Machine agents uninstall themselves upon worker.ErrTerminateAgent.

Andrew Wilkins andrew.wilkins at
Mon May 9 09:03:46 UTC 2016

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 4:38 PM William Reade <william.reade at>

> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Andrew Wilkins <
> andrew.wilkins at> wrote:
>> The reason it's done at the last moment is to avoid having dangling
>>> database entries. If we uninstall the agent (i.e. delete /var/lib/juju,
>>> remove systemd/upstart), then if the agent fails before we get to
>>> EnsureDead, then the entity will never be removed from state.
>> The *only* thing that should happen after setting dead is the uninstall
>> -- anything else that's required to happen before cleanup *must* happen
>> before setting dead, which *means* "all my responsibilities are 100%
>> fulfilled".
> > I don't think I suggested above that we should do anything else other
> than uninstall?
> Sorry I misunderstood -- I was focused on the loop-device stuff that had
> grown in the uninstall logic.
>> The *only* justification for the post-death logic in the manual case is
>>> because there's no responsible provisioner component to hand over to -- and
>>> frankly I wish we'd just written that to SSH in and clean up, instead of
>>> taking on this ongoing hassle.
>> As an alternative, we could (should) only ever write the
>>>> /var/lib/juju/uninstall-agent file from worker/machiner, first checking
>>>> there's no assigned units, and no storage attached.
>>> Why would we *ever* want to write it at runtime? We know if it's a
>>> manual machine at provisioning time, so we can write the File Of Death
>>> OAOO. All the other mucking about with it is the source of these (serious!)
>>> bugs.
>> The point is not to distinguish between manual vs. non-manual. Yes, we
>> can write something that records that fact OAOO.
>> The point of "write from the machiner" was to signal that the machine is
>> actually dead, and removed from state, vs. "my credentials are invalid,
>> better shut down now".
> Yeah, we definitely shouldn't return ErrTerminateAgent from apicaller on
> mere invalid-credentials. (No worker should return ErrTerminateAgent *at
> all*, really -- not their job. Having a couple of different workers that
> can return ErrAgentEntityDead, which can then be interpreted by the next
> layer? Fine :).)
>> So we can write a file to confine uninstall to manual machines -- that
>> much is easy, I don't think anyone will disagree with doing that. But we
>> should not ignore the bug that prompted this thread, even if it's confined
>> to manual machines.
> Right; and, yeah, it's almost certainly better to leak manual machines
> than it is to uninstall them accidentally -- so long as we know that's the
> tradeoff we're making ;).
>> Andrew, I think you had more detail last time we discussed this: is there
>>>>> anything else in uninstall (besides loop-device stuff) that needs to run
>>>>> *anywhere* except a manual machine? and, what will we actually need to sync
>>>>> with in the machiner? (or, do you have alternative ideas?)
>>>> No, I don't think there is anything else to be done in uninstall, apart
>>>> from loop detach and manual machine cleanup. I'm not sure about moving the
>>>> uninstall logic to the machiner, for reasons described above. We could
>>>> improve the current state of affairs, though, by only writing the
>>>> uninstall-agent file from the machiner
>>> Strong -1 on moving uninstall logic: if it has to happen (which it does,
>>> in *rare* cases that are *always* detectable pre-provisioning), uninstall
>>> is where it should happen, post-machine-death; and also strong -1 on
>>> writing uninstall-agent in *any* circumstances except manual machine
>>> provisioning, we have had *way* too many problems with this "clever"
>>> feature being invoked when it shouldn't be.
>> I don't want to belabour the point, but just to be clear: the
>> uninstall-agent file exists to record the fact that he machine is in fact
>> Dead, and uninstall should go ahead. That logic was put in specifically to
>> prevent the referenced bug. We can and should improve it to only do this
>> for manual machines.
> Meta: a name like "uninstall-agent" is really misleading if it actually
> means "machine-X is definitely dead". I never had the slightest indication
> that was what it was meant to mean. But in that case, why *don't* we write
> the file on certain API connection failures? There is logic that
> *explicitly* checks if the machine is Dead -- surely that's a trigger too?

We do, but it looks like we've regressed since the MADE branch landed.
api.ErrConnectImpossible now causes uninstall-agent, which means a
(possibly temporary) authorization error will once again cause an uninstall:

FWIW, the loop stuff can be dropped when the LXC container support is
>>>> removed. Nobody ever added support for loop in the LXD provider, and I
>>>> think we should implement support for it differently to how it was done for
>>>> LXC anyway (losetup on host, expose to container; as opposed to expose all
>>>> loop devices to all LXD containers and losetup in container).
>>> +1000 to that. So... can't we just (1) fix the manual provisioning to
>>> write the file; (2) drop all other use of uninstall-agent; (3) drop the
>>> lxc-specific logic in uninstall -- and then we're done?
>> For first steps, I think so. But I do think we should fix
>> for manual machines as
>> well. So:
>>  (1) record (in agent config?) that a machine is manual
>>  (2) only ever do anything uninstall-related for manual machines
>>  (3) only ever do uninstall-related things if the machine actually is Dead
>>  (4) drop lxc-specific logic from uninstall *when LXC support is removed*
> Generally SGTM, but confused re (4) -- doesn't that have to be
> fixed/moved/removed first earlier, so that we can switch off the suicide
> behaviour in other cases without regressing?

We can remove the LXC/loop bits now if we're fine with leaking loop
devices, which is probably OK assuming we are actually removing LXC before
2.0. Loop devices has to be explicitly enabled anyway.

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