incorrect private address when using manual provider

James Beedy jamesbeedy at
Fri May 13 14:21:22 UTC 2016

This issue also exists in a different incantation using MAAS provider. I always figured it was because MAAS not being able to control which interface gets dhcp response last, and subsequently routes set. With MAAS it always seemed to be that last one up wins. My solution has been to use not MAAS  provisioned dhcp on my not Maas-mgmt subnets, and to not set the gateway by means of dhcp on those subnets. This issue still exists in Juju/MAAS 2.0 series, and would be nice to find a solid fix for it. I've been trying to motivate the MAAS guys to give this some love from their end, but now I'm thinking this could be more of a general fix in Juju .... somewhere that deals with interface selection ..... Possibly a 'primary' flag?

> On 5 May 2016 at 01:45, Matt Rae <matt.rae at> wrote:
> Hi we're seeing an issue where the juju private-address is chosen
> incorrectly when using the manual provider on a host with multiple
> interfaces.
> Are there any details regarding how the private-address is chosen when
> using the manual provider?
> Matt

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