May 2016 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon May 2 02:27:18 UTC 2016
Ending: Tue May 31 17:16:55 UTC 2016
Messages: 121
- Static Analysis tests
Andrew Wilkins
- adding unit tests that take a long time
Nate Finch
- Reminder: write tests fail first
Andrew Wilkins
- Machine agents uninstall themselves upon worker.ErrTerminateAgent.
Eric Snow
- Please run go test -race before pushing code
Cheryl Jennings
- lxd init on 16.04
Daniel Bidwell
- Subordinate charm not initialising
Brad Marshall
- incorrect private address when using manual provider
James Beedy
- Connecting to the controller database w/mongodb 3.2
Casey Marshall
- Juju devel 2.0-beta7 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- go test takes > 10 minutes to run
David Cheney
- The mean time for a CI run has risen to 33 minutes
David Cheney
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
David Cheney
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Martin Packman
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
David Cheney
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Horacio Duran
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
David Cheney
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Christian Muirhead
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
roger peppe
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Christian Muirhead
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Christian Muirhead
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
David Cheney
- Today I submitted 5 PR's to be merged, 3 failed because mongo shat itself
Christian Muirhead
- Three CI builds in the last 48 hours have failed because launchpad had a lie down
David Cheney
- Awful dependency problem caused by romulus
David Cheney
- Unable to add machine that uses public/private key based authentication
phani shankar
- Specifying bootstrap machine agent details using ip address
phani shankar
- natefinch/npipe/v2 does not support the POSIX read/close semantics juju needs
David Cheney
- Quick win - juju check
Tim Penhey
- Fixing "juju help commands"
Tim Penhey
- Tech board agenda
David Cheney
- admin model now called "controller" model
Nate Finch
- maas 2.0 beta 3
Daniel Bidwell
- Juju on Synnefo - which version?
Stavros Sachtouris
- Docker compose in Juju
Gayan Gunarathne
Last message date:
Tue May 31 17:16:55 UTC 2016
Archived on: Tue May 31 17:17:11 UTC 2016
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