Fixing "juju help commands"

Katherine Cox-Buday katherine.cox-buday at
Wed May 25 14:12:09 UTC 2016

I think this has come up before on this list, but: isn't having 2 sets of commands in the first place a design smell? If we need aliases because users aren't using the originals, then  shouldn't we fix the original commands?

Tim Penhey <tim.penhey at> writes:

> On 25/05/16 00:12, Marco Ceppi wrote:
>> Even if you don't expect people to run them, hidding them seems
>> awkward.
>> Better to simply educate with good help output about what the
>> command
>> does and when/why use the command.
> Was thinking, perhaps it would be better to have a feature flag to use
> the "hidden" commands instead of the ability to hide commands.
> If you set the feature flag, you get the additional commands, and they
> show up in help etc.  That way a way to get users to run them could be
> something like:
>   JUJU_FEATURE_FLAGS=dev-debug juju dump-model
> or something like that.
> Tim


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