiconhelper.c:493/494]
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1930359] Re: glib2.0: Uninitialised memory is written to gschema.compiled, failure to parse this file leads to gdm, gnome-shell failing to start
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1700814] Re: Default capability of cap_setfcap+i should be set on setcap
Serge Hallyn
- [Bug 1974479] [NEW] Kubuntu 22.04 Dolphin authentication dialog failed
- [Bug 1930454] Re: support for .ko.hash signatures or .o -> ko -> detached signatures
Dimitri John Ledkov
- [Bug 1975337] [NEW] package shim-signed 1.33.1~16.04.10+15.4-0ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128
Emanoel Soares Amorim
- [Bug 1975347] [NEW] Backport OPENSSL_strcasecmp fixes from 3.0 branch
Davide Pesavento
- [Bug 1975359] [NEW] i was updating ubuntu 22.04 and having very many problems with booting harddrive
john king
- [Bug 1965643] Re: nfs mounts fail
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1965689] Re: Black screen instead grub menu at boot
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1975362] [NEW] Subiquity 435 does not detect my disk sdb
corrado venturini
- [Bug 1974598] Re: upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 failed
Paul White
- [Bug 1974598] [NEW] upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 failed
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1975365] [NEW] installer crash when creating partition manually (jammy)
- [Bug 713385] Re: netcfg/choose_interface=auto fails to find the right interface
- [Bug 1975388] [NEW] upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 while on rollbacked kernel 4.15-0-177 - package grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.167.2+2.04-1ubuntu44.2 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Bijo Alex Thomas
- [Bug 1975391] [NEW] Subiquity crashes if the hd contains a previous Proxmox PVE install
- [Bug 1931171] Re: kernel_lockdown(7) describes removed SysRq for lifting lockdown
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1912866] Re: [18.04.3] WLAN device disappear after upgrading linux-firmware-raspi2
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1308752] Re: Oem install Login fails on first reboot to user when different keyboard layouts are used
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1975421] [NEW] Make Plymouth hide ALL messages on boot, reboot, halt. Plymouth ignores --no-boot-log flag
Thomas Weissel
- [Bug 1881207] Re: systemd-networkd brings eno1 up and down repeatedly
Dan Streetman
- [Bug 1940715] Re: systemd-resolved restricts edns0 advertised max size to 512
Dan Streetman
- [Bug 1745754] Re: upgrading from an End of Life release is not easy peasy
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1975430] [NEW] I can select the Xorg Nouveau server, but not click on "apply"
Henning Sprang
- [Bug 1975433] [NEW] Allow skipping one LTS release, upgrading from version N.04LTS to N+2.04LTS
mai ling
- [Bug 1701222] Re: [Hyper-V] LIS daemons fail to start after disable/re-enable VM integration services
- [Bug 1975467] [NEW] package passwd 1:4.8.1-1ubuntu5.20.04 [modified: usr/bin/passwd usr/sbin/userdel] failed to install/upgrade: unable to make backup link of './usr/bin/passwd' before installing new version: Operation not permitted
Anton Chernenko
- [Bug 1354110] Re: Merge openssl 1.0.1i-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
- [Bug 1973156] Re: Ubiquity window resizes in an odd way during Ubuntu installation when clicking "Install Now" after inputting disk encryption details
Daniel van Vugt
- [Bug 119294] Re: OpenSSL should support VIA PadLock
- [Bug 591713] Re: Illegal instruction in AES ciphers on WinChip C6
- [Bug 989608] Re: upgrade crashes
- [Bug 1013012] Re: regression with sendmail and Android clients
- [Bug 1005169] Re: Regression bug after ssl update.
- [Bug 1971993] Re: [Ubuntu 22.04] s390-tools: subpackage chreipl-fcp-mpath installs files into wrong location and subsequently doesn't work
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1975496] [NEW] package openssh-server 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.5 failed to install/upgrade: installed openssh-server package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Frank Nemec
- [Bug 1948346] Re: package libnih1 1.0.3-6ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: package libnih1:amd64 (1.0.3-12) with field 'Multi-Arch: no' is not co-installable with libnih1 which has multiple installed instances
- [Bug 1975533] [NEW] No longer possible to use do-release-upgrade on Groovy
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1975541] [NEW] Remove charset-normalizer dependency
Lena Voytek
- [Bug 1943386] Re: Installer crashed while attempting btrfs on top of LUKS for root FS.
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1891110] Re: Focal ucf need redirect fixes backported to ensure working with config-package-dev
Stephen Fletcher
- [Bug 1975554] [NEW] Apply default TTL to records obtained from getaddrinfo(): Focal and beyond
Shyam Prasad
- [Bug 1975561] [NEW] package linux-image-5.13.0-44-generic 5.13.0-44.49~20.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Cecilia Lovasz-Monostory
- [Bug 1928441] Re: Fail in upgrade to 21.04
nick touran
- [Bug 1975576] [NEW] [SRU] Connect to WPA3 failed - Secrets were required, but not provided
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1950095] Re: [github] 20.04: Apt fails to download URLs with non-encoded querystrings
Bart Groeneveld
- [Bug 1936394] Re: /usr/share/doc-base/gcc-10-itm: 1 warning or non-fatal error found.
Laurent Bonnaud
- [Bug 1945906] Re: python3.9 crashed with SIGSEGV in xkl_engine_stop_listen()
Laurent Bonnaud
- [Bug 1967082] Re: SIGSEGV and out-of-bounds write during processing file via objdump
- [Bug 1975587] [NEW] systemd: fix test-execute autotest failure with kernel 5.15 in focal
Andrea Righi
- [Bug 1969375] Re: systemd-cryptenroll does not support TPM2 devices
Patrick Banholzer
- [Bug 1560722] Re: repositórios sumiram
Vlad Orlov
- [Bug 1619258] Re: netplan should allow NICs to be disconnected and not stall the boot
Tyler Bennett
- [Bug 1792544] Re: demotion of pcre3 (8.x) a.k.a pcre (without the 3) in favor of pcre2 (10.x)
Andreas Metzler
- [Bug 1975628] [NEW] package linux-image-5.4.0-114-generic 5.4.0-114.128 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Emmanuel Takor Iwuobi
- [Bug 1975639] [NEW] grub-installer
Agustin Lara
- [Bug 1975657] [NEW] Installer crashed on Raspberry Pi
- [Bug 1966407] Re: UI bug
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1975667] [NEW] systemd-resolved does not reset DNS server and search domain list properly after VPN disconnect
- [Bug 1975673] [NEW] libgpg-error/1.45-2 fails autopkgtest on i386
Lukas Märdian
- [Bug 1959548] Re: [22.04 FEAT] zcrypt DD: Exploitation Support of new IBM Z Crypto Hardware (s390-tools part)
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1975678] [NEW] Netplan generates the wrong YAML value when setting activation-mode=off
Isaac True
- [Bug 1968772] Re: Installation stuck on Hyper-V 2019
Joachim Lindenberg
- [Bug 1652269] Re: udev script shortcuts ifup-scripts
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1588915] Re: ifup does not block for interface to be up with static addresses
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1975716] [NEW] Installer crashed when installing fresh zfs encrypted option
- [Bug 1960717] Re: zsys-setup fails when ZFS-encryption chosen
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1960722] Re: ubiquity-zsys crashes when ZFS-encryption is chosen
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1524879] Re: initramfs-tools, Xenial is missing NVME kernel driver
Uriel Tunn
- [Bug 1672091] Re: eval packaging nvmet-cli as tool for nvme target configuration
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1975735] [NEW] Build with libedit support by default
Akbarkhon Variskhanov
- [Bug 874181] Re: brltty daemon prevents creation of ttyUSB0 device link
Gold Star
- [Bug 1971993] Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla
- [Bug 1975740] [NEW] ec2-instance-connect fails with cert validation on ubuntu 22.04
Jay Berkenbilt
- [Bug 1975747] [NEW] snapd-desktop-integration not installed on upgrade to Jammy
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1975751] Re: Can not update anything
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1975751] [NEW] Can not update anything
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1975785] [NEW] package initramfs-tools 0.136ubuntu6.7 failed to install/upgrade: installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
- [Bug 1964401] Re: Software Sources/software-properties-qt privilege escalation not accepting password
- [Bug 1965439] Re: applications can no longer launch when called by kdesu
- [Bug 1926139] Re: dhclient doesn't receive dhcp offer from kernel
Chris Patterson
- [Bug 1951988] Re: dpkg-source should fail if maintainer is not ubuntu and DEBEMAIL contains
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1975834] [NEW] cryptoswap stuck to /dev/sdb2 by name after installation
Michał Sawicz
- [Bug 1975843] [NEW] trouble with fresh install
steve wehrle
- [Bug 1975848] [NEW] gcc11 shows (maybe false positive) error about array-bounds
- [Bug 1975859] [NEW] RAID/LVM configuration doesn't display drives in selection menu
- [Bug 1975860] [NEW] RAID/LVM configuration doesn't display drives in selection menu
- [Bug 1975865] [NEW] Hash and size mismatch with
Gabriel M. Beddingfield
- [Bug 1966525] Re: version string incompatible with pkg_resources
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1975883] [NEW] package linux-image-5.15.0-33-generic 5.15.0-33.34 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postint/d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Jacques Amar
- [Bug 1933796] Re: resume from suspend while connected to power results in roaring fans
Kai-Heng Feng
- [Bug 1953573] Re: 1_5_X: No Prometheus IOTA Config on HP laptop with version 1.5.11
Andy Chi
- [Bug 1945288] Re: Search domains missing from resolv.conf stub
- [Bug 1962453] Please test proposed package
Robie Basak
- [Bug 1943049] Re: Docker ubuntu:impish: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke 'rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb /var/cache/apt/*.bin || true'
Vladimir Sergeev
- [Bug 1975927] [NEW] package linux-image-5.13.0-44-generic 5.13.0-44.49~20.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
Ketha Sravani
- [Bug 1968607] Re: screen became locked during release upgrade
Oli Wade
- [Bug 1976003] [NEW] Installer crashed
Ram Pratap Ranjan
- [Bug 1862053] Re: Compiler gets stuck (or extremely slow) on ppc64el
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1966381] Re: systemd-oomd is counting cached as used and triggering more easily than it should
Pirouette Cacahuète
- [Bug 1976129] [NEW] not able to upgrade
- [Bug 1976114] Re: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS : Failed to start Ubuntu live CD installer
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1976114] [NEW] Ubuntu 22.04 LTS : Failed to start Ubuntu live CD installer
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1976133] [NEW] resolvectl omits domains when mixing search and route params
- [Bug 1938144] Re: monitor_read: unpermitted request 48 on server while attempting GSSAPI key exchange
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1879146] Re: Cryptsetup ignoring KEYFILE_PATTERN
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1713803] Re: replacement of resolvconf with systemd needs integration
Martin-Éric Racine
- [Bug 1969416] Re: league of legends crashed
Paul White
- [Bug 1968625] Re: package vim-common 2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5.7 failed to install/upgrade: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration
Paul White
- [Bug 1976156] [NEW] Slow Grub Rendering on Lenovo Z50-75
Ricardo Almeida
- [Bug 1874381] Re: LVM device unavailable after 18.04 to 20.04 upgrade Timed out waiting for device /dev/mapper/s5lp8--v g-home
Frank Heimes
- [Bug 1976166] [NEW] An error leading to crash/clash in the execution of the programme
- [Bug 1976167] [NEW] lubuntu 16.04 frequent crashes
- [Bug 1976170] [NEW] Bad way to disable /etc/zsh/zshrc initializing the completion system
Eli Barzilay
- [Bug 1976173] [NEW] 20 gig sata
Jadon Fox
- [Bug 1962596] Re: package grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.167~16.04.6+2.04-1ubuntu44.1.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Bhag chand choudhary
- [Bug 1976177] [NEW] Ubiquity not using password provided by UI
Adam Szewczyk
- [Bug 1923845] Re: Please compress packages with zstd by default
Stephan Lachnit
- [Bug 917339] Re: 10mount: umount: /<<CHROOT>>/dev: device is busy
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 127626] Re: creat id by import from xp can't login
- [Bug 1976195] [NEW] Upgrade abort from ubuntu 20.04 to ubuntu 21.10
Mostafa Movahedi
- [Bug 1976201] [NEW] first time booting rpi2b crashed after setup wizard (location, timezone, login information)
Eric Scherzinger
- [Bug 1917993] Re: "Install Ubuntu 20.10" crashed
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1976218] [NEW] ubuntu budgie 20.0 chrashed unexpected
- [Bug 1844059] Re: Please apply mitigations for CVE-2019-13050
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1976226] [NEW] Missing symbol makes code unable to link
Cristian Morales Vega
- [Bug 1971128] Re: z3 is incorrectly marked as a MIR candidate
Simon Chopin
- [Bug 1976233] [NEW] "File has unexpected size" error on Focal ddebs repository
Juan Navarro
- [Bug 1933491] Re: kmod add zstd support
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1933491] Update Released
Łukasz Zemczak
- [Bug 1492621] Re: Cannot start VMs without routable IPv4 address
Christian Ehrhardt
- [Bug 1956059] Re: Backport gspawn fixes to impish
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1887270] Re: brisk-menu crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_free_chain_with_offset()
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1976257] [NEW] sbuild breaks lp-buildd with symlinks to .dsc files
Dave Jones
- [Bug 1976258] [NEW] icu ftbfs in the jammy release pocket
Matthias Klose
- [Bug 1976273] [NEW] xxhash ftbfs in jammy with -march=x86-64-v3
Matthias Klose
- [Bug 1969460] Re: software-properties-gtk crashed with TypeError in on_driver_selection_changed(): Expected a string or a pair of strings
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 1976287] [NEW] casper: qemu image too small in autopkgtest
Andrea Righi
- [Bug 1976291] [NEW] Installer crashed
Hiroki Saito
- [Bug 1976293] [NEW] 21.10 → 22.04: Installs *brltty* breaking FTDI USB serial devices
Paul Menzel
- [Bug 1970233] Re: SRU: update gcc-9/gcc-10/gcc-11/gcc-12 to the final gcc 9.5.0, 10.4.0, 11.3.0 and 12.1.0 releases
Matthias Klose
- [Bug 1976299] [NEW] FTBFS: unsupported hash type whirlpool
Andreas Hasenack
- [Bug 1968876] Re: ssh-agent: Error connecting to agent: Connection refused
- [Bug 1915020] Re: Can't open /etc/popularity-contest.conf
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1834250] Re: update-grub complains about non-existent drives (due to cardreader)
Mauricio Faria de Oliveira
- [Bug 1976302] [NEW] software-properties Additional Drivers tab informational text enhancement
Little Girl
- [Bug 1976303] [NEW] auto
Wishwa Prabodha
- [Bug 1976306] [NEW] package grub-common 2.04-1ubuntu26.13 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-common package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Steve Beamer
- [Bug 1976313] [NEW] GPG Key Expired
- [Bug 1967209] Re: libpsl5 symlink error
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1842320] Re: Out of Memory on boot with 5.2.0 kernel
- [Bug 1941909] Re: bug in boost 1.74
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1959503] Re: boost 1.74 2 years old and not C++20 compatible
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1976339] [NEW] Openssl update to 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.20+esm3 Breaks Php Openssl_get_cipher_methods Function
Dimitar Dimitrov
- [Bug 1976341] [NEW] the .netrc man page neglects to disclose the format for the password string
Bill Yikes
- [Bug 1971901]
- [Bug 1976352] [NEW] The plymouth label pulls in too many dependencies
Alfonso Sanchez-Beato
- [Bug 1964494] Re: Setting DuplicateAddressDetection=none doesn't disable DAD for link-local IPs
Dan Streetman
- [Bug 1862760] Re: Unreliable 802.11ac connection on our raspi images
Juerg Haefliger
- [Bug 1976427] [NEW] installer crashed from Live USB
- [Bug 1943178] Re: Update fwupd in focal to 1.5.12 to fix "Document must begin with an element" error
Mihai Capotă
Last message date:
Tue May 31 23:43:45 UTC 2022
Archived on: Tue May 31 23:50:46 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).