Connecting to the controller database w/mongodb 3.2

Horacio Duran horacio.duran at
Fri May 13 16:17:20 UTC 2016

so, for case 1) this link explains how to add the repo
for 2) following should work

On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Casey Marshall <
casey.marshall at> wrote:

> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Horacio Duran <
> horacio.duran at> wrote:
>> By connect I assume you mean to use the shell, for this you need the
>> mongodb-org papa and install mongodb-org-shell, I am currently on the phone
>> but as soon as I get to a computer I'll send you links
> Well, for use case #1, yes, use the shell.
> For use case #2, I'd be using, which uses
> mgo.v2 and just needs a mongodb URI
> <>
> .
>> On Friday, 13 May 2016, Casey Marshall <casey.marshall at>
>> wrote:
>>> I seem to be unable to connect to the Juju 2.0 controller database
>>> lately. I'm thinking this might be related to the move to mongodb 3.2.
>>> Can someone in the know please share how to do this? While most users
>>> should never, ever connect directly to the controller's database, I have
>>> two good use cases for it:
>>> 1. It's sometimes necessary for debugging the state of a live controller.
>>> 2. I'd like to instrument a controller's mongodb with,
>>> but in order to do this, I need to derive the new connection info.
>>> Much thanks,
>>> Casey
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