November 2014 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Nov 1 14:13:18 UTC 2014
Ending: Fri Nov 28 01:18:56 UTC 2014
Messages: 122
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
Aaron Bentley
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
John Meinel
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
Kapil Thangavelu
- how to update dependencies.tsv
roger peppe
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
Aaron Bentley
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
Dimiter Naydenov
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
Gustavo Niemeyer
- supplement open--port/close-port with ensure-these-and-only-these-ports?
Gustavo Niemeyer
- New 1.21 branch, master is now 1.22
Martin Packman
- New 1.21 branch, master is now 1.22
Alexis Bruemmer
- Docs on how to write a provider?
Nate Finch
- Docs on how to write a provider?
John Meinel
- Someone fixed the security issue with --debug?
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- how to update dependencies.tsv
Tim Penhey
- how to update dependencies.tsv
Andrew Wilkins
- Someone fixed the security issue with --debug?
Andrew Wilkins
- Juju devel 1.21-beta1 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Splitting cloud credentials out of config.Config
Tim Penhey
- Splitting cloud credentials out of config.Config
roger peppe
- review board not syncing?
Jesse Meek
- review board not syncing?
Menno Smits
- PSA: juju/utils/set/{Strings, Tags} cannot be used without initalisation
David Cheney
- Reminder, master is *not* 1.21
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- review board not syncing?
Eric Snow
- Automatic environment filtering for DB queries
Menno Smits
- 1.21.0 release notes draft
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Can we removed all devel agents from released streams.
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Can we removed all devel agents from released streams.
Ian Booth
- Please stop adding dependencies to the state package
David Cheney
- Can we removed all devel agents from released streams.
Horacio Duran
- Please stop adding dependencies to the state package
Eric Snow
- Please stop adding dependencies to the state package
David Cheney
- Can we removed all devel agents from released streams.
John Meinel
- Can we removed all devel agents from released streams.
Ian Booth
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Mario Splivalo
- Juju devel 1.21-beta2 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- reviewboard update
Eric Snow
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Stuart Bishop
- reviewboard update
Nate Finch
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Ian Booth
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Stuart Bishop
- reviewboard update
Dimiter Naydenov
- reviewboard update
Eric Snow
- github-reviewboard integration for more repos
Eric Snow
- reviewboard update
John Meinel
- Automatic environment filtering for DB queries
John Meinel
- Automatic environment filtering for DB queries
Tim Penhey
- New checker "jc.IsNil"
Tim Penhey
- New checker "jc.IsNil"
John Meinel
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Ian Booth
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Kapil Thangavelu
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Stuart Bishop
- New checker "jc.IsNil"
roger peppe
- Fwd: New checker "jc.IsNil"
roger peppe
- Automatic environment filtering for DB queries
Menno Smits
- juju devel 1.21-beta3 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Too space, or not two space
Jesse Meek
- Too space, or not two space
David Cheney
- Too space, or not two space
Jesse Meek
- Too space, or not two space
John Weldon
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Jorge Niedbalski
- Too space, or not two space
Nate Finch
- Too space, or not two space
Nick Veitch
- Too space, or not two space
Tim Penhey
- Too space, or not two space
Dimiter Naydenov
- Too space, or not two space
roger peppe
- Too space, or not two space
Ales Stimec
- Too space, or not two space
Matthew Williams
- Too space, or not two space
Frank Mueller
- Too space, or not two space
Dimiter Naydenov
- Too space, or not two space
Nate Finch
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
William Reade
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
William Reade
- Too space, or not two space
Nick Veitch
- Too space, or not two space
Eric Snow
- Too space, or not two space
Eric Snow
- Too space, or not two space
Julian Edwards
- Too space, or not two space
David Cheney
- 1.21 critical issue - fixing juju-run
Tim Penhey
- Automatic environment filtering for DB queries
Jesse Meek
- 1.21 critical issue - fixing juju-run
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- m1.small rapidly becoming a scarce commodity
Nate Finch
- m1.small rapidly becoming a scarce commodity
Aaron Bentley
- It's Friday, results are in on spaces issue
Jesse Meek
- It's Friday, results are in on spaces issue
Nate Finch
- It's Friday, results are in on spaces issue
Tim Penhey
- juju 2.20.12 is proposed
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- juju 1.20.12 is proposed for release
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- juju 2.20.12 is proposed
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- It's Friday, results are in on spaces issue
Jesse Meek
- Juju stable 1.20.12 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- juju stable 1.20.13 is proposed
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Feature Request: show running relations in 'juju status'
Stuart Bishop
- Fwd: New checker "jc.IsNil"
Tim Penhey
- Fwd: New checker "jc.IsNil"
Tim Penhey
- Fwd: New checker "jc.IsNil"
John Meinel
- Fwd: New checker "jc.IsNil"
roger peppe
- Fwd: New checker "jc.IsNil"
Tim Penhey
- Checker renamed: jc.IsNil -> jc.ErrorIsNil
Tim Penhey
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Tim Penhey
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Katherine Cox-Buday
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Andrew Wilkins
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Tim Penhey
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
John Meinel
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Ian Booth
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Tim Penhey
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
John Meinel
- Could someone double check this please
Jesse Meek
- godeps heads up
roger peppe
- godeps heads up
roger peppe
- juju stable 1.20.13 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Casey Marshall
- ISSUE with juju 1.21-beta3
Tim Penhey
- ISSUE with juju 1.21-beta3
Tim Penhey
- Also found all-machines.log issue with 1.21
Tim Penhey
- Also found all-machines.log issue with 1.21
Tim Penhey
- Also found all-machines.log issue with 1.21
Menno Smits
- Also found all-machines.log issue with 1.21
Menno Smits
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
William Reade
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
John Meinel
- Proposal: feature flag implementation for Juju
Tim Penhey
Last message date:
Fri Nov 28 01:18:56 UTC 2014
Archived on: Fri Nov 28 01:19:13 UTC 2014
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).