Tech board agenda

David Cheney david.cheney at
Wed May 25 06:49:55 UTC 2016

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 4:14 PM, Andrew Wilkins
<andrew.wilkins at> wrote:
> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 1:43 PM David Cheney <david.cheney at>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Several times over this week there has been a call to do X to bring an
>> issue to the tech board's attention.
>> Sadly X has generally be "email", which in my mind is a shitty way of
>> tabling issues for discussion.
>> - Is there an agenda for the tech board?
> Usually.

Is there an agenda document that can be shared ?

>> - Is there a way to add items for the tech board to discuss?
> Currently email, or message one of us on IRC? Do you have alternative
> suggestions?

I'd like to be able to add them to the tech board agenda.

> If someone were going to put forward a significant proposal, it might be
> worth writing up a google doc and sending it to juju-dev. The less
> bike-shedding the better, though.

This is contradictory to the advice I've revived from others who say
things like "make sure you email juju-dev so the tech board see it". I
think there is some confusion how items are to be communicated.

>> - Is there a mechanism for the tech board to communicate the results
>> of their deliberations on said items?
> So far we haven't needed to, because we've been focused on sprint-related
> things only. I imagine that would be an email to juju-dev, though. Do you
> have alternative suggestions?

I'd love it if you would take meeting minutes on your agenda.

>> Thank you for your time
>> Dave

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